Framework for Economic Growth, Pakistan - Planning Commission

Framework for Economic Growth, Pakistan - Planning Commission

Framework for Economic Growth, Pakistan - Planning Commission


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International conference on “<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Economic</strong> <strong>Growth</strong>, <strong>Pakistan</strong>”idea of such re<strong>for</strong>ms? And there has been a lot of discussion about local body structure in thisconference. FEG gives very much importance to it as well. Please give your comments on thelocal body structure.Answer: Civil Services need to be re<strong>for</strong>medand restructured. Bureaucratic structure in<strong>Pakistan</strong> is very stale and outdated and itneeds to be re<strong>for</strong>med. I have always heardthat local body structure is an instrument indelivering services. Actually in <strong>Pakistan</strong>local body structure has been high jacked bythe non-democratic <strong>for</strong>ces. The democratic<strong>for</strong>ces have not been able to adopt this toolof governance. We find the gap becausewhenever a military adventurer takes overthe country he compensates the wrongs andgive the people a new voice in shape of localgovernment. So we have seen the growth oflocal government during the militarygovernment regime. If you want localgovernment to be adopted in genuine way ithas to come through the parliament.Question: During the time of elected governments we have seen the <strong>Commission</strong>ary systemwhich has come back right now. Do you think that it is a good setup?Answer: <strong>Commission</strong>ary system is the timetested system. It has been with us <strong>for</strong> the lastmore than 125 years. It was introduced in1882 and since then the subcontinent hasseen many changes. This system has beenable to sustain all the pressures andremained intact.Other important challenge would be that this document sustains anykind of regime change. It needs to be discussed and made morepublic.Question: What major challenges you see <strong>for</strong> this New <strong>Growth</strong> Strategy?Answer: The challenge is that everyoneshould read this document and it shouldbecome a focus of our people. Otherimportant challenge would be that thisdocument sustains any kind of regimechange. It needs to be discussed and mademore public. Mr. Ajay Chhibber has veryrightly pointed out that there has to be aconsensus on this document. Somethingwhich is created by the bureaucracy mostlyremains confined to them. But if it isdiscussed at the parliament level it will alsobe discussed in electronic and print media.Once discussed at media and at the level ofpolitician people will own it. So this growthstrategy should be discussed at the floor ofthe assembly.***101

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