Snipes Deposition Designations with selected exhibit

Snipes Deposition Designations with selected exhibit

Snipes Deposition Designations with selected exhibit


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Case 1:08-cv-21243-CMA Document 71-7 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/25/2008 Page 46 of 816/11/2008 <strong>Snipes</strong>, Brenda1 MR. WINSOR: Object to the form.2 THE WITNESS: Just based on I remember3 one individual said they registered under a4 tree, and we didn't have anyone registering5 under a tree. So I'm not sure if it were --6 say, I don't know what organization it may7 have been.8 BY MS. WEISER:9 Q. Okay. And do all voter registration applications10 that are -- that are -- Withdrawn.11 Is there -- Okay. And to your knowledge, has12 your office ever received a voter registration13 application and failed to process that voter registration14 application for any reason?15 A. Failed to process the application?16 Q. Yes.17 A. No.18 Q. So to your knowledge, has your office ever19 misplaced a voter registration application?20 A. To my knowledge, that has never happened.21 Q. Okay. And to your knowledge, have there ever22 been voter registration applications mailed to your23 office that were never received by your office?24 A. To my knowledge -- I'm not -- I have not been25 made aware of that.102

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