Snipes Deposition Designations with selected exhibit

Snipes Deposition Designations with selected exhibit

Snipes Deposition Designations with selected exhibit


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Case 1:08-cv-21243-CMA Document 71-7 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/25/2008 Page 32 of 816/11/2008 <strong>Snipes</strong>, Brenda1 indicate so on the voter registration forms themselves?2 A. I don't think so.3 Q. Okay. And I would like to actually mark the two4 voter registration forms as the next <strong>exhibit</strong>, No. 3.5 Let's just stick them together because I don't have6 separate questions <strong>with</strong> respect to them.7 MS. WEISER: Mark these as Exhibit 3.8 These are the -- I will ask you what it is.9 These are voter registration application10 forms.11 (Plaintiff's No. 3, Voter Registration12 Application Forms, marked for identification.)13 MR. WINSOR: This is all 3?14 MS. WEISER: Yes. It's the two15 application forms.16 BY MS. WEISER:17 Q. Do you recognize these two documents that are18 attached as Exhibit 3?19 A. Yes.20 Q. And the one on top, what is the document that is21 on top?22 A. This is the voter registration form, the State of23 Florida voter registration form.24 Q. Is that the current one?25 A. I believe it's the current one.71

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