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Casalegno C. – Cerruti E. – Pellicelli M. / Economia Aziendale Online 2000 Web 4 (2009) 1-35 3capital as the main objective of the firm’s activity; <strong>this</strong> latter approach has favoured thedevelopment of Shareholder Value Theory. The popularity of <strong>this</strong> theory is tied to thespread of the fragmented-ownership firm, or the public company, which is widespreadin America; in Italy, on the other hand, the theory of the maximization of the economicvalue of capital is one of the guiding principles of the Business Economics Schoolfounded by Zappa (1937).From the scientific point of view, substituting profit maximization with capitalvalue goes back to the work by Fisher (1930), who derived the value of capital from thepresent value of the future earnings flows generated by the capital, comparing the presentvalue with the investment cost.This premise spawned a series of studies aimed at determining the discount rate thatwould balance the two values.Some of these contributions, which were mainly by economists, explicitly presentthe concept of the maximization of the value of capital, which was then also taken up byacademics studying the firm (Hicks, 1965).In any event, we must distinguish between the two approaches for value creation:the European approach and the North American one.The North American approach is typical of an advanced capitalist economy where,on the one hand, production occurs through large firms (typically public companies),and on the other financial markets play an important role as both collectors of capitaland evaluators of the value of business initiatives. In <strong>this</strong> context the market representsthe yardstick for a firm's performance and the place where the competitive comparisonoccurs regarding its strategies.Thus the concept of value has a strongly financial significance that links it to sharevalue, the necessary condition for which is profitability. The market share value dependsonly in part on the investment policies of capital holders or on the firm's financialpolicies that aim at positively exploiting the financial lever. The true engine for the productionof value is still management's capacity to achieve and maintain positions ofcompetitive advantage.The European approach to value creation can be placed in a context that is very differentfrom the North American one5.The European productive context is, in fact, characterized by small- and mediumsizefirms, often family enterprises, along with a much more limited dependence on thefinancial market, with limited equity capital and ample use of debt capital. For suchfirms, even when profits are high the distribution of dividends is less important than thegrowth of equity value (Pellicelli M., 2007).5 One of the leading Italian proponents of the European approach to value theory is Luigi Guatri; among his manyworks on <strong>this</strong> subject we should mention: Guatri (1991), Guatri and Massari (1992), and Guatri and Vicari (1994).

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