PGI Fortran Reference manual - The Portland Group

PGI Fortran Reference manual - The Portland Group

PGI Fortran Reference manual - The Portland Group

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<strong>Fortran</strong> Intrinsics6.1.1. <strong>Fortran</strong> 90/95 Bit Manipulation Functions and SubroutinesGenericNameANDBIT_SIZEBTESTIANDPurposePerforms a logical AND oncorresponding bits of the arguments.Return the number of bits (the precision)of the integer argument.Tests the binary value of a bit ina specified position of an integerargument.Perform a bit-by-bit logical AND on thearguments.Num.Args Argument Type Result Type2 ANY type except CHAR or COMPLEX1 INTEGER INTEGER2 INTEGER, INTEGER LOGICAL2 INTEGER, INTEGER (of same kind) INTEGERIBCLR Clears one bit to zero. 2 INTEGER, INTEGER >=0 INTEGERIBITS Extracts a sequence of bits. 3 INTEGER, INTEGER >=0,INTEGER >=0INTEGERIBSET Sets one bit to one. 2 INTEGER, INTEGER >=0 INTEGERIEORIORPerform a bit-by-bit logical exclusive ORon the arguments.Perform a bit-by-bit logical OR on thearguments.2 INTEGER, INTEGER (of same kind) INTEGER2 INTEGER, INTEGER (of same kind) INTEGERISHFT Perform a logical shift. 2 INTEGER, INTEGER INTEGERISHFTCPerform a circular shift of the rightmostbits.2 or 3 INTEGER, INTEGERINTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGERINTEGERLSHIFT Perform a logical shift to the left. 2 INTEGER, INTEGER INTEGERMVBITS Copies bit sequence 5 INTEGER(IN), INTEGER(IN),INTEGER(IN), INTEGER(INOUT),INTEGER(IN)noneNOTORPerform a bit-by-bit logical complementon the argument.Performs a logical OR on each bit of thearguments.2 INTEGER INTEGER2 ANY type except CHAR or COMPLEXPOPCNT(F2008)POPPAR(F2008)Return the number of one bits. 1 INTEGER or bits INTEGERReturn the bitwise parity. 1 INTEGER or bits INTEGERRSHIFT Perform a logical shift to the right. 2 INTEGER, INTEGER INTEGERSHIFT Perform a logical shift. 2 Any type except CHAR or COMPLEX,INTEGERXORPerforms a logical exclusive OR on eachbit of the arguments.2 INTEGER, INTEGER INTEGERZEXT Zero-extend the argument. 1 INTEGER or LOGICAL INTEGER<strong>PGI</strong> <strong>Fortran</strong> <strong>Reference</strong> Guide 90

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