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s. history us history us history - Embassy of the United States

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INDEXOUTLINE OF U.S. HISTORYKennedy, Robert, assassination <strong>of</strong>, 278,288KentuckyResolutions (1798), 117statehood (1792), 7-8Kerouac, Jack, 270Kerry, John F., 336-337Khomeini, Ayatollah, 292Khr<strong>us</strong>hchev, Nikita, 284Kim Il-sung, 263King, Martin Lu<strong>the</strong>r, Jr.assassination <strong>of</strong>, 278, 288civil rights movement and, 240,241, 273, 283“I have a dream” speech, 276, 277King, Ruf<strong>us</strong>, 72Kissinger, Henry, 289Know-Nothing Party, 120Korean War, 235, 263, 264Kosci<strong>us</strong>ko, Thadde<strong>us</strong>, 65Ku Klux Klan, 150, 201, 209LLabor unions, 121, 193-195air controllers strike, 309auto workers strikes, 228collective bargaining, 217Haymarket Square incident, 194membership in U.S., 227-228migrant farm workers, 250, 279-280mine workers membership/strikes,194-195, 227-228New Deal programs, 217post-World War I strikes, 206post-World War II strikes, 269railway worker strikes, 193, 194steel worker strikes, 194, 228textile worker strikes, 195“Wobblies,” 194-195See also under names <strong>of</strong> specificunionsLafayette, Marquis de, 65LaFollette, Robert, 196, 318-319Landon, Alf, 218Latin America, U.S. intervention, 184-185Latin American Revolution, 114-116Latino movement, 279-280League <strong>of</strong> Nations, 205-206, 226Lee, Richard Henry, 61, 64Lee, Robert E.capture <strong>of</strong> John Brown at Harper’sFerry, 139commander <strong>of</strong> Confederate Army,144declines command <strong>of</strong> Union Army,143portrait <strong>of</strong>, 95surrender at AppomattoxCourtho<strong>us</strong>e, 146Leif (son <strong>of</strong> Erik <strong>the</strong> Red), 9Lenin, V.I., 259Levitt, William J., 268Lewis and Clark expedition,bicentennial commemorative stamp,46Lewis, John L., 227-228Lewis, Meriwe<strong>the</strong>r, 47Lewis, Sinclair, 210The Liberator, 91, 133LibrariesAmerican Philosophical Society(Philadelphia), 28in <strong>the</strong> colonies, 27, 28public libraries endowed byCarnegie, 97subscription, 28Lincoln, Abrahamassassination <strong>of</strong>, 147, 153at Civil War Union encampment,140-141Emancipation Proclamation, 144-145face <strong>of</strong> (Mount R<strong>us</strong>hmore), 170-171Free-Soil Party and, 138Gettysburg address, 142, 145on Grant, 95as president during Civil War, 142-147presidential election (1860), 139presidential election (1864), 147,153presidential inaugural address, 142senatorial campaign (1858), 138-139on slavery and <strong>the</strong> Union, 130, 138Lincoln, Benjamin, 63, 70Lincoln-Douglas debates (1858), 138-139Literary works“Beat Generation” (1950s), 270-271colonial period, 28-29“Harlem Renaissance,” 211“Lost Generation” (1920s), 109, 211New Deal programs and, 218See also names <strong>of</strong> individual authorsor worksLloyd George, David, 108Locke, John, 17, 32, 34, 61, 65, 73Lodge, Henry Cabot, 181, 184Logan, James, 28The Lonely Crowd (Riesman), 270Long, Huey P., assassination <strong>of</strong>, 217“Lost Generation” (1920s), 109, 211Louis XVI (French king), 64, 80Louisiana Purchase, 83-84Lovejoy, Elijah P., 134Lowell, James R<strong>us</strong>sell, 147Luce, Henry, 258Lundestad, Geir, 262MMacArthur, Douglas, 225, 232, 263Macdonough, Thomas, 85Madison, James, 43, 72, 75, 76, 84-86,113as “Fa<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Constitution,” 72Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 184Maine (U.S. warship) incident, 182Major, John, 330Malcolm X, 277Manhattan. See New YorkManhattan project (atomic bombdevelopment), 225Mann, Horace, 121Mao Zedong, 263, 289Marbury v. Madison (1803), 113Marcos, Ferdinand, 312Marshall, George C., 262Marshall, Johnas chief j<strong>us</strong>tice <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> SupremeCourt, 49, 113funeral <strong>of</strong>, 168portrait <strong>of</strong>, 49Marshall Plan, 262Marshall, Thurgood, 244Martin, Josiah, 60MarylandCalvert family charter, 15, 30Catholic settlements, 15St. Mary’s, first town in, 15Toleration Act and religio<strong>us</strong>freedom, 17Mason, George, 76Massach<strong>us</strong>ettsBoston Massacre (1770), 56Boston Port Bill, 57Boston Tea Party (1773), 50-51, 57colonial government charter, 30-31early settlements, 13-14Old Granary Cemetery (Boston),162-163Salem witch trials, 35schools and education, 27Shays Rebellion, 70trade and economic development,24-25Massach<strong>us</strong>etts Bay Colony, 25, 31Massach<strong>us</strong>etts Bay Company, 18Ma<strong>the</strong>r, Cotton, 28, 40Mayflower Compact, 13, 22-23, 30Mayflower (ship), 13Mbeki, Thabo, 295McCarran-Walter Act (1952), 201McCarthy, Joseph R., 236, 266352353

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