Framework for Economic Growth, Pakistan - Planning Commission

Framework for Economic Growth, Pakistan - Planning Commission

Framework for Economic Growth, Pakistan - Planning Commission


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International conference on “<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Economic</strong> <strong>Growth</strong>, <strong>Pakistan</strong>”with a skill bias to make people ready <strong>for</strong>innovation and do something good <strong>for</strong> thecountry. We need to convince politicalpersons and political parties to ask theireconomic committees to debate importantissues and tell everyone about this importantthing <strong>for</strong> the country. Political will andbuilding the economic capacity of thepolitical parties is very important <strong>for</strong>country’s growth.***InterviewDr. Mahbub HossainExecutive Director, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC)Question: I invite your initial comments on the <strong>Framework</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Economic</strong> <strong>Growth</strong>.Answer: <strong>Framework</strong> is good analytical workwith innovative ideas <strong>for</strong> moving <strong>for</strong>ward.But real issue is of implementation. We haveseen many plans in the past but most of theplans remained in shelves because of theissues in implementation.The conference is very innovative to share the experience of othercountries. <strong>Pakistan</strong> can take benefit from the experience of othercountries to move <strong>for</strong>wardI think <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> has done atedious and excellent work with new ideasand way <strong>for</strong>ward <strong>for</strong> the growth. Theconference is very innovative to share theexperience of other countries. <strong>Pakistan</strong> cantake benefit from the experience of othercountries to move <strong>for</strong>ward. But the real testwould be the real outcome and how the planis implemented.Question: According to you the main challenge is the implementation. Would you please specifysome more about implementation?Answer: In <strong>Pakistan</strong> the Civil Service is oneof the important actors in implementation.There are also many other actors in privatesector to be taken on board. How wemobilize society and involve marginalizedpeople at grass root level is the mainchallenge. Community mobilization andgood governance at local level is veryimportant <strong>for</strong> inclusive growth.Government needs to give space to otheractors of the society in the economy <strong>for</strong>inclusive growth. In <strong>Pakistan</strong> government iscontrolling infrastructure, in<strong>for</strong>mation,91

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