Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual


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8. DON’T SHOOT AT AHARD SURFACE, OR ATWATER.Bullets can glance off manysurfaces like rocks or the surfaceof water and travel inunpredictable directions withconsiderable velocity.9. NEVER TRANSPORT ALOADED FIREARM.Firearms should always beunloaded before being placed in avehicle. A suitable carrying caseor scabbard should be used tocarry an unloaded firearm to andfrom the shooting area.10. AVOID ALCOHOLICBEVERAGES WHENSHOOTING.Don’t drink until the day’sshooting is over. Handlingfirearms while under theinfluence of alcohol in any form,or medications that could affectyour judgement or coordination,constitutes a criminal disregardfor the safety of others.45

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