Essential Journalism and Media Writing - It works - Казанский ...

Essential Journalism and Media Writing - It works - Казанский ...

Essential Journalism and Media Writing - It works - Казанский ...


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Since the audience is the source of profits, mass communication organizations competewith one another as they attempt to attract an audience. This should come as no surprise toanyone who has ever watched television or passed a magazine st<strong>and</strong>. The major TV net<strong>works</strong>compete with one another to get high ratings. Millions of dollars are spent each year inpromoting the new fall season. Radio stations compete with other stations that have similarformats. Some even give away prizes for listening; others play more music. Record companiesspend large sums promoting their records, hoping to outsell their competitors. Dailynewspapers compete with weeklies <strong>and</strong> radio <strong>and</strong> television. Time competes with Newsweek.Motion picture companies gamble millions on films in an effort to compete successfully.Ex.1.Divide the text into logical parts.Ex.2.Give a title to each paragraph of the text.Ex.3.Express the main idea of each paragraph in a single sentence in English.Ex.4. Summarize the text in brief.15

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