Journal 2012 Journal 2012 - Kriya Yoga Institute

Journal 2012 Journal 2012 - Kriya Yoga Institute

Journal 2012 Journal 2012 - Kriya Yoga Institute

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as when a yogi does pranayama, breath control. After one inhalation wedid not know whether you were breathing out or not. All were eagerlywaiting and waiting. The Swamis checked your pulse. It was there, butthere was no breath. Everyone´s eyes were centered on you. Thebeloved master of their life, a hero of life and death was lyingmotionless and peaceful. The sign of calmness and love was emanatingfrom your face. We called the doctor and the doctor came and checkedand declared it was over.Near the end many disciples came to show their love and gratitude toyou. Throughout this fateful day a constant stream of kriyavans came tobow and give love at your lotus feet. They were all well received, and inyour inimitable fashion each would be given a smile or a glance. Indeedmany disciples were present in the hospital when you took your finalbreath. Even until the very end, you used your body to give love to yourwayward children. Soon after your Mahasamadhi, Christine Ma,Mangalanandaji, and then Peter Baba arrived.We brought your body straight from the hospital to the funeral home,and from the funeral home to the ashram. The evening was gloomy inthe ashram. Many disciples were eagerly waiting to see their belovedGuruji´s physical form.In the ashram, there were signs of darkness, and lamps were burningalong the driveway for you. Your body was put on your bed. Everyonecame silently, bowed down, and left.Excerpt of a letter from Claudia Ma to Debi Baba (Dec. 2002).“….At 6 in the morning Silvia-Ma called us with the news...Yes, then suddenlyI remembered that some 10 years ago in India, Baba had told that I would notbe there at the time of His departure.So this was it. We came too late. Peter Baba was in the same plane. We metBrahmanandaji at the airport in Miami. He did not know the news yet since hehad come straight from India. We went to the ashram. They had just broughtGurudev from the hospital and He laid on the bed, decorated with flowers. Helooked different to me. I had never seen this face before. Also the wholeashram looked different: the banana trees, the roses, everything was22

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