Snipes Deposition Designations with selected exhibit

Snipes Deposition Designations with selected exhibit

Snipes Deposition Designations with selected exhibit


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Case 1:08-cv-21243-CMA Document 71-7 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/25/2008 Page 42 of 816/11/2008 <strong>Snipes</strong>, Brenda1 BY MS. WEISER:2 Q. Do you know of any high school groups that are3 conducting voter registration drives?4 A. No, I don't.5 Q. Okay. And do you know if there are any6 individuals that are conducting voter registration drives7 in their communities?8 A. I'm not aware of any at this point.9 Q. And has your office conducted any outreach to10 ACORN this year <strong>with</strong> respect to its voter registration11 drives?12 A. No. We will be meeting <strong>with</strong> them this afternoon.13 Q. Okay. And what's --14 A. Hopefully.15 Q. What's the purpose of this meeting?16 A. Just an orientation. They have asked for the17 meeting.18 Q. And by "orientation," what do you mean?19 A. I guess they just kind of want to maybe let us20 know who is here. I'm not sure. We have not met yet.21 So it's this afternoon.22 Q. I see.23 And in 2004, do you know how many third-party24 voter registration groups were operating in your county?25 A. No, I don't.95

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