The np Package - NexTag Supports Open Source Initiatives

The np Package - NexTag Supports Open Source Initiatives

The np Package - NexTag Supports Open Source Initiatives


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<strong>np</strong>cdens 15<strong>np</strong>cdensKernel Conditional Density and Distribution Estimates with MixedDatatypesDescriptionUsage<strong>np</strong>cdens computes kernel conditional density estimates on p+q-variate evaluation data, given a setof training data (both explanatory and dependent) and a bandwidth specification (a conbandwidthobject or a bandwidth vector, bandwidth type, and kernel type) using the method of Hall, Racine,and Li (2004). Similarly <strong>np</strong>cdist computes kernel conditional cumulative distribution estimates.<strong>The</strong> data may be continuous, discrete (unordered and ordered factors), or some combination thereof.<strong>np</strong>cdens(bws, ...)## S3 method for class 'formula':<strong>np</strong>cdens(bws, data = NULL, newdata = NULL, ...)## S3 method for class 'call':<strong>np</strong>cdens(bws, ...)## S3 method for class 'conbandwidth':<strong>np</strong>cdens(bws,txdat = stop("invoked without training data 'txdat'"),tydat = stop("invoked without training data 'tydat'"),exdat,eydat,gradients = FALSE,...)## Default S3 method:<strong>np</strong>cdens(bws,txdat = stop("training data 'txdat' missing"),tydat = stop("training data 'tydat' missing"),exdat,eydat,gradients, ...)Argumentsbwsa bandwidth specification. This can be set as a conbandwidth object returnedfrom a previous invocation of <strong>np</strong>cdensbw, or as a p + q-vector of bandwidths,with each element i up to i = p corresponding to the bandwidth for column i intxdat, and each element i from i = p + 1 to i = p + q corresponding to thebandwidth for column i − p in tydat. If specified as a vector, then additional

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