Final Technical Report - ACP Fish II

Final Technical Report - ACP Fish II

Final Technical Report - ACP Fish II


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<strong>Final</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Megapesca Lda, PortugalThe list of candidates and the communities they represent is shown in Annex 8. The course was alsoattended by Mr. Andrew Sumo, Head of Marine <strong>Fish</strong>eries Division, and Mr. James Dolo,Administration Officer from the Bureau of National <strong>Fish</strong>eries.5 ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN DURING PHASE 25.1 Meetings and discussions with stakeholdersA meeting of the technical team was held at the start of Phase 2 on 24 th September 2012 at the BNF.This reviewed the progress since the conclusion of Phase 1 and discussed the detailed preparationsfor the training course at Thinkers Village, the following week. It was agreed that:1. The Team discussed the invitations for the opening and closing ceremonies. It wasconfirmed that the BNF had invited the Minister for Gender Development, Director of SMESection, Ministry of Commerce and the Ambassador from the EU Delegation. It wasconfirmed that Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Subah would attend the opening and theconsultants were asked to prepare some speaking notes.2. The pilot testing of the training materials was discussed. It was decided that BNF wouldconsult with LAFA with a view to organising the pilot with a small group of fisherwomen(about 6) at a site in or near Monrovia (e.g. Banjor) on Wed 26th or afternoon of Thursday27th. September.3. The need for a cooler to demonstrate storage of fish on ice was discussed. The BNF is inpossession of a number of these donated by the EDF Funded SFP Programme. Theconsultants requested the use of these for the duration of the course and were requested tosubmit this in writing. This was done, but unfortunately the BNF was unable to grant thisrequest. As a result the consultants subsequently purchased two additional coolers usingproject funds.4. Arrangements for donation of equipment were discussed; it was agreed that items such asweighing scales, calculators and course materials would be donated directly to the courseparticipants, who would sign a receipt for them. Other items (coolers, if purchased, and thebalance of the handbooks would be donated to the BNF).5. Press and publicity arrangements were discussed. The Ministry of Agriculture Press officerhad been contacted and was standing by to launch the media activities. It was agreed thatpress (TV and print) should be invited to attend opening and closing ceremonies. Theconsultants subsequently prepared a press release for forwarding to the Press Officer andinformed the BNF that the press budget was US$500.6. The BNF staff requested that the Project supply them with a number of scratch cards fundedby the reimbursable budget, to help cover the cost of calls made on personal mobile phones,in setting up the training course and communicating with the participants. The Team Leaderagreed to this request and subsequently supplied 20 x US$5 cards for this purpose.7. The consultants were invited to attend the Agricultural Coordination Committee for partnersand donors to be held on the morning of Thursday 27th September 2012.8. The options for sustainability of the training intervention were discussed. It is clear that forsustainable training to be delivered to the small scale sector in the future will require asource of regular funding. The possibility of BNF providing this finance from its budget wasdiscussed,A final meeting of the technical team was held to review the outputs and discuss sustainabilityissues on 8 th October 2012. The consultants also attended the Donor/Stakeholder Agricultural<strong>Technical</strong> assistance on Training of Groups of female fishmongers in good sanitary practices and management of small businesses 6

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