Twenty - Weston Creek Cricket Club

Twenty - Weston Creek Cricket Club

Twenty - Weston Creek Cricket Club


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<strong>Twenty</strong> Seasons Onand bowled off a well struck ball. I certainly have no recall ofany batting prowess on my part!! I believe I was always outLBWMWhat I do remember and what has remained with methroughout the intervening years was the friendship,enthusiasm, good humour and love of cricket which permeatedthe team. It was this wonderful attitude which prompted me,at the end of my all too short stay, to donate my trophy. I wasfirmly convinced that the <strong>Creek</strong> had a great future and thatfaith has been more than adequately vindicated. It has givenme very great pleasure to see the growth and achievementwhich has gone on at the <strong>Creek</strong> over the past 20 years. Thetours to the UK have been so obviously successful and, I'msure, beneficial in more than just cricket terms for theparticipants.I have remained very proud of my association with <strong>Weston</strong><strong>Creek</strong> and wore my cap regularly during my seasons in theHampshire and Southern Leagues here in the UK. I continueto wear my tour ties and am happy to explain their source andto expound on the achievements of the <strong>Creek</strong>.My recollections also include the social side of <strong>Creek</strong> cricket.The post match wash ups in the bar were always enjoyable andthe memorable ( "Grub Crawl" towards the end of my stay wouldtake some beating.I am very grateful to be able to contribute to this memorableoccasion and I wish the <strong>Club</strong> every success with your 20thanniversary celebrations. •33

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