July 2007 - Southern Adventist University

July 2007 - Southern Adventist University

July 2007 - Southern Adventist University


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South Central NewsAnna Knight Honored by Dedication in IndiaThe legacy and thehard work of a youngMississippi girl who taughtherself to read and write isstill providing life-changingexperiences aroundthe world.In May, 1901, Dr.Harvey Kellogg sent forAnna Knight to attend theGeneral Conference atBattle Creek as a delegateto help represent themedical missionary andself-supporting work ofthe Battle Creek graduateswho were sent out intovarious places. During herattendance at the GeneralConference session, sheheard about the need fortwo trained nurses to go toIndia. From years past, herdesire was to go to Indiato help the women there.On May 26, 1901, Annaand her classmate DonnaHumphrey sailed to thisunknown mission field andlanded in Calcutta, India,in June. She spent six-anda-halfyears fulfilling herdream serving as a nurseand teacher. Knight traveledall over India sellingliterature and conductingBible studies.More than 100 yearslater, this Mississippi girl’swork was not forgotten.Harold Lee, former presidentof Columbia UnionConference, sponsoredand endorsed a MissionsAbroad initiative during2001-2006. This was aprogram designed to assistthe Seventh-day <strong>Adventist</strong>Church in developing variousmission programs inthe world as they engagedin sharing God’s love. Asa result of the generosityof the Columbia UnionConference, Kettering<strong>Adventist</strong> Healthcare, and<strong>Adventist</strong> Healthcare, anurses’ dorm was built atGifford Memorial Hospital,Nuzvid, India. The first<strong>Adventist</strong> hospital openedin 1925.Two grandnieces ofAnna Knight, DorothyKnight Marsh and FlorenceKnight Blaylock, traveledto Nuzvid, India for dedicationof the Anna KnightMemorial Nurses’ Hostel,November 21, 2005. Thisbeautiful hostel was builtto house 100 nursingstudents and is completelyfilled with students fromFlorence Knight Blaylock (left)and Dorothy Knight Marsh,grandnieces of Anna Knight,are welcomed to India by GiffordMemorial Hospital staff andstudents.all over India. To furtherencourage the annual 100percent pass rate for nurses,$5,000 in scholarshipswere given, along with adonation of computers forthe students.The dedication ceremonywas very wellattended by officials fromthe <strong>Southern</strong> Asia Divisionincluding D. R. Watts,president; Don Bankhead,chairman, <strong>Adventist</strong>Health International(AHI), India; and RichardHart, vice chancellor,Loma Linda <strong>University</strong>,president of AHI.The dedication addresswas given by CharlesCheatham, president ofAllegheny East Conference;and the scholarshipswere announcedby Henry Fordham, III,executive secretary. Thefaculty and staff of thenursing education programwere overwhelmedwith the needed hostel.The Knight family isvery appreciative to HaroldLee and the <strong>Adventist</strong>healthcare network forsponsoring such a gloriousproject.Today the legacyof the mission field andlove for India is still aliveand continues throughAnna Knight’s family. Hergrandnieces, Dorothy andFlorence, have continuedto support the hospital byadopting the children’swing of Gifford MemorialHospital.—By Florence BlaylockThe Anna Knight Memorial Nurses’ Hostel at Gifford MemorialHospital in Nuzvid, India, houses 100 nursing students.Plaques share details of the event: The cornerstone of the buildingwas laid on December 8, 2003, and the building was dedicatedon November 21, 2005.<strong>July</strong> <strong>2007</strong> • TIDINGS 23

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