Phase Field Modelling - Department of Materials Science and ...

Phase Field Modelling - Department of Materials Science and ...

Phase Field Modelling - Department of Materials Science and ...


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Qin <strong>and</strong> Bhadeshia<strong>Phase</strong> field methodtend to have narrow composition ranges (free energyincreases with deviation from stoichiometry). An exampleis that in a simulation <strong>of</strong> Al–2 wt-%Si solidification,the thickness <strong>of</strong> interface between primary aluminiumrich dendrites <strong>and</strong> liquid had a maximum <strong>of</strong> about2l56?5 nm but had to be restricted to ,0?2 nm for thatbetween silicon particles <strong>and</strong> the liquid. 20 This is toensure that a realistic interfacial energy is obtained, butthe small width dramatically increases the computationaleffort.Others 20–22 have assumed that the phase compositionsinside the interface are governed by the equationLg aLc a ~ LgbLc b (7)<strong>and</strong> have mistakenly identified these derivatives withchemical potential LG/Ln, where G is the total chemicalfree energy <strong>of</strong> the phase concerned <strong>and</strong> n the number <strong>of</strong>moles <strong>of</strong> the solute concerned. It is <strong>of</strong> course gradients inthe chemical potential which govern diffusion so it may bemisleading to call the derivatives in equation (7) the phasediffusion potential. 23 Note also that equation (7) does notreduce to an equilibrium condition when the chemicalpotential is uniform in the parent <strong>and</strong> product phases.When equation (7) is applied in phase field modelling, ithas been suggested 23 that because the gradients in Lg/Lc donot reduce to zero even at equilibrium, it is necessary tocompensate for this by some additional component to thefree energy density g, which might be interpreted in terms<strong>of</strong> the structure <strong>of</strong> the interface. However, this is arbitrary<strong>and</strong> as has been pointed out previously, 23 difficulties arisewhen the interface width in the simulation is greater thanthe physical width.Thermodynamics <strong>of</strong> irreversibleprocessesThe determination <strong>of</strong> the rate <strong>of</strong> change requiresultimately a relationship between time, the free energydensity <strong>and</strong> the order parameter. The approach in sharpinterface models is usually atomistic, with activationenergies for the rate controlling process <strong>and</strong> someconsideration <strong>of</strong> the structure <strong>of</strong> the interface inpartitioning the driving force between the variety <strong>of</strong>possible dissipative processes. The phase field methodhas no such detail, but rather relies on a fundamentalapproximation <strong>of</strong> the thermodynamics <strong>of</strong> irreversibleprocesses, 24–27 that the flux describing the rate isproportional to the force responsible for the change.For irreversible processes the equations <strong>of</strong> classicalthermodynamics become inequalities. For example, atthe equilibrium melting temperature, the free energies <strong>of</strong>the pure liquid <strong>and</strong> solid are identical (G liquid 5G solid ) butnot so below that temperature (G liquid .G solid ).The thermodynamics <strong>of</strong> irreversible processes dealswith systems which are not at equilibrium but arenevertheless stationary. It deals, therefore, with steadystate processes where free energy is being dissipatedmaking the process irreversible in the language <strong>of</strong>thermodynamics since after the application <strong>of</strong> aninfinitesimal force, the system then does not revert toits original state on removal <strong>of</strong> that force.The rate at which energy is dissipated in anirreversible process is the product <strong>of</strong> the temperature<strong>and</strong> the rate <strong>of</strong> entropy production (T : S) withT : S~JX or for multiple processes, T : S~ X iJ i X i (8)where J is a generalised flux <strong>of</strong> some kind, <strong>and</strong> X ageneralised force (Table 1).Given equation (8), it is <strong>of</strong>ten found experimentallythat the flux is proportional to the force (J!X); familiarexamples include Ohm’s law for electrical current flow<strong>and</strong> Fourier’s law for heat diffusion. When there aremultiple forces <strong>and</strong> fluxes, each flow J i is related linearlynot only to its conjugate force X i , but also is relatedlinearly to all other forces present (J i 5M ij X j )i,j51,2,3…; thus, the gradient in the chemical potential<strong>of</strong> one solute will affect the flux <strong>of</strong> another. It isemphasised here that the linear dependence described isnot fundamentally justified other than by the fact that itworks. The dependence can be recovered by a Taylorexpansion <strong>of</strong> J{X} about equilibrium where X50JfXg~Jf0gzJ’ f0g X 21! zJ’’ f0gX2! ...J{0}50 since there is no flux at equilibrium. Theproportionality <strong>of</strong> J to X is obtained when all termsbeyond the second are neglected. The important point isthat the approximation is only valid when the forces aresmall. There is no phase field model that the authors areaware <strong>of</strong> which considers higher order terms in therelation between J <strong>and</strong> X.Implementation in rate equationsNon-conserved order parameterThe dissipation <strong>of</strong> free energy as a function <strong>of</strong> time in anirreversible process must satisfy the inequalitydG¡0 (9)dtas the system approaches equilibrium. When there aremultiple processes occurring simultaneously, it is onlythe overall condition which needs to be satisfied ratherthan for each individual process; an expansion <strong>of</strong>equation (9) gives dG Lwdwc,TLtz dG LTdT Ltw,cz dGc,Tdcw,T LcLtw,T¡0 (10)w,cbut to ensure that the free energy <strong>of</strong> the system decreasesmonotonically with time, it is sufficient thatTable 1Forcee.m.f. : LyLz{ 1 LTT Lz{ Lm iLzStressExamples <strong>of</strong> forces <strong>and</strong> their conjugate fluxes*FluxElectrical CurrentHeat fluxDiffusion fluxStrain rate*z is distance, y is the electrical potential in volts, <strong>and</strong> m is achemical potential. ‘e.m.f.’ st<strong>and</strong>s for electromotive force.806 <strong>Materials</strong> <strong>Science</strong> <strong>and</strong> Technology 2010 VOL 26 NO 7

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