Operations In Fiscal Year 1988 - National Labor Relations Board

Operations In Fiscal Year 1988 - National Labor Relations Board

Operations In Fiscal Year 1988 - National Labor Relations Board


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APPENDIXGLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN STATISTICAL TABLESThe definitions of terms contained in this glossary are not intended for generalapplication but are specifically directed toward increasing comprehension of the statisticaltables that follow. Thus the definitions are keyed directly to the terms used in such tables.Adjusted CasesCases are closed as "adjusted" when an informal settlement agreement is executed andcompliance with its terms is secured. (See "<strong>In</strong>formal Agreement," this glossary.) <strong>In</strong>some instances, a written agreement is not secured but appropriate remedial action istaken so as to render further proceeding unnecessary. A central element in an "adjusted"case is the agreement of the parties to settle differences without recourse tolitigation.Advisory Opinion CasesSee "Other Cases—AO" under "Types of Cases."Agreement of PartiesSee "<strong>In</strong>formal Agreement" and "Formal Agreement," this glossary. The term "agreement"includes both types.Amendment of Certification CasesSee "Other Cases—AC" under "Types of Cases."BackpayAmounts of money paid or to be paid employees as reimbursement for wages lostbecause they were discriminatorily discharged or unlawfully denied employment, plusinterest on such money. Also included is payment for bonuses, vacations, other fringebenefits, etc., lost because of the discriminatory acts, as well as interest thereon. Allmoneys noted in table 4 have been reported as paid or owing in cases closed during thefiscal year. (<strong>In</strong>stallment payments may protract some payments beyond this year andsome payments may have actually been made at times considerably in advance of thedate a case was closed; i.e., in a prior fiscal year.)Backpay HearingA supplementary hearing to receive evidence and testimony as to the amount ofbackpay due discriminatees under a prior <strong>Board</strong> or court decree.Backpay SpecificationThe formal document, a "pleading," which is served on the parties when the RegionalDirector and the respondent are unable to agree as to the amounts of backpay duediscriminatees pursuant to a <strong>Board</strong> order or court decree requiring payment of suchbackpay. It sets forth in detail the amount held by the Regional Director to be owingeach discriminatee and the method of computation employed. The specification isaccompanied by a notice of hearing setting a date for a backpay hearing.177

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