PGI Fortran Reference manual - The Portland Group

PGI Fortran Reference manual - The Portland Group

PGI Fortran Reference manual - The Portland Group

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3F Functions and VAX SubroutinesDescriptionCreate a link n2 to an existing file n1. If successful, zero is returned; otherwise, an error code isreturned.9.1.39. lnblnkReturn index of last non-blank.Synopsisinteger function lnblnk(a1)character*(*) a1DescriptionReturn the index of the last non-blank character in string a1.9.1.40. locAddress of an object.Synopsisinteger function loc(a)integer aDescriptionReturn the value which is the address of a.9.1.41. ltimeReturn system time.Synopsissubroutine ltime(stime, tarray)integer stimeinteger tarray(9)DescriptionDissect the UNIX time, stime , into month, day, etc., for the local time zone and return in tarray.9.1.42. mallocAllocate memory.<strong>PGI</strong> <strong>Fortran</strong> <strong>Reference</strong> Guide 201

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