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american immigration lawyers association eb-5 ... - AILA webCLE

american immigration lawyers association eb-5 ... - AILA webCLE


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(c)8 U.S.C. § 1324a – Unlawful employment of aliens(i)“It is unlawful for a person or other entity…to hire, orto recruit or refer for a fee, for employment in theUnited States an alien knowing the alien is anunauthorized alien” 8 U.S.C. § 1324a(a)(1)(d)8 U.S.C. § 1324c – Penalties for document fraud(i)“It is unlawful for any person or entity knowingly—(1) to forge, counterfeit, alter, or falsely make anydocument for the purpose of satisfying a requirementof this Act or to obtain a benefit under this Act,(2) to use, attempt to use, possess, obtain, accept, orreceive or to provide any forged, counterfeit, altered,or falsely made document in order to satisfy anyrequirement of this Act or to obtain a benefit under thisAct” 8 U.S.C. § 1324c(a)(ii)(iii)A civil penalty under this statute does not violateDouble Jeopardy Clause when assessed after acriminal conviction for same conduct. Noriega-Perezv. United States, 179 F.3d 1166 (9th Cir. 1999)Criminal prosecution of <strong>lawyers</strong>(1) In July 2004, Manlin Chee, an <strong>immigration</strong>lawyer in Greensboro, NC, was indicted onfederal charges of conspiring to provide falsedocumentation as well harboring a fugitive.Arraignment Will Be Reset For Accused CheeHelpers, NEWS & RECORD (Greensboro, NC),July 7, 2004, at B2. In November 2004, Ms.Chee pleaded guilty to conspiring to defraud theUnited States by submitting false paperwork onbehalf of immigrant clients. Jim Schlosser,Chee’s Backers Buy Ad, NEWS & RECORD(Greensboro, NC), Jan. 17, 2005, at B1(e)8 U.S.C. § 1325 – Improper entry by alien; marriage fraud;<strong>immigration</strong>-related entrepreneurship fraud13us\JUCEARO\7667714.1

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