Framework for Economic Growth, Pakistan - Planning Commission

Framework for Economic Growth, Pakistan - Planning Commission

Framework for Economic Growth, Pakistan - Planning Commission


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International conference on “<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Economic</strong> <strong>Growth</strong>, <strong>Pakistan</strong>”InterviewFauzia WahabMember National AssemblyQuestion: Please give your initial comments about the FEG.Answer: FEG is a very valuable document<strong>for</strong> the country. If somebody really goesthrough this document he will find answersof many questions. This new framework isgiving certain new directions to follow.There are solutions to many problems in thisdocument which we had been looking <strong>for</strong>the last many years. This document shouldnot be confined to the <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Commission</strong>but to be distributed at all levels likeuniversities and government offices etc. Dr.Nadeem Ul Haque along with his teamshould go and have interactive sessions inthe universities. Boys and girls in the age of14 to 20 should also be involved in thediscussions on this framework.There are solutions to many problems in this document which we hadbeen looking <strong>for</strong> the last many years.Question: Do you think that this New <strong>Growth</strong> Strategy needs to be discussed in the NationalAssembly as well?Answer: Yes it should also be discussed inNational Assembly. It can be discussed inQuestion & Answer session and in StandingCommittee. We can pass a resolution aswell. Deputy Chairman and his team shouldencourage members of the NationalAssembly to talk about this growth strategy.I agree with the re<strong>for</strong>ms which thisdocument is proposing.I agree with various suggestions and re<strong>for</strong>msregarding creating a vibrant market. I agreewith the concept of creation and creativity.We need to encourage moreentrepreneurship among our people, tradingcommunity as well as youth. Why USA isgrowing very fast is because of theinnovation and creativity which has madethem a leading nation in the world. In<strong>Pakistan</strong> when “Khadi” started first time Ithought that it would not work. But now ithas become a well known brand name in<strong>Pakistan</strong>. Same is with the “Bareeze” whichis mainly due to creativity and their businessis growing rapidly both locally and abroad.So our focus should be on creativity andencouraging new ideas. I agree with all thefour points which can bring change in ourlife style.Question: In governance issues we talked about Civil Services Re<strong>for</strong>ms. Do you agree with the100

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