PGI Fortran Reference manual - The Portland Group

PGI Fortran Reference manual - The Portland Group

PGI Fortran Reference manual - The Portland Group

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Input and Output5.5.2.7. ES Format Control<strong>The</strong> ES specifier transfers real values in scientific notation. <strong>The</strong> ES format specifier has two basicforms:ESw.dESw.dEewhere w is the field width, d the number of digits in the fractional part and e the number of digitsto be printed in the exponent part.For output, the scale factor controls the decimal normalization as in the D specifier.On output, the number is presented in scientific notation, where the absolute value of thesignificand is 10> | significand | F Format Control - Real Single Precision Data<strong>The</strong> F specifier transfers real values. <strong>The</strong> form of the F specifier is:Fw.dwhere w is the field width and d is the number of digits in the fractional part.On input, if the field does not contain a decimal digit or an exponent, right-hand d digits, withleading zeros, are interpreted as being the fractional part.On output, a leading zero is only produced to the left of the decimal point if the value is less thanone. G Format Control<strong>The</strong> G format specifier provides generalized editing of real data. <strong>The</strong> G format has two basicforms:Gw.dGw.dEe<strong>The</strong> specifier transfers real values; it acts like the F format control on input and depending on thevalue’s magnitude, like E or F on output. <strong>The</strong> magnitude of the data determines the output format.For details on the actual format used, based on the magnitude, refer to the ANSI FORTRANStandard (Section G Editing). I Format Control – Integer Data<strong>The</strong> I format specifier transfers integer values. <strong>The</strong> I format specifier has two basic forms:IwIw.mwhere w is the field width and m is the minimum filed width on output, including leading zeros.If present, m must not exceed width w.On input, the external field to be input must contain (unsigned) decimal characters only. An allblank field is treated as a value of zero. If the value of the external field exceeds the range of thecorresponding list element, an error occurs.On output, the I format descriptor transfers the decimal values of the corresponding I/O listelement, right-justified, to an external field that is w characters long.<strong>PGI</strong> <strong>Fortran</strong> <strong>Reference</strong> Guide 78

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