July 2007 - Southern Adventist University

July 2007 - Southern Adventist University

July 2007 - Southern Adventist University


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South Atlantic NewsBethany Students Win Big in Spelling BeeSix Bethany students were winners of theSpelling Bee.The students of BethanyChristian Academy tookcommand of the Central andSouth Georgia Annual SpellingBee held at Wimbish<strong>Adventist</strong> Academy in Macon,Ga., on March 28, <strong>2007</strong>.The Bee included schoolsin the Georgia-CumberlandConference: Columbus,James Simmons, amember of McClellanville,S.C., church, recently receivedthe Jefferson Award,honoring him for communityservice.The community knowshim affectionately as “thegarbage man,” but Simmonsis always collecting newtitles because he never saysno to someone in need. HeMacon, Oglethorpe,Lakeland,LaGrange,and Savannah.The SouthAtlantic schoolswere Albanyand Macon.In an effort toencourage selfconfidenceandto foster camaraderieamong theschools, every student fromevery school participated.There were threespelling divisions: DivisionI—grades one andtwo; Division II—gradesthree to five; and DivisionIII—grades six to eight.Each division had threewinners: first, second, andthird place, with nine totalwinners. Bethany ChristianAcademy garnered six ofthe nine winning positions.In Division I the word listwas exhausted, and the remainingspellers were askedto spell challenge words,words they had not studied.In addition to learningto spell the words onthe word list, the studentsworked on word endings,etymologies, alternate pronunciations,and sentenceusage of the words.Bethany congratulatesCaleb Lewis, Division I, firstplace; DeAisha Watson,Division I, second place;Maria Randall, Division II,is also the “taxi man,” the“fix-it man,” the “groceryman,” the “preacher man,”and the “mentoring man.”The women who enjoyquilting at the Santee Seniorand Community Center say,“He walks in the footstepsof Jesus.” The men say,“You can call on him day ornight.”The director of the centerrecounted, “This is hisministry. Many of the peoplehe helps don’t have carsand live alone. We can’t dowithout him.” His ministryblossomed when he startedgiving Bible studies at thecenter six years ago. Simmonswill tell you he helpspeople because that’s theway his family got by whenhe was a young boy.first place; Precious Walker,Division II, second place;Joycelyn Warren, DivisionIII, second place; and RaymondWell, Jr., Division III,third place.Language arts is a majorpart of the curriculum atBethany. Students in gradesone to three have successfullywritten their first book.Each of the members ofthe “Young Authors Club”wrote a 15-page book onthe subject of their choicewhich was complete withillustrations. The influenceand the creativity of theirteacher, Janice Stevenson,has led to their success asyoung writers.—BY SHERIDAN ALBERTMcClellanville Member Receives the Jefferson AwardThe Jefferson Award isgiven to individuals in fivecategories, one of which isrendering public service.Out of 40 individuals in thegroup, Simmons was amongthe six finalists. From thatgroup one will go to Washington,D.C., for nationalrecognition.—BY WILLIE DUPREEPASTORS IN TRANSITIONPASTOR FROM TOMark Golson Savannah, Ga.-West Broad Wilmington/Reiglewood, N.C.Nathaniel Good High Point/Lexington, N.C. Spartanburg, S.C./Shelby, N.C.Crawford Humphrey Lillington/Sanford, N.C. Fayetteville/Clinton, N.C.Michael Miller Fayetteville/Clinton, N.C. Charlotte-Trinity/Salisbury, N.C.Carl McRoy Spartanburg, S.C./Shelby, N.C. Conference Publishing DirectorDavid Smith Wilmington/Reiglewood, N.C. Savannah, Ga.-West BroadAlex Todd Orangeburg/Denmark, S.C. High Point/Lexington, N.C.Keith Woodard ---------------------------- Burlington/Reidsville, N.C.<strong>July</strong> <strong>2007</strong> • TIDINGS 19

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