Journal 2012 Journal 2012 - Kriya Yoga Institute

Journal 2012 Journal 2012 - Kriya Yoga Institute

Journal 2012 Journal 2012 - Kriya Yoga Institute

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Divine TeachingsSanyalMahasayaSwamiSatyananda GiriParamahamsaHariharanandaParamahamsaPrajnanananda„A quiet place is notalways required for meditation.When a person practices<strong>Kriya</strong> <strong>Yoga</strong>, he can switchoff the five sense telephonesand get quietness or calmnesswherever he is.“Paramahamsa Hariharananda„Man has enough timefor self-development.Start now!“Sanyal Mahasaya„Paths are many, but the goalis one. Religions are many,but God is one. Scriptures aremany, but Truth is one.“Paramahamsa Hariharananda„Keep control over yourtongue, to gain controlover your life.“Sanyal Mahasaya„We can find the wholeuniverse reflected in thehuman body. The more thesadhakas (seekers) advancein their ultimate voyage toGod-realization, the morethey realize the veracity andprofundity of tattvas of theuniverse indwelling intheir own bodies throughthe science of yoga.“Swami Shri Yukteswar Giri„The practice of <strong>Kriya</strong> <strong>Yoga</strong>is the practice of self-analysis.“Swami Satyananda Giri

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