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5Gillespie Vitae, Page 5Drabek and Gerald J. Hoetmer (Editors). Washington D.C.: International CityManagement Association, Municipal Management Series, 1991.Gillespie, David F. and Rita E. Numer<strong>of</strong>. 1991. “Burnout Among Health Service Providers.”Administration and Policy in Mental Health 18 (January): 161-171.Zakour, Michael J., Gillespie, David F., Sherraden, Michael W., and Calvin L. Streeter. 1990-1991. “Volunteer Organizations in Disasters.” The Journal <strong>of</strong> Volunteer Administration 9(#2, Winter): 18-28.Gillespie, David F. 1988. “Barton's Theory <strong>of</strong> Collective Stress is a Classic and Worth Testing.”Journal <strong>of</strong> Mass Emergencies and Disasters 6 (#3, November): 345-361.Gillespie, David F. and Calvin L. Streeter. 1987. “Conceptualizing and Measuring DisasterPreparedness.” Journal <strong>of</strong> Mass Emergencies and Disasters 5 (#2, August): 155-176.Gillespie, David F. 1987. “Ethical Issues in Research.” Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> 18thEdition, Volume 1. Silver Spring, Maryland: National Association <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>ers,Inc.: 503-512.Orme, John G. and David F. Gillespie. 1987. “A General Formula for Computing Total ScoresUsing Scales with Incomplete Items.” <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Research & Abstracts Volume 23 (#3,Fall): 3.Streeter, Calvin L., Sherraden, Michael W., Gillespie, David F., and Michael J. Zakour. 1986.“Curriculum Development in Interorganizational Coordination.” Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>Education 22 (#1, Winter): 32-40.Orme, John G. and David F. Gillespie. 1986. “Reliability and Bias in CategorizingIndividualized Client Problems.” <strong>Social</strong> Service Review 60 (March): 161-174.Gillespie, David F. and Anthony E.O. King I. 1985. “Demographic Understanding <strong>of</strong>Volunteerism.” Journal <strong>of</strong> Sociology & <strong>Social</strong> Welfare 12 (#4, December): 798-816.King, Anthony E.O. I. 1985. “Administrative Lessons From Volunteer Pr<strong>of</strong>iles.” Journal <strong>of</strong>Volunteer Administration 21 (#1, November): 28-37.Mileti, Dennis S. and David F. Gillespie. 1985. “The Effects <strong>of</strong> Legitimation on Goal Changeand Formalization in Organizations.” Journal <strong>of</strong> Contemporary Sociology 22 (#1&2,January/April): 33-53.Gillespie, David F. and Ronald W. Perry. 1984. “Administrative Principles in EmergencyPlanning.” The Environmental Pr<strong>of</strong>essional 6 (No. 2, Spring): 41-45.Gillespie, David F. and Susan E. Cohen. 1984. “Causes <strong>of</strong> <strong>Work</strong>er Burnout.” Children and YouthServices Review VI (Spring): 115-124.Orme, John G., Gillespie, David F., and Anne E. Fortune. 1983. “Two-Dimensional SummaryScores Derived from Ratings <strong>of</strong> Individualized Client Problems.” <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Researchand Abstracts (Fall): 30-32.Mileti, Dennis S., Timmer, Doug A., and David F. Gillespie. 1982. “Intra and InterorganizationalDeterminants <strong>of</strong> Decentralization.” Pacific Sociological Review 25 (#2, April): 163-183.Gillespie, David F. and Dennis S. Mileti. 1982. “Differentiation in Organizations.” <strong>Social</strong> Forces60 (June): 1172-1175.Rosen, Aaron and David F. Gillespie. 1982. “Educational Process Experiences and Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalActivities <strong>of</strong> Doctoral Students.” In Aaron Rosen and Jack Stretch (Editors), DoctoralEducation in <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>. St. Louis, Missouri: Group for the Advancement <strong>of</strong> DoctoralEducation in <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>, Inc.: 240-248.

6Gillespie Vitae, Page 6Orme, John G. and David F. Gillespie. 1981. “Target Complaints as an Individualized OutcomeMeasure.” Journal <strong>of</strong> Behavioral <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> 1 (No. 3): 199-203.Gillespie, David F. and John G. Orme. 1981. “A Procedural Change for Individual ProblemRating.” Administration in Mental Health 9 (Winter): 151-154.Gillespie, David F. 1981. “Active and Passive Types <strong>of</strong> Burnout.” Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> ServiceResearch 4 (#1, Winter): 1-16.Gillespie, David F. and Dennis S. Mileti. 1981. “Heterogeneous Samples in OrganizationalResearch.” Sociological Methods and Research 9 (#3, February): 375-388.Mileti, Dennis S., Gillespie, David F., and D. Stanley Eitzen. 1981. “The Multidimensionality <strong>of</strong>Organizational Size.” Sociology and <strong>Social</strong> Research 65 (#4, July): 400-414.Mileti, Dennis S. and David F. Gillespie. 1980. “Organizational and TechnologicalInterdependencies.” Journal <strong>of</strong> Contemporary Sociology 17 (#3&4, July/October): 132-158.Gillespie, David F. and Dennis S. Mileti. 1980. “Determinants <strong>of</strong> Planning in Organizations.”Administrative Science Review 10 (#1, September): 21-31.Gillespie, David F. and Philip H. Birnbaum. 1980. “Status Concordance, Coordination andSuccess in Interdisciplinary Research Teams.” Human Relations 33 (#1, 1980): 41-56.Gillespie, David F. and Dennis S. Mileti. 1979. “Action and Contingency Postulates inOrganization-Environment Relations.” Human Relations 32 (#3, 1979): 261-271.Birnbaum, Philip H. and David F. Gillespie. 1979. “Status and Performance in SmallPr<strong>of</strong>essional Organizations.” <strong>Social</strong> Science Quarterly 60 (#1, June): 105-112.Seaberg, James R. and David F. Gillespie. 1979. “Baseline Evaluation: Evaluating ConsistencyBetween Federal Standards and Local Pro-visions.” Journal <strong>of</strong> Sociology and <strong>Social</strong>Welfare VI (September): 657-672.Mileti, Dennis S., Gillespie, David F., and D. Stanley Eitzen. 1979. “Structure and Decision-Making in Corporate Organizations.” Sociology and <strong>Social</strong> Research 63 (#4, July): 723-744.Gillespie, David F. 1978. “Themes from <strong>Work</strong> Organization Research Applied to <strong>Social</strong> ServiceSettings: A Review Essay.” Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Service Research 2 (Winter): 233-242.Gillespie, David F. and Susanne E. Marten. 1978. “Assessing Service Accessibility.”Administration in <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> 2 (#2, Summer): 183-197.Seaberg, James R. and David F. Gillespie. 1978. “Inter-Reporter Reliability <strong>of</strong> a NationalDatabank.” California Sociologist 1 (#2, Summer): 135-150.Mileti, Dennis S., Gillespie, David F., and Elizabeth Morrissey. 1978. “Technology andOrganization: Methodological Deficiencies and Lacunae.” Technology and Culture 19(#1, January): 83-92.Gillespie, David F. 1977. “Discovering and Describing Organizational Goal Conflict.”Administration in <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> l (#4, December): 395-408.Gillespie, David F. and James R. Seaberg. 1977. “Individual Problem Rating: A ProposedScale.” Administration in Mental Health 5 (#1, Fall/Winter): 27-32.Mileti, Dennis S., Gillespie, David F., and J. Eugene Haas. 1977. “Size and Structure in ComplexOrganizations.” <strong>Social</strong> Forces 56 (#1, September): 208-217.Seaberg, James R. and David F. Gillespie. 1977. “Goal Attainment Scaling: A Critique.” <strong>Social</strong><strong>Work</strong> Research and Abstracts 13 (#2, Summer): 4-9.

9Gillespie Vitae, Page 9Gillespie, David F. and Robards, Karen Joseph. 1999. Dynamic Structure <strong>of</strong> Preparedness andMitigation. Interim Final Report <strong>of</strong> the Mid-America Earthquake Center’s Project SE-2,Facility Management Decision-Making in Mid-America.Gillespie, David F., Murty, Susan A., Rogge, Mary, Shen, Ching-Ying, Robards, Karen. 1996.Assessment <strong>of</strong> FEMA Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program. Final Report #EMW-92-K-4081, Washington, D.C.: Federal Emergency Management Agency.Gillespie, David F., Mileti, Dennis S., et al. 1993. Earthquake Preparedness, Awareness andEducation in the Central United States. Memphis, Tennessee: Central United StatesEarthquake Consortium, Monograph No. 3, ISBN No. 0-943198-39-9.Gillespie, David F. Colignon, Richard, Banerjee, Mahasweta M., Murty, Susan A., and MaryRogge. 1992. Interorganizational Relations for Disaster Preparedness. Final Report#BCS 8920472, Washington, D.C.: National Science Foundation.Gillespie, David F. 1992. Inventory <strong>of</strong> Organizational Disaster Preparedness (HaPI Record).Pittsburgh, PA: Behavioral Measurement Database Services. McLean, VA: BRS SearchService.Gillespie, David F. 1990. “Recommended Research on Coordination in The International Decadefor Natural Disaster Reduction.” Report prepared for the Hazard Reduction & RecoveryCenter, Texas A&M University, September.Gillespie, David F. 1988. “Response and Recovery Planning in St. Louis.” Pp. 573-583 in WalterW. Hays (Editor), A Review <strong>of</strong> Earthquake Research Applications in the NationalEarthquake Hazards Reduction Program: 1977-1987. Reston, Virginia: U.S. GeologicalSurvey.Gillespie, David F. and Calvin L. Streeter. 1987. Pr<strong>of</strong>iling Electric Utility Customers in St.Louis. Final Report to Union Electric, St. Louis, Missouri.Gillespie, David F., Sherraden, Michael W., Streeter, Calvin L., and Michael J. Zakour. 1986.Mapping Networks <strong>of</strong> Organized Volunteers for Natural Hazard Preparedness #PB87-182051/A09. Springfield, Virginia: National Technical Information Service.Gillespie, David F. 1983. Understanding and Combatting Burnout. Public Administration Series#1235. Monticello, Illinois: Vance Bibliographies.Gillespie, David F. and Anthony E.O. King. 1981. A Survey <strong>of</strong> Volunteers to the St. Louis Bi-State Chapter <strong>of</strong> the American Red Cross. Report to the St. Louis Bi-State Chapter <strong>of</strong> theAmerican Red Cross, Missouri.Gillespie, David F. 1979. Protective Service <strong>Work</strong>er Study. Report to Protective ServicesDivision <strong>of</strong> the Michigan Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Services, Lansing, Michigan.Gillespie, David F. 1978. Measurement <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Service Technologies. Report <strong>of</strong> Project #11602funded through the University College-Level Grant Fund.Seaberg, James R. and David F. Gillespie. 1977. A Baseline Evaluation Procedure, ThreeVolumes. Center for <strong>Social</strong> Welfare Research, University <strong>of</strong> Washington.

10Gillespie Vitae, Page 10Seaberg, James R. and David F. Gillespie. 1976. “Goal Attainment Scaling: A Critique and anAlternative.” Center for <strong>Social</strong> Welfare Research, University <strong>of</strong> Washington, 1976.Mileti, Dennis S. and David F. Gillespie. 1976. Interorganizational Relations and CommunityService Delivery Systems. Action Research Group, Boulder, Colorado.Gillespie, David F. and Rand Conger. 1975. Coordinating Community Concern for <strong>Social</strong>Service: Research Report for 1974-1975. DHEW Project #90-C-77, 1975).Gillespie, David F. 1975. “An Embryonic Theory <strong>of</strong> Research Team Effectiveness.” <strong>Work</strong>ingPaper #4, Research Management Improvement Program (RMIP), University <strong>of</strong>Washington.Gillespie, David F. 1975. “A General Model <strong>of</strong> Group Goals and Effectiveness.” <strong>Work</strong>ing Paper#5 RMIP, University <strong>of</strong> Washington.Seaberg, James R. and David F. Gillespie. 1975. “Survey <strong>of</strong> Measures Available for Evaluation<strong>of</strong> Demonstration Projects.” Center for <strong>Social</strong> Welfare Research, University <strong>of</strong>Washington.PAPERS PRESENTED AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS“Managing Organizational Partnerships in Mental Health: Connecting Theory and Practice.”Fifty-fifth Annual Program Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, SanAntonio, Texas, November 7-9, 2009.“A Test <strong>of</strong> Stress Theory: Relief <strong>Work</strong>ers in Refugee Camps.” Fifty-fourth Annual ProgramMeeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October29 – November 2, 2008.“Science Meets Policy Practice.” Twenty-sixth International Conference <strong>of</strong> the SystemDynamics Society, Athens, Greece, July 20-24, 2008.http://www.systemdynamics.org/conferences/2008/proceed/papers/HOVMA418.pdf“Financial Performance <strong>of</strong> Mental Health Nonpr<strong>of</strong>it Organizations.” Twenty-sixth InternationalConference <strong>of</strong> the System Dynamics Society, Athens, Greece, July 20-24, 2008.http://www.systemdynamics.org/conferences/2008/proceed/papers/HOVMA423.pdf“Theories <strong>of</strong> Vulnerability: Key to Reducting Losses from Disasters.” 21 st InternationalScientific Conference <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, March 12-13,2008.“A Systematic Review <strong>of</strong> Structural Equation Modeling in <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Research.” EleventhAnnual Conference <strong>of</strong> the Society for <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Research, Washington, D.C., January,2008.“Modeling Victimization among Homeless Persons with Mental Illness.” Eleventh AnnualConference <strong>of</strong> the Society for <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> and Research, Washington, D.C., January 19,2008.“Dynanmics <strong>of</strong> Innovation Implementation and Organizational Performance in Mental HealthServices.” Twenty-fifth International Conference <strong>of</strong> the System Dynamics Society,

11Gillespie Vitae, Page 11Boston, July 29—August 2, 2007.http://www.systemdynamics.org/conferences/2007/proceed/index.htm“Vulnerability: Central Concept <strong>of</strong> Disaster Curriculum.” Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education andKatherine A. Kendall Institute for International <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education conference onDisaster Planning, Management and Relief: New Responsibilities for <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>Education. St. Michael, Barbados, January 10-12, 2007.“Dynamics <strong>of</strong> Innovation Implementation in <strong>Social</strong> Service Organizations.” Twenty-fourthInternational Conference <strong>of</strong> the System Dynamics Society, Nijmegen, The Netherlands,July 23-27, 2006.“A New Approach to Measurement: Phrase Completion Scales.” Tenth Annual Conference <strong>of</strong>the Society for <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> and Research, San Antonio, Texas, January 12-15, 2006.“Community Conflict Resolution: A Comparison <strong>of</strong> Safety and Economic Development.” TenthAnnual Conference <strong>of</strong> the Society for <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Research, San Antonio, Texas,January 12-15, 2006.“Phrase Completion Scales: A Better Approach to Measuring Outcomes than Likert Scales?”Fifty-second Annual Program Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education,Chicago, Illinois, February 16-19, 2006.“Interrelationship <strong>of</strong> Community Safety and Economic Development: Static and DynamicModels.” Fifty-second Annual Program Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>Education, Chicago, Illinois, February 16-19, 2006.“Using Simulation to Facilitate Acceptable Consequences for Small Communities.” AnnualMeeting <strong>of</strong> the American Association for the Advancement <strong>of</strong> Science, St. Louis,Missouri, February 16-20, 2006.“Community Goal Dynamics: A Case Study.” Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Society for <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>and Research, Miami, Florida, January 13-15, 2005.“System Dynamics Modeling in Disaster <strong>Work</strong>: Dynamics <strong>of</strong> Earthquake Building Safety.”Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Society for <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> and Research, Miami, Florida, January13-15, 2005.“Community Goal Dynamics: A System Dynamics Perspective.” Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> theAssociation for Research on Nonpr<strong>of</strong>it Organizations and Voluntary Action. LosAngeles, California, November 18-20, 2004.“Phrase completion scales vs. Likert scales: A psychometric comparison using Allport and Ross’intrinsic measure <strong>of</strong> religion. Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Society for the Scientific Study <strong>of</strong>Religion, Kansas City, Missouri, October 22-24, 2004.“Phrase Completion Scales: A Better Approach to Scale Construction than the Likert Method?”Presented at the 99 th Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the American Sociological Association. SanFrancisco, California, August 14-17, 2004.“Goal Dynamics as a Key Ingredient to the Determination <strong>of</strong> Consequence Minimization.”Presented at Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the National Science Foundation’s Mid-AmericaEarthquake Center, San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 14-18, 2004.

12Gillespie Vitae, Page 12“Goal Dynamics <strong>of</strong> Community Safety and Economic Development.” Presented at the ThrustArea Research Coordination Meetings <strong>of</strong> the National Science Foundation’s Mid-America Earthquake Center, Atlanta, Georgia, September 24-25, 2003.“Applications <strong>of</strong> Network Analysis in Evaluating Comprehensive Community Initiatives: AnExploratory Approach to Assess Changes in Community <strong>Social</strong> Capital.” Presented at the54 th Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the American Society <strong>of</strong> Criminology, Chicago, Illinois,November 14, 2002.“Modeling to Assist in the Determination <strong>of</strong> Acceptable Consequences.” Presented at the ThrustArea Research Coordination Meetings <strong>of</strong> the National Science Foundation’s Mid-America Earthquake Center, Memphis, Tennenesse, November 24, 2002.“Acceptable Risk and Mitigation Options: Dynamic Structure <strong>of</strong> Building Safety.” Presented atthe 20 th International Conference <strong>of</strong> the System Dynamics Society, Palermo, Italy, July28 – August 1, 2002.“Community Intiatives and Crime.” 54 th Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the American Society <strong>of</strong>Criminology, Chicago, Illinois, November 13-16, 2002.“Acceptable Consequences.” Presented at the Thrust Area Research Coordination Meetings <strong>of</strong>the National Science Foundation’s Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, BeckmanInstitute, University <strong>of</strong> Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, June 27, 2002.“Non-linear Empirical Research: An Example <strong>of</strong> System Dynamics Modeling Applied toDisaster Mitigation.” Presented at the annual meetings <strong>of</strong> the Society for <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> andResearch, January 20-22, 2001.“Mitigating <strong>Social</strong> Problems: System Dynamics Modeling as a Conceptual and Empirical Tool.”Presented at the annual meetings <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, Dallas,March 8-11, 2001.“Encouraging Decision-Making for Earthquake Mitigation and Preparedness: An Application <strong>of</strong>System Dynamics.” Presented at the annual meetings <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>Education, Dallas, March 8-11, 2001.“The Dynamics <strong>of</strong> Mitigation and Preparedness.” Presented at the annual meetings <strong>of</strong> the SystemDynamics Society, Atlanta, July 22-27, 2001."Building Disaster Preparedness: An Application <strong>of</strong> System Dynamics Modeling." Presented atthe 46 th annual meetings <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, New York, February26-29, 2000."System Dynamics Modeling: A New Methodology for <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>." Presented at the 46 thannual meetings <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, New York, February 26-29,2000.“Mitigating Uncertainty in Decision-Making: Applying System Dynamics Modeling toEarthquake Disaster Preparedness.” Presented at the fourth annual conference <strong>of</strong> theSociety for <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> and Research, Charleston, South Carolina, January 29-31, 2000.Rubio, D.M., Thomson, N.R., Willoughby, L., & Gillespie, D.F. (1999). Testing the effects <strong>of</strong>estimation procedures and sample size with ordinal data in structural equation modeling.Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Social</strong> Statistics Section. American Statistical Association.

13Gillespie Vitae, Page 13“Testing the Effects <strong>of</strong> Estimation Procedures and Sample Size with Ordinal Data.” Presented atthe annual meetings <strong>of</strong> the American Statistical Association, Joint Statistical Meetings,Baltimore, Maryland, August, 1999.“Collaboration and Competition Among Nonpr<strong>of</strong>it and Governmental Organizations DuringDisasters.” Presented at the Independent Sector Spring Research Forum, Alexandria,Virgina, March 25-26, 1999“Mapping Interorganizational Networks for National Disaster Preparedness.” Presented at the45 th annual meetings <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, San Francisco,California, March 10-13, 1999.“Understanding the Network Structure <strong>of</strong> Community-Based Services for the Elderly.” Presentedat the annual meeting <strong>of</strong> the Society for <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Research, Austin, Texas, January22-24, 1999.“Facility Management Decision-Making.” Presented at the Annual Research Symposium <strong>of</strong> theMid-America Earthquake Center, Rend Lake Resort, Illinois, October 30 – November 1,1998.Kalliath, Thomas J., O’Driscoll, and David F. Gillespie. 1997. “Organisational Commitment: AnAntidote to Burnout.” Best Paper & Abstract Proceedings, Australian Industrial andOrganizational Psychology 2 nd Biennial Conference, Melbourne, Australia, June 27-29.“Service Coordination as Interorganizational Strategies in Service Delivery.” Presented at theInternational Conference <strong>of</strong> the Society for the Advancement <strong>of</strong> Socio-Economics,Montreal, Canada, July 5-7, 1997.“Contextual Factors in Hazards Research.” Plenary Session <strong>of</strong> the Annual Hazards Research andApplications <strong>Work</strong>shop, Denver, July 7-10, 1996.“Interorganizational Cooperation for Disaster Preparedness.” University Academic ResearchVisitor Colloquium, Department <strong>of</strong> Psychology, <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Sciences, University <strong>of</strong>Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand, May 24, 1996.“Unbalanced Dichotomous Independent Variables in Multiple Regression.” Presented at theAnnual Program Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, Washington, DC,February 16-18, 1996.“Interorganizational Relationships in Disasters: Developing and Testing a Measure <strong>of</strong>Coordination.” Presented at the Annual Program Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>Education, Washington, DC, February 16-18, 1996.“Bridging Partnerships Between Government and Voluntary <strong>Social</strong> Service Agencies: Lessonsfrom Disaster Preparedness.” Presented at the Annual Program Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on<strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, Washington, DC, February 16-18, 1996.“Educating <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>ers for Natural and Technological Disaster Management.” Presented atthe Annual Program Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, Washington, DC,February 16-18, 1996.

14Gillespie Vitae, Page 14“Structural Equation Modeling.” Presented as part <strong>of</strong> the Methodological Advances in <strong>Social</strong><strong>Work</strong> Research session <strong>of</strong> the <strong>George</strong> <strong>Warren</strong> <strong>Brown</strong> 70th Anniversary Conference, St.Louis, October 13-15, 1995.“Innovations in Hazards Research.” Plenary Session <strong>of</strong> the Annual Hazards Research andApplications <strong>Work</strong>shop, Boulder, July 16-19, 1995.“Empowering the Test <strong>of</strong> the Hypotheses Through Bootstrapping in <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Research.”Paper presented at the Annual Program Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>Education, San Diego, March 2-5, 1995.“Transforming Accountability from Master to Servant.” Presented at the 55th Annual NationalTraining Conference <strong>of</strong> the American Society for Public Administration, Kansas City,Missouri, July 1994.“Organizational Partnerships for Preparedness” Presented at the 19th Annual Natural HazardsResearch and Applications <strong>Work</strong>shop, Boulder, July, 1994.“A Two-Factor Measurement Model at Two Points in Time.” Presented at the Annual ProgramMeeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1994.“Dealing with Error in Structural Equation Models.” Presented at the Annual Program Meeting<strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, Atlanta, Georgia, March, 1994.“Identifying Sources <strong>of</strong> Measurement Error in Geographic Information Systems.” Presented atthe Annual Program Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, Atlanta, Georgia,March, 1994.“Poverty as a Mediating and Moderating Variable in <strong>Social</strong> Adjustment.” Presented at theAnnual Program Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, Atlanta, Georgia,March, 1994.“Structural Equation Modeling: An Innovation for Doctoral <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Curricula.” Presented atthe Annual Program Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, Atlanta, Georgia,March, 1994.“Strategic Networks in Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness.” Presented at the Mid-SouthSociological Society, Montgomery, Alabama, October, 1993.“Assessing Hazard Reduction.” Presented at the 18th Annual Natural Hazards Research andApplications <strong>Work</strong>shop, Boulder, July, 1993.“Strategic Networks: An Empirical Application to Disaster Response Organizations.” Presentedat the annual meetings <strong>of</strong> the Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, April 1993.“Creation, Maintenance, and Termination <strong>of</strong> Interorganizational Linkages.” Presented at theannual meetings <strong>of</strong> the Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, April 1993.“Applications <strong>of</strong> Cluster Analysis.” Presented at the Annual Program Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council <strong>of</strong><strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, New York, March 1993.“A Creative Response to the Diverse Use <strong>of</strong> Terms Describing Multivariate Relationships.”Presented at the Annual Program Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, NewYork, March 1993.

16Gillespie Vitae, Page 16“Aspects <strong>of</strong> Network Analysis in Disaster Preparedness.” Presented at the Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong>the Mid-South Sociological Association, October, 1990 in Hot Springs, Arkansas.“Interorganizational Relations for Disaster Preparedness.” Presented at the 15th Annual HazardsResearch and Applications <strong>Work</strong>shop, July, 1990 in Boulder, Colorado.“Issues <strong>of</strong> Coordination in the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction.” Presented atthe Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center, Texas A&MUniversity, College Station, Texas, June, 1990.“Applications in <strong>Social</strong> Network Analysis.” Presented at the Annual Program Meeting <strong>of</strong> theCouncil on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education in Reno, Nevada, March, 1990.“Coordinating Community Resources.” Presented at a conference on Research in Missouri:Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics. Sponsored by the Midwest Chapter <strong>of</strong>Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Earthquake Engineering Subcommittee <strong>of</strong> theSt. Louis Section for American Society <strong>of</strong> Civil Engineers, and the Department <strong>of</strong> CivilEngineering at Washington University, St. Louis, March 30, 1989.“Assessing Network Change.” Presented at the Ninth Annual Sunbelt <strong>Social</strong> NetworkConference, Tampa Bay, Florida, February, 1989.“Cluster Analysis: Quantitative Methods for Grouping Cases and Variables.” Presented at theAnnual Program Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education in Chicago, Illinois,March 1988.“Response and Recovery Planning.” Presented at a conference on Earthquake ResearchApplications in the Eastern United States sponsored by The Federal EmergencyManagement Agency, National Bureau <strong>of</strong> Standards, National Science Foundation, andthe U.S. Geological Survey, Knoxville, Tennessee, October, 1987.“Interorganizational Dynamics in Disaster Preparedness Networks.” Presented at the AnnualMeetings <strong>of</strong> the Midwest Sociological Society, April, 1987, Chicago.“Networks: <strong>Social</strong> Service and Emergency Management.” Presented at the Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong>the American Sociological Association, August/September, 1986, New York.“Theoretical Aspects <strong>of</strong> Emergency Preparedness Networks.” Presented at the Annual Meetings<strong>of</strong> the American Sociological Association, August, l985, Washington, D.C.“The Role <strong>of</strong> Voluntary Agencies, the Private Sector, and Local Emergency ManagementOffices in Responding to Disasters.” Presented at the Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the NaturalHazards Research and Applications Information Center, July, l985, Boulder, Colorado.“A Unified Framework for Interorganizational Relations.” Presented at the Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong>the Midwest Sociological Society, April, 1985, St. Louis, Missouri.“Toward a Continuum <strong>of</strong> Skilled Volunteer Roles.” Presented at the Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> theMidwest Sociological Society, April, 1985, St. Louis, Missouri.“Curriculum Development in Interorganizational Coordination.” Presented at the AnnualProgram Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, February, 1985,Washington, D.C.

17Gillespie Vitae, Page 17“Regulation <strong>of</strong> the Firm in a Capitalist Economy.” Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the AmericanSociological Association, San Antonio, Texas, August, 1984.“Administrative Principles in Emergency Evacuation Planning.” Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> theMidwest Sociological Association, Kansas City, April, 1983.“A Data Base for the Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Doctoral Education in <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>.” Annual ProgramMeeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, Los Angeles, California, March,1980.“Educational Process Experiences and Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Activities <strong>of</strong> Doctoral Graduates.” AnnualMeeting <strong>of</strong> the Group for the Advancement <strong>of</strong> Doctoral Education, St. Louis, Missouri,1980.“Criteria and Measures for the Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Doctoral Education in <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>.” AnnualProgram Meeting, Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, Los Angeles, 1980.“The Epiphenominality <strong>of</strong> Organizational Size.” Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the Midwest SociologicalAssociation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April, 1979.“Corporate Size as <strong>Work</strong>.” Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the American Sociological Association, SanFrancisco, September, 1978.“Organizational Size, Complexity and Decision Making.” Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the AmericanSociological Association, San Francisco, September, 1978.“Action and Contingency Postulates in Organization - Environment Relations.” Annual Meetings<strong>of</strong> the Midwest Sociological Society, Omaha, April, 1978.“Size and Organizational Differentiation.” Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the Pacific SociologicalAssociation, Spokane, Washington, April, 1978.“Organizational Manipulation and Adaptation to Complex Environments.” Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong>the Midwest Sociological Society, Minneapolis, April, 1977.“Organizational Growth and Managerial Efficiency.” Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the PacificSociological Association, Sacramento, April, 1977.“Organizational Technology and Environmental Adaptation-Manipulation.” Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong>the American Sociological Association, Chicago, September, 1977.“Environmental and System Consensus: A Common Perspective for Organization-EnvironmentRelations.” Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the Pacific Sociological Association, San Diego,California, March, 1976.“Size and Structure in Complex Organizations.” Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the American SociologicalAssociation, New York, August, 1976.“A Systems Approach to Mass Emergency.” Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the Society for the Study <strong>of</strong><strong>Social</strong> Problems, New York, August, 1976.“Technology and the Study <strong>of</strong> Organizations: An Overview and an Appraisal.” Annual Meetings<strong>of</strong> the Pacific Sociological Association, Victoria, Canada, April, 1975.

18Gillespie Vitae, Page 18“A Resolution <strong>of</strong> Inconsistencies between Size, Complexity, and the Administrative Componentin Complex Organizations.” Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the Midwest Sociological Association,Chicago, Illinois, April, 1975.“The Meanings and Utility <strong>of</strong> Technological Uncertainty in Organizational EnvironmentRelations.” Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the American Sociological Association, San Francisco,California, August, 1975.BOOK REVIEWSGary A. Kreps and Susan Lovegren Bosworth, Organizing, Role Enactment, and Disaster: AStructural Theory. Mass Emergencies and Disasters 14 (No. 2, August, 1996): 245-250.See also Kreps and Bosworth, “Response to Gillespie’s Review,” and Gillespie,“Response to Kreps and Bosworth.” Mass Emergencies and Disasters 15 (No 2, August,1997): 309-319.Catherine Alter and Jerald Hage, Organizations <strong>Work</strong>ing Together. Administration in <strong>Social</strong><strong>Work</strong> 18 (No.2, 1994): 134-138.Claire B. Rubin and Roy Popkin, Disaster Recovery After Hurrican Hugo in South Carolina;Lewis Aptekar, The Psychosocial Process <strong>of</strong> Adjusting to Natural Disasters; PamelaSands Showalter, Field Observations in Memphis During the New Madrid Earthquake'Projection' <strong>of</strong> 1990: How Pseudoscience Affected A Region. Mass Emergencies andDisasters 10 (March, 1992):239-244.Russell R. Dynes, Bruna DeMarchi and Carlo Pelanda (Editors), Sociology <strong>of</strong> Disasters:Contribution <strong>of</strong> Sociology to Disaster Research. Mass Emergencies and Disasters 8(August, 1990): 157-164.Charles Perrow, Normal Accidents: Living With High-Risk Technologies. EnvironmentalPr<strong>of</strong>essional 6 (#3/4, 1984): 317-320.Sidney Gael, Job Analysis: A Guide to Assessing <strong>Work</strong> Activities. Sociology: Review <strong>of</strong> NewBooks 10 (September/October, 1983): 15-16.Robert Denhardt, In the Shadow <strong>of</strong> Organization. Sociology: Review <strong>of</strong> New Books 9(March/April, 1982): 69.Greer et al., Accountability in Urban Society. Administration in <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>. 2 (Summer, 1980):118-119.Ivar Berg, et al., Managers and <strong>Work</strong> Reform: A Limited Engagement. Sociology: Review <strong>of</strong>New Books 6 (March/April, l979): 83-84.Paul S. Goodman, et al., New Perspectives on Organizational Effectiveness. Sociology: Review<strong>of</strong> New Books 5 (July/August, 1978): 126-127.Dean J. Champion, The Sociology <strong>of</strong> Organizations. Sociology: Review <strong>of</strong> New Books 3(February, 1976): 66-67.M. G. Smith, Corporations and Society: The <strong>Social</strong> Anthropology <strong>of</strong> Collective Action.Sociology: Reviews <strong>of</strong> New Books 2 (September, 1975): 209.

19Gillespie Vitae, Page 19Harold Leavitt, Lawrence Pinfield, and Eugene Webb (eds.), Organizations <strong>of</strong> the Future:Interaction with the External Environment. Sociology: Review <strong>of</strong> New Books 2 (October,1974): 10.Avant R. Negandhi, Modern Organization Theory: Contextual, Environmental, and Socio-Cultural Variables. Sociology: Reviews <strong>of</strong> New Books 1 (November/December, 1973):31-32.Snell Putney, The Conquest <strong>of</strong> Society. Contemporary Sociology 2 (January, 1973): 50-51.PROFESSIONAL SERVICESGuest Lecturer, November 11, 2010, Michael Sherraden’s PhD seminar on Theory, <strong>Brown</strong><strong>School</strong>, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. Lectured on systems theory anddynamic modeling.Reviewer, 2010 International System Dynamics Society. Reviewed two manuscripts.Reviewer, 2010 Society for <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Research Annual Conference. Reviewed 15 abstracts.Reviewer, 2009 International System Dynamics Society. Reviewed two manuscripts.Teacher with Michael Zakour, West Virginia University, January 16, 2009, <strong>Work</strong>shop on“Recent Advances in Disaster Vulnerability and Resiliency Research: Theory, Design,and Methodology” <strong>of</strong>fered at the Annual Conference <strong>of</strong> the Society for <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> andResearch, New Orleans, Louisana.Panelist, May 22-23, 2008, NSF Review Panel for the Human and <strong>Social</strong> Dynamics solicitation.Reviewed 12 proposals, with primary responsibility for writing up the panel’s evaluationand recommendation on 4 <strong>of</strong> those 12 proposals.Teacher with Calvin L. Streeter, University <strong>of</strong> Texas at Austin, March 11, 2008, Pre-conferenceworkshop for faculty and students on “<strong>Social</strong> Network Analysis: A Method toUnderstand Community Structure.” 21 International Scientific Conference <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong><strong>Work</strong>, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt. Translation provided by Dr. Ahmad Taha.Keynote speaker, March 12, 2008, 21 st International Scientific Conference <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>,Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt. Talk on “Importance <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Research.”Reviewer, 2008 International System Dynamics Society. Reviewed two manuscripts.Guest Editor, <strong>Social</strong> Development Issues, Volume 30, No. 1, Spring, 2008. See “Editor’s Note,”Pp. ix-xiv.Chair, 2007-2010 CSWE <strong>Work</strong>ing Group on Disaster: charged with developing a master coursesyllabus, topic modules, and educational resource materials to support the dissemination<strong>of</strong> disaster knowledge and principles in social work curriculum.http://www.cswe.org/CSWE/centers/kendall/Resources.htmReviewer, 2007 International System Dynamics Society. Reviewed two manuscripts.Moderator, January 12, 2007, Session I: <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Curriculum Issues, Components, andTheoretical Considerations in the Integration <strong>of</strong> Disaster Response. CSWE and K.A.

20Gillespie Vitae, Page 20Kendall IISWE conference on Disaster Planning, Management and Relief, St. Michael,Barbardos.Member, August 2006 – June 2007, Regional Disaster Preparedness Task Force, sponsored byFOCUS St. Louis. 1910 Pine Street, St. Louis, Missouri 63103-2254. Report on St. LouisRegionial Disaster Preparedness issued September 11, 2007: http://www.focusstl.org/prog/pdfs/2007DisasterPrep-full.pdfReviewer, 2006 International System Dynamics Society. Reviewed one manuscript.Consultant, December 2006 – November 2007, Steven M. Kymes, Department <strong>of</strong>Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Washington University <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Medicine,“Development <strong>of</strong> a Vision Specific Utilities Elicitation Method.” Project #RO3-EY017862-01 funded by National Eye Institute <strong>of</strong> the National Institutes on Health.Provide measurement testing advice on the Visual Functioning Questionnaire (VFQ-25).Guest Lecturer, November 15, 2006, Michael Sherraden’s PhD seminar on Theory, <strong>Brown</strong><strong>School</strong>, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. Talked about systems theory anddynamic modeling.Guest speaker, April 14, 2006, The GWB Alumni Association’s Breakfast Series, <strong>Brown</strong> <strong>School</strong>,Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. Talked about “The <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Role inDisaster Planning, Preparedness and Recovery.”Speaker, March 22, 2006, Department <strong>of</strong> American Studies, Washinton University, St. Louis,Missouri. Special class on Hurricane Katrina (L98 AMCS 330) taught by Drs. StephenGibson and T.R. Kidder. Lectured on “Government Roles and Responsibilities.”Reviewer, 2005 International System Dynamics Society. Reviewed two manuscripts.Reviewer, Periship Fellowship, November 12-26, 2004. Reviewed 19 dissertation proposals,rank-ordered top 10, participated on panel to recommended funding.Reviewer, 2004 International System Dynamics Society. Reviewed two manuscripts.Keynote speaker, March 2, 2004, Arnulf M. Pins Conference, Paul Baerwald <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong><strong>Work</strong> at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. Talk on “Thinking Dynamically aboutRelationships between Formal and Voluntary Organizations.”Reviewer, 2003 International System Dynamics Society. Reviewed two manuscripts.Session Chair, July 30, 2002, Public Policy/Public Sector, 20 th International Conference <strong>of</strong> theSystem Dynamics Society, Palermo, Italy.Speaker, May 20, 2002, Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>, Tunghai University, Taichung City,Taiwan. Special seminar on “New Directions in <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Research.”Speaker, May 25, 2002, Annual Alumna Conference, Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>, TunghaiUniversity, Taichung City, Taiwan. Speech on “From <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Approaches toDisaster Research and Practice.”Speaker, May 27, 2002, Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>, Fu-Zan University, Taipei, Taiwan. Specialseminar on “Systems Thinking in <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Research.”

21Gillespie Vitae, Page 21Reviewer, 2002 International System Dynamics Society Conference. Reviewed two manuscripts.Member, 2001 NSF Earthquake Centers Coordinating Committee <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong>, Economic, andPolitical Research. Review project goals and activities to facilitate cooperation andexchange. Boulder, Colorado, April 5-6, 2001.Member, 2001 APM Corresponding Committee. Review and rate abstracts for the annualprogram meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education.Member, Editorial Board, Sociological Inquiry, 2001-2004. Review manuscripts, solicitmanuscripts, and make policy and procedural suggestions to the editor.Session Chair, 75 th Anniversary Conference <strong>of</strong> the <strong>George</strong> <strong>Warren</strong> <strong>Brown</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong><strong>Work</strong>, October 6, 2000. Session on “Blending the <strong>Social</strong>, Fiscal, and Physical in aNeighborhood.Speaker, annual program meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, February 26-29,2000. Special Presentation on Achieving Excellence in Empirical Research Publications.Addressed the role <strong>of</strong> social work educators in enhancing empirical research andprovided guidelines for publishing in the Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Service Research (JSSR).Speaker, fourth annual conference <strong>of</strong> the Society for <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> and Research, Charleston,South Carolina, January 29-31, 2000. Special Presentation on Achieving Excellence inEmpirical Research Publications. Addressed the role <strong>of</strong> social work educators inenhancing empirical research and provided guidelines for publishing in the Journal <strong>of</strong><strong>Social</strong> Service Research (JSSR).Member, 2000 APM Corresponding Committee. Review and rate abstracts for the annualprogram meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education.Speaker, annual program meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, March 12, 1999.Special Presentation on Achieving Excellence in Empirical Research Publications.Addressed the role <strong>of</strong> social work educators in enhancing empirical research andprovided guidelines for publishing in the Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Service Research (JSSR).Discussant, annual program meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, March 11-12,1999. Offerred critiques <strong>of</strong> eight papers presented in the three sessions sponsored by theDisaster & Traumatic Stress Symposium.Member, 1999 APM Corresponding Committee. Review and rate abstracts for the annualprogram meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education.Member, National Advisory Editorial Board, Journal <strong>of</strong> Applied <strong>Social</strong> Sciences, Case WesternReserve University. December 1998 – January 2001. Pranab Chatterjee, Editor-in-Chief.Master Teacher, Faculty Development Institute, Structural Equation Modeling in Practice:Issues and Techniques, March 5, 1998, Annual Program Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on<strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, Florida.Member, 1997 APM Corresponding Committee. Review and rate abstracts for the annualprogram meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education.Book Manuscript Consultant, (1) October 2010, Columbia University Press; (2) August 2009,Guilford Publishing, Inc. (3) October 2008, Oxford University Press; (4) September

22Gillespie Vitae, Page 222008, Guilford Publishing, Inc.; (5) July 2007, Oxford University Press; (6) April 2000,John Wiley & Sons; (7) May 1999, Adison-Wesley; (8) September, 1998, NASW Press;(9) July, 1997, NASW Press; (10) July, 1995, NASW Press; (11) April 1987, Univ.Delaware Press, Newark; (12) December 1986, Human Sciences Press, N.Y.; (13) March1986, Dryden Press, Hinsdale, Il.; (14) February 1986, Prentice-Hall, Inc., EnglewoodCliffs, New Jersey; (15) February 1985, Prentice-Hall, Inc.; (16) October 1984,University <strong>of</strong> Georgia Press, Athens, Georgia; (17) January 1983, Prentice-Hall, Inc.Teacher, Faculty <strong>Work</strong>shop, Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling, April – June, 1996,University <strong>of</strong> Waikato, Department <strong>of</strong> Psychology, Hamilton, New Zealand.Chair, 1995–1997 Sub-Committee on Contextual Factors, National Assessment <strong>of</strong> HazardsResearch and Applications on Natural Hazards.Member, 1996 APM Corresponding Committee. Review and rate abstracts for the annualprogram meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education.Teacher, Faculty <strong>Work</strong>shop, Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL, May 24 – 26, 1995,University <strong>of</strong> Texas, <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>, 1925 Jacinto Avenue, Austin, Texas.Member, National Advisory Editorial Board, Journal <strong>of</strong> Applied <strong>Social</strong> Sciences, Case WesternReserve University. February 1995 – December 1998. Pranab Chatterjee, Editor-in-Chief.Master Teacher, Faculty Development Institute, Introduction to Network Analysis, March 2,1995, Annual Program Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education, San Diego,California.Participant, National Assessment <strong>of</strong> Hazards Research and Applications on Natural Hazards,October 1994 – July, 1997. Help develop the national research agenda.Reviewer, Executive Office <strong>of</strong> the President, White House Office <strong>of</strong> Science and TechnologyPolicy. July – October, 1994, Review drafts <strong>of</strong> National Earthquake Strategy.Reviewer, U.S. Geological Survey, June 1994. Evaluate proposals on a public educationprogram.Member, 1995 APM Corresponding Committee. Review and rate abstracts for the annualprogram meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education.Participant, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program Assessment User <strong>Work</strong>shop,sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, November 18-19, 1993,Washington, D.C.Member, Advisory Board for Sociological Abstracts, 1993 - Present. Advise on matters <strong>of</strong>classification, content, indexing, vocabulary, and media for Disaster Abstracts.Consulting Editor, 1993 - 1995, <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Research.Reviewer, National Science Foundation, 1979 - Present. Evaluate approximately two researchproposals per year.Administer tests for managers, 1980 - 1998, Mansfield Human Resources Division, 811 E.Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202.

23Gillespie Vitae, Page 23Advisor to the Editor and Editorial Board, Administration in <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>, 1986 - present.Review 3-4 manuscripts per year.Member, National Advisory Panel, Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center, Texas A&MUniversity, 1990 - Present. Dennis Wenger, Director. Evaluate research proposals and<strong>of</strong>fer advice to the center.Advisory Board Member, 1991 - Present, Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HaPi),Behavioral Measurment Database Services, P.O. Box 110287, Pittsburgh, PA. EvelynPerl<strong>of</strong>f, Director. Offer ideas and advice to the Director.Editor, Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Service Research, 1992 - 2002. Oversight journal administration;maintained viable pool <strong>of</strong> reviewers, assigned manuscripts to reviewers, evaluatedmanuscripts, and justified journal procedures to the Editoral Board.Discussant, 1994 Section on Sociology <strong>of</strong> Disaster at the 19th Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the Mid-South Sociological Association, Lafayette, Louisiana.Member, 1994 APM Corresponding Committee. Review and rate abstracts for the annualprogram meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education.Organizer and Presider, session on the Sociology <strong>of</strong> Disaster at the Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> theMidwest Sociological Association, St. Louis, March, 1994.Member, 1994 Nominations Committee. Mid-South Sociological Association.Member, 1994 EERI Great Lakes Chapter Technical Program Committee. Reviewing and ratingabstracts for the Fifth National Conference on Earthquake Engineering.Member, 1993 APM Corresponding Committee. Review and rate abstracts for the annualprogram meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education.Member, 1993 EERI/FEMA NEHRP Graduate Fellowship Review Committee. Reviewfellowship applications and recommend top three candidates.Chair, January 1991 - May 1993, National Committee on Preparedness, Awareness, and PublicEducation for the 1993 National Conference on Earthquake Hazard Reduction in theCentral United States. Published monograph No. 3: Preparedness, Awareness, and PublicEducation. Memphis, Tennessee: CUSEC, 1993.Member, 1991 - May 1993, Technical Program Committee, National Conference on EarthquakeHazard Reduction in the Central United States, Memphis, Tennessee.Commentary, written with Shanti Khinduka in response to paper by John Pardeck, “Are <strong>Social</strong><strong>Work</strong> Journal Editorial Boards Competent? Some Disquieting Data with Implications forResearch on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Practice.” Research on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Practice, Volume 2, No.4,October, 1992: 523-526.Organizer and Presider, two sessions on the Sociology <strong>of</strong> Disaster at the 18th Annual Meetings<strong>of</strong> the Mid-South Sociological Association, Chattanooga, Tennessee, October 21-24,1992.Discussant, “Trade Associations in the American Political Economy,” presented by David Knokeat a conference on Nonpr<strong>of</strong>it Organizations in a Market Economy sponsored by the

24Gillespie Vitae, Page 24Mandel Center for Nonpr<strong>of</strong>it Organizations, Case Western Reserve University,November 7-9, 1991, Cleveland, Ohio.Member, 1992 APM Corresponding Committee. Review and rate abstracts for the annualprogram meeting <strong>of</strong> the Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education.Editor, June 1991 to January 1992, Chapter on Emergency Information and Warnings, Report toCongress by the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, United StatesGeological Survey, Menlo Park, California.Program Evaluation Consultant, September 1990 - December 1993. Community Partnership <strong>of</strong>University City, 8630 Olive, St. Louis, MO 63132. Daphne Walker-Thoth, Director.Associate Editor, Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Service Research, 1982–1992. Evaluated manuscripts, and<strong>of</strong>fered assistance to Chairman <strong>of</strong> the Editoral Board.Member, 1991 Promotion Review Committee for the College <strong>of</strong> Arts and Sciences, University <strong>of</strong>Missouri - St. Louis. Review files <strong>of</strong> three Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essors in <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>.Member, 1991 APM Corresponding Committee. Review and rate abstracts for the Council on<strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Education Annual Program Meeting.Discussant, Session on Surveys Comparing Public Opinion Before and After December 3 at theResearch Conference on Public and Media Response to Earthquake Forecasts, SouthernIllinois University at Edwardsville, May 16-18, 1991.Abstract articles from Administrative Science Quarterly and Public Administration Review forpublication in <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Research & Abstracts, 1981–1991.Survey Research Consultant, National Benevolent Association, 11780 Borman Dr., Suite 200, St.Louis, MO 63146. Victor Barr, Project Director, 1989–1990.Program Evaluation Consultant, September 1987 - 1989. Progressive Youth Center, 2842 NorthBallas Road, St. Louis, MO 63131. Cathy M. Pinter, Executive Director.Member Steering Committee, Group for the Advancement <strong>of</strong> Doctoral Education in <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>(GADE), October 1987 - July 1989.Panelist, Session on Issues in Disaster Research at the Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the AmericanSociological Association, August 30 through September 3, 1986, New York.Discussant, Session on Sociology <strong>of</strong> Disasters at the Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the AmericanSociological Association, August 30 through September 3, 1986, New York.Chairperson, Session on Local Organizational Response at the Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the NaturalHazards Research and Applications Information Center, July 20-23, 1986, Boulder,Colorado.Member, 1986 APM Correspondence Committee. Reviewed and rated abstracts for theCommunity Organization and <strong>Social</strong> Administration Symposium, Council on <strong>Social</strong><strong>Work</strong> Education, Miami, Florida, March 9, 1986.Extramural Evaluation for the PSC-CUNY Research Award Program, (1) December 1984; (2)December 1983.

25Gillespie Vitae, Page 25Journal Manuscript Reviewer: Journal <strong>of</strong> Behavioral Health Services & Research, <strong>Social</strong> ServiceReview, Journal <strong>of</strong> Applied <strong>Social</strong> Sciences, <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Research, Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong>Service Research, Administration in <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>, Human Relations, Sociology and<strong>Social</strong> Research, Environmetal Pr<strong>of</strong>essional, Journal <strong>of</strong> Management Studies, Journal <strong>of</strong>Conflict Resolution, Sociological Research and Methodology, Children and YouthServices Review, Mass Emergencies and Disasters, Research on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Practice,Sociological Spectrum and Sociological Inquiry, American Journal <strong>of</strong> Orthopsychiatry.Discussant, session on Complex Organizations, Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the Pacific SociologicalAssociation, San Francisco 1980.Served on the Technical Advisory Panel for the Central United States Earthquake PreparednessProject (1983-84). Panel sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) to provide direction and policy input for research and programs in the midwest.Organizational Consultant, June–July 1982, St. Louis State Hospital, 5400 Arsenal Street, St.Louis, MO 63139. Billie Harris, Director <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Services.Member <strong>of</strong> Executive Board for the Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Service Research, 1978-2005.Project Consultant, 1979-80, Midwest Policy Seminar, CEMREL, Inc. 3120 59th St., St. Louis,MO 63139. Harriet Doss Willis, Director.Chairperson, 25 completed dissertation committees: Jennifer Shurer Coldiron (2006-2011),Dolly Daftary (2002-2010), Alicia Bunger (2006-2010), Sungsook Cho (2000-2006),Baorong Guo (2000-2005), Karen Robards (1992-2001), Li-Wen Liu (1991-1998), TerryShen (1990-1997), Mary Rogge (1989-1996), Leela Thomas (1985-1995), Ruth Alsup(1990-1995); Cynthia Rocha (1990-1994), Susan Murty (1988-1993), MahaswetaBanerjee (1985-1992), Deborah Padgett (1982-1991), Calvin Streeter (1982-1989),Michael Zakour (1981-1988), Susie Deusinger (1982-1987), Alfred Barnes (1980-85),Elizabeth (Beth) Sirles (1979-84), Susan Downs (1979-1984), Tony King (1979-83),John Orme (1978-83), Deborah Evans (1979-82), Sanford Schwartz (1978-82).Reader, 20 completed dissertation committees: Nicholas S. Holzman (2006-2011), <strong>Brown</strong>(Psychology, 2009), Dolinsky-Cahall (Psychology, 2006), Sparrow (Education, 2001),Kalliath (Psychology, 1995), Uljee (Sociology, 1992), Yost (Psychology, 1992), Ertle(Psychology, 1992), Gamble (Psychology, 1991), Graf (Sociology,1988), Marquis(Psychology, 1988), Cottler (Sociology, 1987), Huff-Corzine (Sociology, 1986), Seydlitz(Sociology, 1986), Little (Education, 1985), Wilson (Sociology, 1984), Van Denburg(Psychology, 1984), Newman (Psychology, 1984), Webster (Psychology, 1983), Smith(Sociology, 1982).Member, 33 completed dissertation committees: Jin Huang (2007-2011), Kirk Aaron Foster(2002-2010), Meghana Sunil Karnik (Psychiatry, 2004-2009), McCoy (2004-2008),Menon (2000-2006), Vivia McCutcheon (2000-2005), Judson Bliss (2000-2005), Wei(1999-2003), David Hodge (1999-2003), Tin Ng (1999-2002), Huan-yui Tseng (1994-1999), Page-Adams (1989-1995), Cheng (1990-1995), Gogineni (1987-1995), Shepard(1989-1995), Wang (1989-1994), Stith (1988-1994), (Carla Schmittler-S<strong>of</strong>ka (1986-92),Chueh (1985-1992), Johnson (1985-1990), Benibo (1983-1990), Charles Joiner (1981-1989), Doherty (1982-1988), Chris Rice (1982-1988), Kim (1983-1988), Rogers (1980-1984), Daniel Frigo (1979-1982), Terri Combs-Orme (1978-1982), Grant (1978-1981),Gibbons (1978-1981), De Jonge (1978-1980), Staulcup (1978-1980), Lois Pierce (1978-1980).

26Gillespie Vitae, Page 26Research Consultant, 1977-79, NSF-RANN Project on Analysis <strong>of</strong> the Adoption andImplementation <strong>of</strong> Community Land Use Regulations. Janice R. Hutton, PrincipalInvestigator, Woodward-Clyde, Three Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA 94111.Research Consultant, 1975-77, NSF-RANN Project on the Socioeconomic and PoliticalConsequences <strong>of</strong> Earthquake Prediction. J. Eugene Haas and Dennis S. Mileti, Co-Principal Investigators. Administrative Offices, Dept. <strong>of</strong> Sociology, Colorado StateUniversity, Fort Collins, CO 80521.Organizational Consultant, April, 1976. DHEW Planning Stage on Inter-agency Co-ordinationfor Youth Service Organizations. Robert M. Hunter, Director. Center for ActionResearch, Boulder, CO 80302.Research Consultant, Summer, 1974, Institute for Environmental Studies, NSF Planning State onEnvironmental Complexity. Brian Mar, Project Director. Administrative Offices, SiegHall, DK-12, University <strong>of</strong> Washington. Seattle, WA 98l95.Research Consultant, 1973-74, DHEW Demonstration Project for Asian Americans: Planningand Technical Measurement Assistance. Sil D. Kim, Project Director. AdministrativeOffices, 1608 East Jefferson Ave., Seattle, WA 98122.Research Consultant, July, 1973, Institute <strong>of</strong> Behavioral Science: Program on Environment,Technology, and Man. Assessment <strong>of</strong> Natural Hazards Research, J. Eugene Haas, ProjectDirector. University <strong>of</strong> Colorado, Boulder, CO 80302.COMMUNITY SERVICESFacilitator, Panel Discussion on Building Careers: Emergency Management & Response. August29, 2006. Panelists included Nancy Bates, American Red Cross; Lt. Matthew Kleiman,U.S. Public Health Service; Robert Rasp, Magellan Health Services.Guest Speaker, “The <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong> Role in Disaster Planning, Preparedness and Recovery.” TheGWB Alumni Association’s Alumni Breakfast Series, <strong>Brown</strong> Lounge, <strong>Brown</strong> Hall,Washington University, April 14, 2006.Interviewed on “What Constitutes Acceptable Earthquake Risk?” Science Daily.www.sciencedaily.com. February 21, 2006.Interviewed on “Earthquake Preparedness” by Fox 2 News Television. Excerpts aired Monday,February 20, 2006 on evening newscasts.Interviewed on “Dynamics <strong>of</strong> Earthquake Safety and Economic Development.” See LeeBowman, “Scientists question preparedness for New Madrid quake.” The AlbuquerqueTribune, February 19, 2006. Story also ran in United Press International, Post Chronicle,Record-Searchlight (California), Monstersandcritics.com, PhysOrg.com, andHuntingtonNews.net.Teacher, 2003, <strong>Social</strong> Aspects <strong>of</strong> Earthquake Hazards, Higher Education Project, Department <strong>of</strong>Homeland Security, FEMA/NETC/EMI. See http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/edu.

27Gillespie Vitae, Page 27Speaker, May 21, 2002, Taichung County Government, Taichung City, Taiwan. Speech on“Taking Action to Promote Sustainable Safety.”Teacher, <strong>Work</strong>shop, The Human Side <strong>of</strong> Earthquakes, May 22–24, 2002, Taichung CountyGovernment, Taichung City, Taiwan.Member Board <strong>of</strong> Directors, Crider Center for Mental Health, August 1997 to present.Chairman, Quality Management Committee.Wrote newsletter article. See David F. Gillespie, “Contextual Factors that Influence Losses.”Natural Hazards Observer, Volume XXI, No. 2, November, 1996: 3.Wrote newsletter article. See David F. Gillespie, “Faith in Measurement.” The BehavioralMeasurements Letter, Volume 2, No. 1, 1994: 5-6. See also “Instrument Update” TheBehavioral Measurements Letter, Volume 2, No. 2, 1995: 1.Interviewed by Ken Swartz <strong>of</strong> U.S. Information T.V. for a documentary on flood recovery to beaired over Voice <strong>of</strong> America. June 20, 1994.Interviewed on “Mitigation” for news article: See Laurie Joan Aron, “Will We Ever Be Readyfor the BIG ONE?” Cornell Magazine, Volume 56, No. 1, Spring, 1994: 23-26.Interviewed on “Aftermath: Planning for the next wave” for news article: See Gloria Bilchik,“Everything but an Ark” Washington University Magazine and Alumni News, Volume64, No.1, Spring, 1994: 10-16.Developed an evaluation manual for the United Way. See A Guidebook for Program Assessment,Evaluation Committee <strong>of</strong> the Community Initiatives Division, United Way <strong>of</strong> Greater St.Louis, 1993.Wrote news article. See Richard A. Colignon and David F. Gillespie, “Institutional Change.”Hazard Monthly, Volume XIII, No. 4, 1993, pp. 10-11; 13.Interviewed on “Managing Information” by Charles Madigan for a newspaper article: SeeCharles M. Madigan, “Deluge: How to Survive the Flood <strong>of</strong> Data in the InformationAge.” Chicago Tribune Magazine, Sunday, May 2, 1993, Section 10, pp. 15-16; 18;Interviewed on “Organizational Coordination for Preparedness” by William Allen for a newsarticle. See: William Allen, “Quake Scare Increased Preparedness.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Sunday, July 7, 1991: p. A1, 12.Interviewed on “Earthquake Preparedness” by Kathy Hartley <strong>of</strong> KMOX radio. Excerpts airedFriday, June 28, 1991 on evening newscasts and Saturday morning newscasts.Interviewed on “Laterial Transfers in Organizations” for a news article. See: Carol Kleiman,"These days you can score with a lateral." Chicago Tribune, Sunday, May 5, 1991:Section 8, p.1.Chair, Evaluation Committee, United Way <strong>of</strong> Greater St. Louis, 1991 to present. See United Way<strong>of</strong> Greater St. Louis 1991 Report to the Community, p. 17.Wrote news article, “Preparedness Still Vital Part <strong>of</strong> Quake Threat” which appeared in TheNews-Sentinel, Knoxville, Tennessee, December 19, 1990. The same article appeared as

28Gillespie Vitae, Page 28“Quake Preparedness Remains a Necessity” in The Sunday Star-Ledger, Newark, NewJersey, December 23, 1990.Speaker on “Earthquake Safety” at Oak Hill <strong>School</strong>, Parents and Teachers Association Meeting,November 13, 1990.Interviewed on “Earthquake Predictions” for a news article. See: Chris Raymond, “SkepticalSeismologists Are Shaken by Effects on Public <strong>of</strong> Prediction <strong>of</strong> Missouri Quake.” TheChronicle <strong>of</strong> Higher Education, Volume XXXVII, October 31, 1990:5-6.Speaker on “Earthquake Predictions and Preparedness” at Nerco Coal Corporation, 2043Woodland Parkway, St. Louis, October 31, 1990.Speaker on “Earthquake Predictions and Safety” at St. Ambrose Catholic Church, SeniorCitizens, October 18, 1990.Interviewed on “Earthquake Predictions” for a news article. See: Larry Lee, “The New MadridFault: Big Earthquakes only happen in California...Right?” The Knoxville News-Sentinel,October 17, 1990: B1-2.Interviewed live on “Earthquake Preparedness” by Anne Keefe and Bruce Bradley <strong>of</strong> KMOXradio. Program aired 2:00-3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 26, 1990. Excerpts airedon evening and next morning newscasts.Prepared St. Louis Hearing and Speech Centers Evaluation Team Report, United Way <strong>of</strong> GreaterSt. Louis, Inc., Community Initiatives Department, September 5, 1990.Spoke on “Organizational Cooperation and Preparedness for Disaster” at Jewish Hospital,Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>, July 23, 1990.Interviewed on “Earthquake Preparedness” for news articles. See: Jo Mannies, “Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, AreaAgencies Dispute Quake Readiness.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, October 19, 1989: 16A;John Rondy, “Region Improves Readiness.” St. Louis Sun, October 20, 1989: 5A; KarenBrandon, “Bootheel fault is ready to quake, but is Missouri ready to respond?” TheKansas City Times, October 19, 1989: A-15; Jo Mannies, “Disaster `Czar' Is Sought.” St.Louis Post-Dispatch, October 20, 1989: 9G; Vicki Haddock, “Missouri fault may seenext Big One.” San Francisco Chronicle, November 26, 1989:A-1, A-18.Interviewed on “Earthquake Readiness” by Steve Schumacher <strong>of</strong> KMOX radio, and by CarlJohnson <strong>of</strong> KXOK radio for news releases. Summary and excerpts aired on October 18and 19, 1989.Member <strong>of</strong> Planning Committee, United Way <strong>of</strong> Greater St. Louis, February, 1989 to present.Serving on Evaluation subcommittee. Chair, Evaluation subcommittee to review St.Louis Hearing and Speech Centers, March to September 1990.Spoke on “Evaluating Disaster Effects” at the Disaster Leadership Conference <strong>of</strong> MidwesternOperations Headquarters, American Red Cross, Wednesday, January 13, 1988.Spoke on “Measuring and Monitoring Preparedness” at a meeting <strong>of</strong> St. Louis CountyEmergency Preparedness Council, Kirkwood City Hall, Wednesday, November 18, 1987.Answered questions about “Disaster Preparedness and Response” on WGNU radio. Aired onMonday, June 22, 1987: 6:00 to 6:30 p.m.

29Gillespie Vitae, Page 29Spoke on “Organizational Preparedness for Disaster in St. Louis” at a meeting <strong>of</strong> the DisasterResource Commission, St. Louis, June 7, 1987.Spoke on “Interorganizational Cooperation” at a meeting <strong>of</strong> The Emergency PreparednessCouncil <strong>of</strong> St. Louis County, Brentwood City Hall, May 20, 1987.Spoke on “Themes in Disaster Research” at the Department <strong>of</strong> Psychiatry, WashingtonUniversity <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Medicine, October 27, 1986.Spoke on “Organizational Dynamics” at a meeting <strong>of</strong> staff for Malcom Bliss Mental HealthCenter, St. Louis, September 24, 1986.Chair <strong>of</strong> Special Projects Committee on Volunteerism for the Voluntary Action Center <strong>of</strong> theUnited Way <strong>of</strong> Greater St. Louis, Inc.Keynote speaker on “Disaster Preparedness” at the Annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the Missouri Society <strong>of</strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Engineers, Osage Beach, Missouri, June 20, 1986.Helped alumna, Sima K. Needleman, develop a paper for publication in Health and <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>.Spoke on “Preparedness Networks” at a meeting <strong>of</strong> The Emergency Preparedness Council <strong>of</strong> St.Louis County, Vinita Park, May 21, 1986.Member <strong>of</strong> the Voluntary Action Center Committee for the United Way <strong>of</strong> Greater St. Louis,May 1986 to 1991.Spoke on “Readiness for an Earthquake” at a meeting <strong>of</strong> The Greater St. Louis UnderwritersAssociation, February 20, 1986.Wrote news article on “Myth and Reality in Coping with Disaster” which appeared in severalnewspapers: Newsday, Orange County Register, Fresno Bee, Visalia Times-Delta, andthe Houston Chronicle.Spoke at the American Red Cross’ Earthquake Awareness and Preparedness Conference,December 3, 1985.Developed a Parent Survey and Measurement Protocol to help Mason Middle <strong>School</strong> gatherinformation about how parents regard the <strong>School</strong>’s programs and operations. Ms. DorisReece, Principal, Mason <strong>School</strong>, 6031 Southwest, St. Louis, Missouri.Member <strong>of</strong> the Emergency Preparedness Council <strong>of</strong> St. Louis County.Spoke before the Kiwanis Club <strong>of</strong> Creve Coeur on “Misplaced Beliefs About Disaster.”Breakfast meeting on Tuesday, October 15, 1985.Serving the American Red Cross on their Earthquake Preparedness Education Advisory Group.First meeting on October 10, 1985.Interviewed about “Earthquake Preparedness” by Robin Smith <strong>of</strong> Channel 4 T.V. News.Excerpts shown on 6 p.m. News, September 24, 1985.Answered questions concerning “Earthquake Preparedness” on WGNU radio. Aired Monday,September 23, 1985 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

30Gillespie Vitae, Page 30Interviewed for special article on Earthquakes. See Janet Keller, “Quake.” St. Louis HomeMagazine (August, 1985):17-19, 33.Interviewed about “Human Behavior in Disaster” on Channel 24 T.V. for a Special Program onEarthquake Awareness. Aired first on Tuesday, October 11, 1983 at 8:30 p.m.Periodically replayed.Initiated idea for studying the implementation <strong>of</strong> desegregation in the St. Louis city schools.<strong>Work</strong>ed with Marley Smith, a doctoral student, in conjunction with the St. Louis City<strong>School</strong> Board, the Citizens Advisory Board, and others to develop an assessment modelfor implementation and to make recommendations based upon the St. Louis cityexperience.Member <strong>of</strong> Shaw Neighborhood Improvement Association. Initiated idea for a study <strong>of</strong> theAssociation to measure and understand the system <strong>of</strong> community linkages for a voluntaryneighborhood organization in a revitalizing area. <strong>Work</strong>ed with Deborah Evans, aWashington University doctoral alumna.Initiated a process consultation with the Junior League <strong>of</strong> St. Louis to help them learn betterways to apply their resources -- volunteers and money -- to problems <strong>of</strong> the St. Louisarea. Ms. Judy Westervelt, Director.Helped CEMREL, Inc. <strong>of</strong> St. Louis develop a workshop to explore policy formulation andimplementation issues as they occur in intergovernmental settings. Most <strong>of</strong> my work waswith Harriet Doss Willis and Ruth Bebermeyer.<strong>Work</strong>ed with Quad-Cities Mental Health Agency to develop a client-based measurementprocedure which contributed to the therapeutic process. Mr. Keith Neuber, agencycoordinator.Helped the Family and Children's Service Agency <strong>of</strong> St. Louis develop an evaluation frameworkconsistent with types <strong>of</strong> services <strong>of</strong>fered. Ms. Joyce Collins, agency director.Conducted a study <strong>of</strong> Red Cross volunteers to help the St. Louis Bi-State Chapter <strong>of</strong> theAmerican Red Cross better understand its membership and develop ways to mitigate adecline in the number <strong>of</strong> people volunteering. Ms. Lavern Campbell, agency coordinator.HONORS AND AWARDSSpecial Recognition, “For excellence in mentoring <strong>of</strong> graduate students in Arts & Sciences atWashington University.” The Graduate Student Senate, 2003.Special Recognition, “For excellence in mentoring <strong>of</strong> graduate students in Arts & Sciences atWashington University.” The Graduate Student Senate, 2000.Career Achievement Award, “For Outstanding Contributions and Generous Mentoring inDisaster Research,” Council on <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>, Disaster Symposium, 1999-2000.Invited Fellowship, Visiting Academic Researcher, April-June, 1996, University <strong>of</strong> Waikato,<strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Sciences Research Committee, Hamilton, New Zealand.

31Gillespie Vitae, Page 31Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Recognition, Sterling Who’s Who. International Plaza, 750 Lexington Avenue, 4thFloor, New York, NY 10022-1200.Award for “Outstanding Leadership” as Chairman <strong>of</strong> the Evaluation Committee, United Way <strong>of</strong>Greater St. Louis, 1993.Certificate <strong>of</strong> Appreciation for “Outstanding Service and Contributions,” St. Louis MetropolitanDisaster Resource Council, 1986.Elected to Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society <strong>of</strong> North America, April 1986.Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Recognition with biographical abstract in American Men and Women <strong>of</strong> Science,1978.Recognition for Community Service, International Who's Who in Community Service. London,England: International Institute <strong>of</strong> Community Service, 1975.Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Recognition, Dictionary <strong>of</strong> International Biography, Tenth Edition. Cambridge,England: International Biographical Centre, 1973.Alumni Honor Award for “Outstanding Achievement,” California State University, 1969.CURRENT UNIVERSITY/SCHOOL APPOINTMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITIESTeach Advanced Multivariate Statistics (S90-6901) and Organizational Behavior & Theory(S20-5017) Fall semester; Introduction to <strong>Social</strong> Measurement & Research (S90-6552)and Disasters & Vulnerable Populations (S40-5886) Spring semester.Serve on dissertation committees <strong>of</strong> Marsela Dauti, Donna-Mae Knights, Gyanesh Lama, andDianna Bryant (Rural Sociology, University <strong>of</strong> Missouri - Columbia).Advisor to MSW students Kate Fisch, Lindsay Heaton, Clark Kopelman, Huixing Lu, MelanaGlascock, Youryun Lee, and Simone Picker.Member <strong>of</strong> the Administrative Committee <strong>of</strong> the Ph.D. Program in <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>.Member <strong>of</strong> the Personality & Statistics Search Committee in the Department <strong>of</strong> Psychology.

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