Journal 2012 Journal 2012 - Kriya Yoga Institute

Journal 2012 Journal 2012 - Kriya Yoga Institute

Journal 2012 Journal 2012 - Kriya Yoga Institute

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all the situations. You gave me clear-cut instructions about what to do,how to do it, and how to move forward. You told me who would stay inthe organization and who would leave. You emphasized that the comingtwo years would be a very crucial, difficult period for me. At the sametime you said, “I have left lots of trouble and difficulties with you. Youwill not be unhappy with me. When I saw you, I saw your destiny.When I saw you, I felt joy in my heart that the Divine Mother, at least,had sent someone who could be the instrument in my hands.Throughout more than two decades, I have observed you and have seenyou in every situation.My soul is content that you are with me and doing my work. Your lifeis blessed, a liberated life.” You blessed me and assured me that I wouldnever be unhappy with the difficulties and the problems you left behind.You also told me to remember that within the next two years time allthe problems would go away, and everything I did would flourish.I have seen in my life that whatever you promised or blessed has cometrue. A little after 10:00 a.m., you asked me: “Have you packed yourbags?” I said, “Yes Baba!” I needed only five minutes time just to dofinal packing and leave. I packed everything as usual. You came out just14

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