VideoSMS/Client Application Programming Interface ... - MCTel

VideoSMS/Client Application Programming Interface ... - MCTel

VideoSMS/Client Application Programming Interface ... - MCTel


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Networking functionsSMS_LoginGateway*userIdVMS Usage: pointertype: pointer to character stringaccess: read onlymechanism: by referencePointer to a character string storing the user identification (username) (onUnix and Windows the string ends by a null character, on OpenVMS thestring is passed by descriptor).*userPasswordVMS Usage: pointeurtype: pointer to character stringaccess: read onlymechanism: by referencePointer to a character string storing the user password (on Unix andWindows the string ends by a null character, on OpenVMS the string ispassed by descriptor).*SystemIdVMS Usage: pointertype: pointer to character stringaccess: read onlymechanism: by referencePointer to a character string storing the system and application specific(SystemId) of calling system (on Unix and Windows, the string ends by anull character, on OpenVMS the string is passed by descriptor).LoginOptFlagsVMS Usage: longwordtype: SMSLoginOptaccess: read onlymechanism: by valueLongword allowing to specify options. The flag SMSLoginOpt_ReceiveOnlymay be set to specify the application is to connect as a receiver onlyto receive incoming SMS-MO or acknowledgements for SMS-MT eitherpreviously submitted or submitted by another thread.NbrCreditsVMS Usage: pointertype: pointer to longwordaccess: write onlymechanism: by referenceNumber of credits on the user account, if applicable (e.g. prepaid account),otherwise 0.DESCRIPTIONThis function is used to authenticate the user account on the MCTEL SMSGateway. It is necessary to specify the company username and password,and in case of subaccounts the subaccount (user) username and password.The calling application may specify an unique application or account name(systemid) managing the SMS.4–5

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