nguti council monographic study - Impact monitoring of Forest ...

nguti council monographic study - Impact monitoring of Forest ...

nguti council monographic study - Impact monitoring of Forest ...

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Monographic Study Nguti Council7.1 Main Lessons LearntElaborating a Monographic Study is a worthwhile activity for any locality that seeksparticipatory and balanced development. The exercise in Nguti Municipality was morechallenging due to several factors and interests.At the level <strong>of</strong> the various stakeholders, it was evident that participatory processesmeant that the different interests <strong>of</strong> the various clans were strongly protected evenwhen they were conflicting with the effective management <strong>of</strong> the planning process.People either withheld valuable information or distorted same for various reasons. Intaking ownership <strong>of</strong> this process, heated debates and open disagreements and evenhostility were commonplace. For example, the Hon. Ashu Mbanda (Member <strong>of</strong>Parliament for Nguti Constituency), when contacted repeatedly insisted that it was notnecessary for him to disclose information on the Micro Projects which he had fosteredin the municipality.At the level <strong>of</strong> the Council, there is little documentation <strong>of</strong> information aboutdevelopment efforts within the municipality. The absence <strong>of</strong> a central point such as alibrary where reports from the various development actors could be deposited madedata collection even more challenging.At the level <strong>of</strong> the service provider, the need to be more accommodating <strong>of</strong> severalshades <strong>of</strong> opinion almost threatened the success <strong>of</strong> the exercise. This was evident in themanner in which enumerators were selected and field operations executed. The need forlocal partnership for joint execution was not quite successful as assigned tasks wereabandoned. This resulted in GPS points not taken for the different villages. The processthat was originally planned for 2 months took almost 5 months. This had a directbearing on the cost <strong>of</strong> the operation due to the several movements back and forth.Finally, information is not well documented at all levels in Cameroon and it is notreadily made available even when it exists. Suspicion <strong>of</strong> people’s motives is embeddedin our culture and is partly to blame for difficulties encountered during the elaboration<strong>of</strong> the Monographic Study.7.2 OutlookFrom this Monographic Study, problems identified have been grouped in 5 thematicareas as follows; Social, Infrastructure, Local Economy, Natural Resource Managementand the Council as an Institution. The Strategic Planning activity should use thesethematic groupings in further diagnosis <strong>of</strong> the development problems, their causes andto propose solutions.The way forward for Nguti Council is to assume a coordinating role that wouldconcretize the realization <strong>of</strong> the Municipal Strategic Plan (2010-2014) as well as theelaboration and successful implementation <strong>of</strong> more than 75% <strong>of</strong> the activities in theOperational Plan 2010. The workshop to elaborate the Operational Plan for 2010should identify possible partners and sources <strong>of</strong> funding. To ensure the above, theCouncil should facilitate the action plan <strong>of</strong> the Technical Follow up Committee whichamongst others should hold periodic meetings to review and update the MonographicStudy and identify potential internal sources <strong>of</strong> <strong>council</strong> revenue. The committee shouldalso ascertain the level <strong>of</strong> progress and make valuable recommendations on quarterlybases.56

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