Framework for Economic Growth, Pakistan - Planning Commission

Framework for Economic Growth, Pakistan - Planning Commission

Framework for Economic Growth, Pakistan - Planning Commission


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International conference on “<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Economic</strong> <strong>Growth</strong>, <strong>Pakistan</strong>”DiscussionDiscussant: Arshad ZuberiChief Executive, Business RecorderThe topic is connecting to compete and Iwould like to start by telling you that thereused to be tea houses and restaurants nearthe ministerial and Civil Servant enclave inKarachi and Lahore where poets, writers,journalists and government functionariesused to sit and share ideas on a variety ofnational issues. Communication of conceptsand ideas can be regarded as diffusionsimilarly as particles of perfume are spreadin a room. <strong>Pakistan</strong> needs an incrementalintellectual growth. Social connectivitybetween the middle class and the decisionmakers has suffered in <strong>Pakistan</strong> in the past.Civil Servants, khaki and white collars thatused to come from middle class are now partof the upper elite. With this change thegovernment funds are shifted from socialsector to the defense and infrastructure asdesired by the elite. The British were veryproud of their services as they introducedpostal services, railways and connectedmany states of the British India. In <strong>Pakistan</strong>we have NLC which has containerized cargoservices whereas train cargo share hasdecreased to less than 5% in <strong>Pakistan</strong>.<strong>Pakistan</strong> Railways last year carried the samenumber of passengers and less freight whichit did in 1955; while <strong>Pakistan</strong>’s populationhas increased seven folds. In public sectororganization we would find many otherexamples of inefficiency due to whichconnectivity has suffered.There is need to develop national tradecorridor to connect people and goods <strong>for</strong>servicing business efficiency. We also needto ease the visa processes with our neighborsand other countries <strong>for</strong> easy movement.There is need to improve rail and roadconnectivity along with connectivity fromfarm to market. We also need to improveinter and intra-city connectivity. We alsoneed to connect both physically and socially.***Discussant: Shaukat Hameed KhanFormer Member <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Commission</strong>Mr. Amer Durrani (Sector coordinator <strong>for</strong>Trade Logistics, Transport, and Customs;World Bank) did an excellent job andcovered a wide spectrum of things and weneeded some more time from him to expandsome other themes. I would like to tell thatmangoes are being exported in large numberthese days and have become expensive.Such a large number of exports are becauseof another reason which is internaltechnology transfer and another type ofconnectivity to link with exports. WithHorticulture Development Board and<strong>Pakistan</strong> Atomic Energy <strong>Commission</strong>Authority working together the shelve life ofmangoes has been increased to 80 days.We have example of USA be<strong>for</strong>e us. Theyworked on productivity, physicalconnectivity, and social connectivity. In1905, USA had only 3000 vehicles and 100kilometers paved roads. It took hundredyears to become an industrial giant. It isimportant that physical environment mustcon<strong>for</strong>m to the needs of the time. When wetalk about in<strong>for</strong>mation technology we find70

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