Snipes Deposition Designations with selected exhibit

Snipes Deposition Designations with selected exhibit

Snipes Deposition Designations with selected exhibit


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Case 1:08-cv-21243-CMA Document 71-7 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/25/2008 Page 44 of 816/11/2008 <strong>Snipes</strong>, Brenda1 Q. No, the AFL-CIO.2 A. No, I don't know.3 Q. So you were not aware of any instance in which4 either the League of Women Voters --5 MR. WINSOR: Object to the form.6 BY MS. WEISER:7 A. -- or the AFL-CIO had submitted voter8 registration forms, that were collected before a book9 closing, to your office after the closing date?10 MR. WINSOR: Object to the form.11 THE WITNESS: I don't recall any of12 that being brought to my attention.13 BY MS. WEISER:14 Q. And did you ever receive any complaints from any15 applicants for voter registration in your county who gave16 a completed voter registration form to a third-party17 group before a book closing deadline and then they18 attempted to vote in a federal primary or general19 election, and were unable vote in a federal primary or20 general election because the third-party registration21 organization did not submit their application in a timely22 basis?23 MS. NORRIS-WEEKS: Object to the form.24 MR. WINSOR: Yes, I will join.25 THE WITNESS: I can't remember the100

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