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american immigration lawyers association eb-5 ... - AILA webCLE

american immigration lawyers association eb-5 ... - AILA webCLE


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(a)(b)In the Matter of Libby D. Salberg, 713 N.Y.S.2d 181- attorneydisbarred following convictions of the Federal felonies ofconspiracy to commit <strong>immigration</strong> fraud, <strong>immigration</strong> fraudand conspiracy to obstruct justice after attorney willfully andknowingly presented information to the Immigration andNaturalization Service of more than 25 visa applications thatcontained false statements of material fact.Matter of Jon E. Purizhansky, 840 N.Y.S.2d 846- attorneysuspended after filing a letter containing false statements insupport of an application for a temporary work visa.2. Engaging in frivolous behavior or engaging in conduct thatconstitutes ineffective assistance of counsel(a)(b)In the Matter of Baird Cuber, 796 N.Y.S.2d 4- attorneysuspended for neglecting to pursue <strong>immigration</strong> matters anddisplaying professional incompetence including utilizing theservices of a nonlawyer illegal <strong>immigration</strong> service.In the Matter of Mitchel O. Bechet, 693 N.Y.S.2d 40- attorneysuspended (later disbarred for failure to comply withdisciplinary committee) for failing to obtain the necessarypapers for client and concealing from client the fact that twosubmissions of their asylum applications had been returnedby the Immigration and Naturalization Service as incomplete.3. Forging or falsifying documents(a)(b)In the matter of Elizabeth Cohen, 831 N.Y.S.2d 141- attorneysuspended for backdating an <strong>immigration</strong> related documentsubmitted to two government agencies, falsely suggesting thatthe backdated documents had been filed timely.In the matter of Toritsefe Nanna, 778 N.Y.S.2d 681- attorneysubmitted affidavit of resignation from the practice of law(which was accepted) after creating false documents for herclient files including completed visa applications that shesigned and backdated to make them look as if they had beenfiled, supporting letters from employers which she signed andbackdated, and a Department of Labor certification that shealtered to fit four other client matters.37us\JUCEARO\7667714.1

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