affidavit of financial support for international students
affidavit of financial support for international students
affidavit of financial support for international students
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AFFIDAVIT OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTSImportant: You must return this from along with an <strong>of</strong>ficial bank statement from your funding source. The Bankstatement must not be any older than 60 days from date sent and must have enough funds to cover yourdesignated expenses. We recommend you request 2 original copies <strong>of</strong> each statement in case one gets lost in themail. If you are providing more than one bank statement, you must have a letter from each sponsor.Instruction: Be<strong>for</strong>e filling out this <strong>for</strong>m, please refer to the enclosed Estimate <strong>of</strong> Expenses and make sure that yourfunding equals the amount necessary to attend Washington University. For <strong>students</strong> who have to take 60 creditsyou have to provide <strong>financial</strong> statements in the amount <strong>of</strong> $50,145 <strong>for</strong> your first academic year. For <strong>students</strong> whowere given advanced standing (meaning you have a Bachelor in Social Work and only need to take 41 credits), youhave to provide <strong>financial</strong> statements in the amount <strong>of</strong> $40,189 <strong>for</strong> your first academic year.Please complete this <strong>for</strong>m in full. This <strong>for</strong>m must be completed be<strong>for</strong>e Washington University can issue your visaeligibility document: I-20 or IAP-66. All sources <strong>of</strong> <strong>support</strong> must be shown in US dollars <strong>for</strong> a nine-monthacademic year, plus the cost <strong>of</strong> living expenses.APPLICANT’S PERSONAL INFORMATION (please print):Name: Last (family) First (given) Middle_____________________________________________________________________________________________Permanent Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Current Address: (if different from permanent address)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Country <strong>of</strong> Citizenship:Date <strong>of</strong> Birth (month/day/year):Marital Status (circle one): Single Married Divorced WidowedDEPENDENT INFORMATIONCheck the appropriate item:1. ____ I plan to come alone2. ____ My dependents will join me later3. ____ The following dependents will accompany me to the U.S. (see next page)
List the dependents <strong>for</strong> 2 & 3:Dependent’s Name Birthdatem/d/yCountry <strong>of</strong> birth /Country <strong>of</strong> citizenshipRelationship toyouDate they willjoin you (no. 3)AFFIDAVIT OF SUPPORT:Please indicate the amount <strong>of</strong> funds available to you <strong>for</strong> the 2010-2011 academic year from:1. Personal/Family $____________2. Grants/Scholarships $____________ From Whom__________________(must provide letter <strong>of</strong> award)$____________ From Whom__________________$____________ From Whom__________________3. Sponsor $____________ (to be filled out by the sponsor and bank statement must be provided)Name: Last (family) First (given) Middle_____________________________________________________________________________________________Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Relationship to applicant:_____________________________________________________________________________________________Signature:_____________________________________________________________________________________________Date:_____________________________________________________________________________________________4. Other source: $_________ Identify _____________(Please ask your funding agency to provide an original letter stating its <strong>support</strong> to you)5. Room and Board Sponsor?* (circle one) YES or NO If yes, subtract $11,400 from total cost.*6. Add all funds $__________ Does this amount equal to necessary funds? (circle one) YES or NOAmount Must Equal $50,145, or <strong>for</strong> Advanced Standing $40,189*If you have someone in the United States who will provide Room and Board <strong>for</strong> you at no charge, you can deduct $11,400from your cost <strong>of</strong> living, making $6,700 the amount you must show. A letter <strong>of</strong> <strong>support</strong> and bank statement from your sponsormust accompany this <strong>affidavit</strong>.