PGI Fortran Reference manual - The Portland Group

PGI Fortran Reference manual - The Portland Group

PGI Fortran Reference manual - The Portland Group

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3F Functions and VAX SubroutinesSynopsisreal function besj0(x)real xreal function besj1(x)real xreal function besjn(n, x)integer nreal xreal function besy0(x)real xreal function besy1(x)real xreal function besyn(n, x)integer nreal xdouble precision function dbesj0(x)double precision xdouble precision function dbesj1(x)double precision xdouble precision function dbesjn(n, x)integer ndouble precision xdouble precision function dbesy0(x)double precision xdouble precision function dbesy1(x)double precision xdouble precision function dbesyn(n, x)integer ndouble precision x9.1.5. chdirChange default directory.Synopsisinteger function chdir(path)character*(*) pathDescriptionChange the default directory for creating and locating files to path. Zero is returned if successful;otherwise, an error code is returned.9.1.6. chmodChange mode of a file.Synopsisinteger function chmod(nam, mode)character*(*) naminteger mode<strong>PGI</strong> <strong>Fortran</strong> <strong>Reference</strong> Guide 191

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