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s. history us history us history - Embassy of the United States

s. history us history us history - Embassy of the United States

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INDEXOUTLINE OF U.S. HISTORYsmall farmers and agriculturalconsolidation, 267technological revolution, 110-111,160, 177westward expansion and, 125AIDS (Acquired Immune DeficiencySyndrome)epidemic, 307quilt (Wash., D.C.), 299AIM. See American Indian Movement(AIM)Alaskagold r<strong>us</strong>h, 192purchase, known as “Seward’sFolly,” 182Albany Plan <strong>of</strong> Union, 33, 69Albright, Madeline, 329Alien Act, 82, 117Amalgamated Association <strong>of</strong> Iron,Steel, and Tin Workers, 194American Bible Society, 87American Civil Liberties Union, 209American Federation <strong>of</strong> Labor (AFL),194, 209, 227American Independent Party, 319American Indian Movement (AIM),281American Philosophical Society, 28American Railway Union, 194American Revolution, 50-65Boston Tea Party (1773), 50-51, 57British move through <strong>the</strong> South,63-64colonial declaration <strong>of</strong> war, 60Concord and Lexington battles(1775), 59-60economic aftermath, 70factors leading to, 50-59first shots fired at Lexington, 44-45,59Franco-American alliance, 62-63Long Island, battle <strong>of</strong> (1776), 61Loyalists and, 60, 65Olive Branch Petition, 60significance <strong>of</strong>, 65Treaty <strong>of</strong> Paris (1783), 47, 64Yorktown, British surrender at, 47-48, 64American Sugar Refining Company,197American Telephone and Telegraph(AT&T), 158American Temperance Union, 121Amity and Commerce, Treaty <strong>of</strong>(France-American colonies), 63Amnesty Act (1872), 150Anasazi, 8, 20Andros, Sir Edmund, 31Anthony, S<strong>us</strong>an B., 90, 122Antifederalists, 76Antitr<strong>us</strong>t legislation, 160, 187, 196-197,199Apache Indians, 180, 181Aquino, Corazon, 312Arafat, Yasser, 330Aristide, Jean-Bertrand, 330Arlington Cemetery (Virginia), 174Armour, Philip, 158Arms control. See Nuclear weaponsArmstrong, Louis, 211Armstrong, Neil, 285Arnaz, Desi, 239Arnold, Benedict, 62Articles <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Confederation, 69-70Asia, Cold War, 263-264Atlantic Charter (U.S.-Britain), 220Automobile ind<strong>us</strong>tryauto worker strikes, 228, 230automobile safety cr<strong>us</strong>ade, 287environmental issues/trafficcongestion, 282, 300-301unemployment, 227BBabcock, Stephen, 177Ball, Lucille, 239Banking Act, 218Banking and financecurrency question and goldstandard, 192Federal Reserve Board, 199, 218Federal Reserve System, 119, 187,198-199financial panic (1893), 192First Bank <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>United</strong> <strong>States</strong>, 79insured savings (FDIC), 215national bank, 79-80New Deal program reforms, 214-215regional and local bank charters,119Second Bank <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>United</strong> <strong>States</strong>,118-119state banking system, 119stock market crash (1929), 211Baptists, 87, 88Barak, Ehud, 330Beard, Charles, 75“Beat Generation” (1950s), 270Begin, Menachim, 292Bell, Alexander Graham, 107, 156Bell, John C., 139Bell Telephone System, 158Bellamy, Edward, 160Biddle, Nicholas, 119Bill <strong>of</strong> Rights, 77bin Laden, Osama, 331, 332, 334Blaine, James G., 185Blair, Tony, 294-295, 330Blix, Hans, 335Bolívar, Simon, 114Booth, John Wilkes, 147Borglum, Gutzon, 171Bosnia, 330Boston Massacre (1770), 56Boston Tea Party (1773), 50-51, 57Breckenridge, John C., 139Brezhnev, Leonid, 289British colonization. See EnglishcolonizationBrooks, David, 322Brown, John, 139Brown v. Board <strong>of</strong> Education (1954),240, 244, 272Bryan, William Jennings, 192, 195, 198,209-210Buchanan, Pat, 332Buckley, William F., 308Bull Moose Party, 318Burbank, Lu<strong>the</strong>r, 177Burgoyne, John, 62B<strong>us</strong>h, George Herbert Walkerbudgets and deficits, 315domestic policy, 314-315end <strong>of</strong> Cold War, 315-316foreign policy, 312, 316-317photo <strong>of</strong>, 255presidential election (1998), 314;(1992), 322, 324“war on drugs,” 317B<strong>us</strong>h, George W.as a “compassionate conservative,”332Afghanistan invasion, 334with African leaders, 295domestic and foreign policy, 332-336on freedom, 322Iraq War, 334-336presidential elections (2000), 333;(2004), 336-337with Tony Blair, 294-295CCable News Network, 297Cabot, John, 9Cady Stanton, Elizabeth, 90, 122-123Calhoun, John C., 112, 116, 117, 125Californiaas a free state, 136gold r<strong>us</strong>h, 131, 136, 179342343

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