Journal 2012 Journal 2012 - Kriya Yoga Institute

Journal 2012 Journal 2012 - Kriya Yoga Institute

Journal 2012 Journal 2012 - Kriya Yoga Institute

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This was how Brahmachari Rabinarayan attained the extremely rarestate of nirvikalpa samadhi. In the yogic scriptures, it is said that afterattaining nirvikalpa samadhi, very few return to physicalconsciousness. Only a blessed few come back as God’s instruments tolead other seekers on the spiritual path to fulfill His divine mission.After 1948, through deep meditation, he was able to reach this stage ofsamadhi at any time he wished.In the history of modern saints and sages, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa,Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Shriyukteswarji, and Paramahamsa<strong>Yoga</strong>nandaji were also able to experience this state at will. In theVedic literature, it is said, brahmavid brahmaiva bhavati: “Theknower of Brahman is Brahman.” One who has penetrated into theveil of nature’s meadows and perceived the illusive dance of maya isalways absorbed in the ocean of bliss. The pure mind always anchorsat brahmarandhra (the door of the divine), also known as sahasrara,the fontanel in the crown of the head. Once this closed door is opened,it is open forever, enabling one always to be charged with divineconsciousness and supernormal power. Brahmachari Rabinarayan hadachieved this rare state of samadhi, which was observed by manypeople, including doctors and scientists in both the East and West.Fire, sin, and truth cannot be kept hidden. They always revealthemselves. Slowly, the devotees at the ashram recognized howBrahmachari Rabinarayan had changed. The serenity, bliss, and joy ofcontentment in his countenance proved that he was well established inthis state of wisdom.Life on this Earth, in this body, is merely a preparation, a steptowards the higher life. Life is divine worship.Paramahamsa Hariharananda7

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