Journal 2012 Journal 2012 - Kriya Yoga Institute

Journal 2012 Journal 2012 - Kriya Yoga Institute

Journal 2012 Journal 2012 - Kriya Yoga Institute

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From Form to FormlessExcerpt from “River of Compassion” by Paramahamsa PrajnananandaLike clouds in the sky that fall to earth as raindrops, then become theriver, merging in the ocean before they again become the clouds, lifeis a play of form and formlessness. The formless soul residing in theform of the body plays its role and then leaves the body – a processpeople call birth and death. For a realized person, birth and deathhave no meaning; both are just the play of consciousness. A realizedperson, through spiritual power, tries to help humanity as a whole toevolve and grow. Such a person’s life is the life of love and sacrifice.Many people have experienced the presence of the great master,Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji, after his physical disappearance. Hisdivine teaching continues.Paramahamsaji’s physical health began to deteriorate in the fall2002, and he was hospitalized for one week before his physicaldeparture. During his last days he spoke about spiritual life, abouthow to keep the mind on God despite difficulties. Although heshowed signs of physical discomfort, he remained calm and quiet,showing a strong sense of forbearance. He continued to be humorousand loving with the doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff, oftenshowing more concern for their well being than for his own health.People came from all over to show their love and gratitude, and toenjoy his company, love, and compassion.All had prayed that Paramahamsaji would live one hundred years,for he always blessed everyone that they should live that long. Noone present could believe that he would depart so soon. One day hewas immersed in bhava samadhi and the ecstatic state, and he spokeabout other planes and the five streams of five vital energies mergingin the cosmic energy. He also spoke about merging with Brahman,and about some of his other spiritual experiences visiting holyplaces. Instructions about monastic life were given to the author.The morning of his departure, he uttered his last words: “Peace,bliss, love, joy, divinity.” Slowly he became more peaceful, now andthen opening his eyes to look at those present with a divine heavenlysmile. Pure love and calmness emanated from his face as he drew hislast breath.24

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