VideoSMS/Client Application Programming Interface ... - MCTel

VideoSMS/Client Application Programming Interface ... - MCTel

VideoSMS/Client Application Programming Interface ... - MCTel


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9Examples9.1 Visual Basic SMS send programThis Visual Basic program will send a SMS and check in real time itstransmission status.Example 9–1Visual Basic SMS send exampleVERSION 5.00Begin VB.Form DemoFormCaption = "Demo SMS API - MCTEL"<strong>Client</strong>Height = 3105<strong>Client</strong>Left = 60<strong>Client</strong>Top = 450<strong>Client</strong>Width = 7560LinkTopic = "Form1"ScaleHeight = 3105ScaleWidth = 7560StartUpPosition = 3 ’Windows DefaultBegin VB.TextBox MotDePasseHeight = 375IMEMode = 3 ’DISABLELeft = 1440PasswordChar = "*"TabIndex = 2Top = 675Width = 1695EndBegin VB.TextBox CompteHeight = 375Left = 1440TabIndex = 1Top = 200Width = 1695EndBegin VB.CommandButton BtStatutCaption = "Request status for last send"Height = 495Left = 4560TabIndex = 5Top = 840Width = 2295EndBegin VB.TextBox NumeroHeight = 375Left = 1920TabIndex = 3Text = "+336"Top = 1515Width = 1575EndBegin VB.CommandButton BtEnvoyerCaption = "Send test message"Height = 495Left = 720Example 9–1 Cont’d on next page9–1

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