Snipes Deposition Designations with selected exhibit

Snipes Deposition Designations with selected exhibit

Snipes Deposition Designations with selected exhibit


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Case 1:08-cv-21243-CMA Document 71-7 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/25/2008 Page 16 of 816/11/2008 <strong>Snipes</strong>, Brenda1 A. During the month of May I believe we were at2 Walgreens locations, and so it's just all over the3 county. But we try and schedule it so that whoever is at4 that location maybe can put out fliers or have a way of5 notifying their customers that we are going to be in the6 area.7 Q. Uh-huh.8 A. So, but we're out just about every day.9 Q. All right. Does the van or does the area10 outreach effort focus in particular on traditionally11 disenfranchised communities in Broward?12 MR. WINSOR: Objection to form.13 THE WITNESS: We are all over the14 communities.15 BY MS. WEISER:16 Q. Uh-huh.17 A. So it's not necessarily focused on the18 disenfranchised community. It's just wherever we19 can -- we think it would be important to take the van at20 that particular time.21 Q. And you testified that you take it to public22 places like a Walgreens or -- is it typically public23 places where people gather?24 A. Typically it is because we want to get as many25 people -- have access to as many people as possible.45

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