VideoSMS/Client Application Programming Interface ... - MCTel

VideoSMS/Client Application Programming Interface ... - MCTel

VideoSMS/Client Application Programming Interface ... - MCTel


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Premium SMS Session Management FunctionsSMS_GetSessionInfoSMS_GetSessionInfo—Get session informationcontextThis function gets the session information context.FORMAT SMS_GetSessionData UInt32 *ConnectId, *SessionRETURNSVMS Usage: cond_valuestype: longwordaccess: read onlymechanism: by valueARGUMENTSConnectIdVMS Usage: pointertype: pointer to longwordaccess: read onlymechanism: by referenceUnique connection id, initialized by the function SMS_ConnectGateway.*SessionVMS Usage: pointertype: pointer to SMSSession structureaccess: write onlymechanism: by referencePointer to a SMSSession type structure.DESCRIPTIONThis function returns the main informations of the session, including:• the unique user session number. A single Premium SMS session mayinclude several requests processed sequentially (couples of SMS-MOrequests/SMS-MT answers).• the calling user phone number. In some countries and network, theuser mobile MSISDN is obfuscated and replaced by an alias by thenetwork operator to prohibit the SMS Premium information providerto store the phone numbers in a database for commercial or marketingpurposes.• Premium SMS number called by user.• data request (SMS-MO content), encoded to ISO 8858-1 alphabet bydefault except if another alphabet is specified.• request sequence number, beginning to 1 for the first SMS-MO requestand incremented by 1 for each new SMS-MO received from the user.7–4

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