PGI Fortran Reference manual - The Portland Group

PGI Fortran Reference manual - The Portland Group

PGI Fortran Reference manual - The Portland Group

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<strong>Fortran</strong> StatementsSyntaxENCODE (c,f,b[,IOSTAT=ios] [,ERR=errs])[list]cis an integer expression specifying the number of bytes involved in translation.fis the format-specifier.bis a scalar or array reference for the buffer area receiving formatted data (characters).iosis an integer scalar memory reference which is the input/output status specifier: if this isincluded, ios becomes defined with zero if no error condition exists or a positive integer whenthere is an error condition.errsan error specifier which takes the form of a statement label of an executable statement in thesame program. If an error condition occurs execution continues with the statement specifiedby errs.lista list of output items.Non-character Format-specifierIf a format-specifier is a variable which is neither CHARACTER nor a simple INTEGERvariable, the compiler accepts it and treats it as if the contents were character. For example, belowsum is treated as a format descriptor:real sumsum = 4h()accept sumand is roughly equivalent tocharacter*4 chch = '()'accept chSee AlsoREAD, PRINT3.10. END MAP<strong>The</strong> END MAP statement terminates a MAP declaration.F77 extension<strong>PGI</strong> <strong>Fortran</strong> <strong>Reference</strong> Guide 49

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