Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual


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Loading the magazine: (Safety should be in “Load-Unload” position.) With the boltopen, and the floorplate in its closed and latched position, load cartridges of thecorrect caliber directly into the magazine from the top by pressing one cartridge ata time into the magazine.Loading the chamber: (Safety should be in “Load-Unload” position.) Do notchamber a cartridge until you are ready to shoot immediately. After loading themagazine, push the bolt handle forward. This will strip a cartridge from themagazine and push the cartridge ahead of the bolt into the chamber. Close the bolthandle fully downward and put the safety fully rearward to the “Safe” position.WARNING –HANDLINGNever carry the rifle loaded with thesafety selector in the “FIRE” position. Ifdropped or struck with the safety off, therifle may fire. Such a discharge can occurwith or without the trigger being directlystruck or touched. Never rest a loadedrifle against any object (wall, fence,vehicle, tree, etc.) because there is alwaysthe possibility that the rifle will be jarredor slide from its position and fall withsufficient force to discharge. Keep safetyon unless actually firing.Never lower (uncock) the firing pin witha loaded cartridge in the chamber. Undersuch circumstances the firing pin will bein direct contact with the primer of theloaded cartridge and a light accidentalblow to the firing pin can readily causethe gun to discharge.ANY GUN MAY FIRE IFDROPPEDTo single-load: (Safety should be in “Load-Unload” position.) Place a cartridgedirectly into the chamber and close the bolt. If there are cartridges in themagazine and it is desired to single-load a cartridge directly into the chamber,depress the top cartridge and push the bolt forward until the bolt face is wellahead of the rim of the top cartridge in the magazine. Then, close the bolt.WARNING: DO NOT TOUCH THE TRIGGERUNTIL YOU ARE ACTUALLY READYTO FIRE THE RIFLE.15

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