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s. history us history us history - Embassy of the United States

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INDEXOUTLINE OF U.S. HISTORYStamp Act (England), 54, 55Standard Oil Company, 158, 196, 197Stanton, Edwin, 153State constitutions, 68-69Statehood, 78<strong>States</strong>’ rights, 79, 80nullification doctrine, 83, 117-118<strong>States</strong> Rights Party, 272Statue <strong>of</strong> Liberty (New York City), 167,201Steel ind<strong>us</strong>try. See Iron and steelind<strong>us</strong>trySteel Workers Organizing Committee(SWOC), 228Steffens, Lincoln, 196Steinem, Gloria, 248, 279Steuben, Friedrich von, 65Stevens, Thadde<strong>us</strong>, 148Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 137Student Nonviolent CoordinatingCommittee (SNCC), 276Sugar Act (England, 1764), 53, 55Sunday, Billy, 209Supreme Court Building (Wash.,D.C.), 166Supreme Court, U.S.casesBrown v. Board <strong>of</strong> Education,241, 244, 272Marbury v. Madison, 113McCulloch v. Maryland, 113Plessy v. Ferg<strong>us</strong>on, 178, 272Roe v. Wade, 279, 308, 324decisions, 113Court’s right <strong>of</strong> judicial review,49Dred Scott, 138, 149enlargement proposal, 218-219See also Marshall, John; Marshall,ThurgoodSwedish colonization, 15, 200Swift, G<strong>us</strong>tav<strong>us</strong>, 158TTaft, William Howard, 197-198, 318Taiwan, 263, 265, 289Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de, 82Tarbell, Ida M., 196TaxationBoston Tea Party (1773), 50-51, 57British right to tax colonies(Declaratory Act), 55colonial period, 33, 53-59Committees <strong>of</strong> Correspondence,56-57“without representation,” 53, 54-55See also names <strong>of</strong> individual actsTaylor, Zachary, 135Technology. See InventionsTelevisionCable News Network (CNN), 297growth <strong>of</strong>, 268impact <strong>of</strong>, 268, 297MTV, 297programming, 239, 268Temperance movement, 87, 121Tennessee, statehood (1796), 78Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 215Tenure <strong>of</strong> Office Act, 149Terrorismanthrax poisoning scare, 333-334Cole (U.S. Navy destroyer) bombing(Yemen), 332Khobar Towers U.S. militaryho<strong>us</strong>ing (Saudi Arabia, 1996), 331Oklahoma City bombing (1995),326, 331Palestinian suicide bombings, 330September 11, 2001 attacks on U.S.,320-321, 333U.S. embassies (Kenya andTanzania, 1998), 331-332World Trade Center bombings(1993), 331TexasAlamo, battle <strong>of</strong>, 134Battle <strong>of</strong> San Jacinto, 134territory <strong>of</strong>, 134and War with Mexico, 134-135Textile ind<strong>us</strong>try strikes, 195Thorpe, Jim, 181Thurmond, Strom, 272, 319The Titan (Dreiser), 196To Secure These Rights, 271-272Tocqueville, Alexis de, 126, 130Tojo, Hideki, 221, 225Toleration Act (England, 1689), 31Toleration Act (Maryland), 17Townsend, Francis E., 217Townshend Acts (England), 55-56Townshend, Charles, 55Trade policy. See U.S. trade policyTransportation Act (1920), 208Treaties. See under name <strong>of</strong> individualtreatyTruman Doctrine, 261Truman, Harry Saccession to <strong>the</strong> presidency, 224civil rights program, 271-272Fair Deal domestic program, 268-269Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomicbomb attacks, 226labor unions and, 269NSC-68 defense policy, 262, 265as president <strong>of</strong> U.S., 258, 260presidential election (1948), 235,269Tr<strong>us</strong>ts, 158Tubman, Harriet, 91Turner, Frederick Jackson, 126Twain, Mark. See Clemens, SamuelLanghorneTyler, John, 120UUncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 137Underground Railroad, 91, 134, 136Union Army <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Potomac, 145Union Pacific Railroad, 179<strong>United</strong> Auto Workers, 228<strong>United</strong> Mine Workers (UMW), 227-228<strong>United</strong> Nations, 224, 226<strong>United</strong> <strong>States</strong> Steel Corporation, 157-158, 187U.S. economyin <strong>the</strong> 1980s, 309-311in <strong>the</strong> 1990s, 327-328“Black Monday” (stock marketcrash, 1987), 311federal budget deficits, 310-311, 315migration patterns in U.S., 267post-World War II period, 267-268stock market crash (1929), 211suburban development and, 268“supply side” economics, 309unemployment, 215-216, 227, 327See also Banking and finance; GreatDepressionU.S. foreign policy, 80-82, 181-186in Asia, 185-186B<strong>us</strong>h (George W.) Administration,332-337Clinton Administration, 328-331Cold War and, 258-267imperialism and “ManifestDestiny,” 181-182Iran-Contra affair, 312-313isolationism, 78, 206, 220Jay Treaty with Britain, 81in Latin America, 185Monroe Doctrine, 115-116Open Door policy, 186, 195in <strong>the</strong> Pacific area, 183-184Panama Canal treaty, 184-185Reagan Administration, 313-314Truman Doctrine <strong>of</strong> containment,261-263362363

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