Twenty - Weston Creek Cricket Club

Twenty - Weston Creek Cricket Club

Twenty - Weston Creek Cricket Club


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<strong>Weston</strong> <strong>Creek</strong>, <strong>Cricket</strong> <strong>Club</strong>Quite a sizeable crowd of strangers gathered at WaramangaOval on a Saturday morning to be addressed by the Chairmanof the ACT <strong>Cricket</strong> Association Junior <strong>Cricket</strong> Committee, thelate Frank Carse, and the long serving Honorary Secretary ColNicholas. It was probably my school teacher background thatthen prompted me to have the eager young cricketers line upin their various age groups. Having determined that there weresufficient numbers to form six or so teams, it was decided tohold a general meeting in the Fisher School hall in a week'stime to form a club and to make plans for teams to take part inthe ACT <strong>Cricket</strong> Association Junior Competitions in theforthcoming season.At the meeting at Fisher, it was resolved to form the <strong>Weston</strong><strong>Creek</strong> Junior <strong>Cricket</strong> <strong>Club</strong> and Don Brooker was electedPresident, Lt. Colonel Tony Perriman, Honorary Secretary, andLt. Colonel Peter Badman, Honorary Treasurer. The firstregistration day was scheduled for Saturday 13th September1972, after which it was decided to enter seven teams, twoUnder 10's, two Under ll's and one team in Under 12, Under13 and Under 14 age groups.One of the first big problems facing the new committee wasobtaining cricket kits for the teams when the <strong>Club</strong> hadvirtually no money. In a display of rash confidence, sevencomplete kits, together with sufficient balls for the season werepurchased on credit from Willis Sports Store in Civic. NoelShort was the store's schools and club representative and heprovided the club with the same attention, consideration andsupport then as he has in the twenty years since. A grant of$400 from the ACT National Fitness Committee, following anapplication, greatly assisted the financial situation withoutsolving it and it was decided to hold an ambitious raffle.A parent of one of the boys who was also a team coach,Corporal Jesse James, offered to build a cubby house as a30

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