The np Package - NexTag Supports Open Source Initiatives

The np Package - NexTag Supports Open Source Initiatives

The np Package - NexTag Supports Open Source Initiatives


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<strong>np</strong>plot 63xdatydatzdatxqyqzqxtrimytrimztrimnevalas.data.frame) containing the variables in the model. If not found in data,the variables are taken from environment(bws), typically the environmentwhere the bandwidth object was generated.a p-variate data frame of sample realizations (training data).a q-variate data frame of sample realizations (training data). In a regression orconditional density context, this is the dependent data.a p-variate data frame of sample realizations (training data).a numeric p-vector of quantiles. Each element i of xq corresponds to the ithcolumn of txdat. Defaults to the median (0.5). See details.a numeric q-vector of quantiles. Each element i of yq corresponds to the ith columnof tydat. Only to be specified in a conditional density context. Defaultsto the median (0.5). See details.a numeric q-vector of quantiles. Each element i of zq corresponds to the ithcolumn of tzdat. Only to be specified in a semiparametric model context.Defaults to the median (0.5). See details.a numeric p-vector of quantiles. Each element i of xtrim corresponds to theith column of txdat. Defaults to 0.0. See details.a numeric q-vector of quantiles. Each element i of ytrim corresponds to theith column of tydat. Defaults to 0.0. See details.a numeric q-vector of quantiles. Each element i of ztrim corresponds to theith column of tzdat. Defaults to 0.0. See details.an integer specifying the number of evaluation points. Only applies to continuousvariables however, as discrete variables will be evaluated once at eachcategory. Defaults to 50.common.scale a logical value specifying whether or not all graphs are to be plotted on a commonscale. Defaults to TRUE.perspectivequantreggradientscdfmaintypeylimthetaphia logical value specifying whether a perspective plot should be displayed (ifpossible). Defaults to TRUE.a logical value specifying whether a quantile regression should be plotted (conbandwidthobjects only). See related parameter ’tau’. Defaults to FALSE.a logical value specifying whether gradients should be plotted (if possible). Defaultsto FALSE.a logical value specifying whether cumulative distributions should be plottedinstead of densities (when appropriate). Defaults to FALSE.the title, see titlecharacter indicating the type of plotting; actually any of the types as in plot.defaulta two-element numeric vector of the minimum and maximum y plotting limits.Defaults to NULL.a numeric value specifying the starting azimuthal angle of the perspective plot.Defaults to 0.0.a numeric value specifying the starting zenith angle of the perspective plot. Defaultsto 10.0.

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