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issue one <strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>CURRENT MAGAZINEevents writing art video photo caption conteststudent made at<strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>1
ISSUE ONE !Welcome to CURRENT, <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>’s student-mademagazine! This is our very first issue, produced by the the class of2016. We plan to continue publishing CURRENT for the nextcouple of years before passing it on to another class.CURRENT will include a variety of articles, including interviews,photographs, poems, videos and more. We’ll show activities,accomplishments and writing of the whole school. Come seewhat’s new at CCA – what’s fresh, what’s inspiring, what’scurrent.Writing and art work including photography are by CCA studentsand teachers. Outside sources may be enlisted to enhance articles.Please let us know if you have article ideas or writing or art workfor us to include in future issues. ! ! ! ! ! !-Fiona
CURRENT MAGAZINE CONTENTS<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>recent school activities pp. 5 - 50Writing grades k - 8 pp. 51 - 71Writing grades 9 - 12 pp. 72 - 120Student made video links pp. 121- 123Comics caption contest 124 - 125
ISSUE oneCURRENT MAGAZINECurrents workon the SeniorDay articlefeaturingRaheelChaundry ’13A Senior Reflects on his Time at <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>by Alex Bernardo ’16On Friday, May 3, the senior class of <strong>2013</strong> had their last day at <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong><strong>Academy</strong>. Senior Day included the yearbook dedication, senior giftpresentation and slideshow of the graduating class with pictures fromkindergarten through senior year. I got the opportunity to sit down with oneof the graduating seniors, Raheel Chaudhry, to ask him about his journey atCCA.Raheel began attending <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> when he was in fifth grade. Hebelieves that CCA gave him better study habits than he would have gained ata different school. He told me that before applying to college you need to
A Senior Reflectson his Timeat <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>take the SATs. Before the SATs, you take the PSATs. Colleges don’t see PSAT’s.You take PSAT’s for practice and to figure out strategies for taking the SAT.Raheel admits that the tests are “long, hard, and annoying,” and advisesstudents to not procrastinate when preparing for them.The third group of tests that are required before applying to college are the SATsubject tests. Since these are specialized areas of focus, it’s important to know thematerial very well.“First, you go through colleges and find the ones you like. You look for thingsyou want and things you want to do.” With the help of the computer programNaviance, Raheel picked the colleges that he thought would be a good fit andapplied to them. He filled out his common application, used for all colleges, andsubmitted essays that he had written at the end of his junior year.Once he’d heard back from colleges, Raheel narrowed them down to three. Hevisited the schools so he could try to find which one he’d fit best. Raheel’s adviceon college visits is, “Pick ones that feel more like home.” He believes that it’simportant to find a college that’s personally best for you.Interviews at colleges can be done early in the process or during the decidingphase. Raheel recommends doing interviews at reach schools to have a betterchance of getting in.
A Senior Reflectson his Timeat <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>About Senior Day Raheel has mixed emotions. “There were some tears. Sayinggood-bye to a place where you’ve been for so long is hard, but there is so muchstill ahead.”Raheel will be attending Bentley University in the fall. He encourages all CCAstudents to “Take philosophy class with Mr. Andrews!”yearbook dedication to Dr. Kerry Brown, English teacher and college counselor
SENIOR GIFTARRIVES!CURRENT issue oneMeganand Mikeypresentthe seniorclass giftThe senior gift was conceived of by Mike Nolf(Sierra’s dad) who thought that the cart couldbe pulled to various athletic events at theplaying fields and in the gym. People couldpurchase snacks, bottled water and <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong><strong>Academy</strong> logo clothes and supplies.Mike’s maintenance colleague Jared Long wasthe chief carpenter on the job. Mike hadassistance from Lee Plummer and RichardHolmes. A number of seniors helped paint thecart. Materials cost five-hundred dollars.The cart has battery-powered LED lights andmetal retractable stabilizer feet to ensuresafety for the purveyors inside and thecustomers outside. The chassis and wheelsare garden cart materials.Senior Max Choate and his team of Blue Keystudents will create a business plan for thecart. The Parents Association is helping withthe project.
ISSA Doublehanded NationalChampionshipfor the Mallory TrophyThe Mallory Trophy is school sailing’s oldest trophy. It was selected and presented to thethen-IYRA (now ISSA) by Clifford Mallory and his son, when the elder Mallory wasCommodore of Indian Harbor Yacht Club in Greenwich, Connecticut, and President ofNAYRU, the predecessor of US SAILING. The early competitions were in Atlantic-classsloops, hence the sterling silver model of the original Atlantic on the trophy. In recentyears the competition for the ISSA Nationals has been in double handed dinghies in atwo-division format. This was initiated when the U.S. Naval <strong>Academy</strong> took over hostingthe event, after many years at the U.S. Coast Guard <strong>Academy</strong> in keel sloops andRavens. Prior to that stewardship, the series had been hosted by clubs, and once by aschool for their first venture into dinghies, Fireflies at St. George’s in 1959. The Mallorycompetition now is rotated among the ISSA districts.Chicago Yacht Club is proud to host the <strong>2013</strong> Interscholastic Sailing Association's FleetRacing Championship in May. The top high school teams from around the country whohave qualified from their own districts will be coming to Chicago to square off for thechampionship. The event will begin on Friday with check-in and practice time on thewater, and the racing will take place on Saturday and Sunday May 11 & 12 out of theBelmont Station.
ISSA Doublehanded National ChampionshipA report of the days’ eventshttps://www.chicagoyachtclub.orgSaturday May 11:The sailors showed up to Belmont Harbor on Saturday morning greetedby sun and flat water, a calm SW wind blowing over Lake Michigan. ADivision hit the water around 9am for a first warning gun at 945. Themorning brought some shifty breeze as the front arrived, shiftingbetween SW and NW with big oscillations keeping both the sailors andthe Race Committee on their toes. As the breeze built, it continued toshift right, and the RC had to raise a few postponements to make surethat the course was fair and square. Around noon, the breeze builtdramatically, topping out with at a solid 22 knots, a few gusts reaching28kts on the race course. By 230pm, it had settled in the upper teens,gusts in mid-20s from the NNW, and continuing to shift N. A few boatsflipped and swamped, but for the most part the fleet was handling thebig wind just fine, and so the RC continued on! During some of thebiggest breeze mid-afternoon, Minnetonka’s (Minnetonka, MN) B-division boat’s pintles both broke off mid-race, and so the spare boatwas switched into the rotation. As the clouds rolled in and the windwent further right, temperatures dropped and the sailors’ endurancewas put to the test. By the end of race 8A, the breeze had died down toaround 6kts, and by the time B went out to sail races 7 and 8, the windhad shut off.So just about every condition was seen today! Winds shifted all the wayfrom SSW to NNE throughout the day, gradually shifting through 180degrees. The was fleet able to sail just off of the sea wall at the mouthof Belmont Harbor, and despite the unseasonably chilly temperatures(wind chill in the low 40s), the spectators were able to watch somegreat racing from shore. Racing was called at 545pm. Three protests,two redresses and one scoring inquiry were filed resulting in one DSQand one granted redress. The Antilles School of St. Thomas, USVI sitsatop the fleet with 62 points, followed by <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> with 88,and Severn School with 110.
ISSA Doublehanded National ChampionshipA report of the days’ eventshttps://www.chicagoyachtclub.orgSunday May 12:A much colder and windier day on Sunday! Wind chills were in the mid-30sat the 8am call time as the sailors arrived. The breeze had piped up fromthe NW and the lake waves were already starting to build. By the time thefirst warning went off for race 7B, the temperatures had improved a bit andthe breeze was a solid 15+ knots from the NNW. As the day progressed,however, the conditions got much more fluky as the wind shifted towardsthe east, huge oscillations and pressure changes in each race really mixingthe fleet up and keeping all of the sailors on their toes. Antilles and <strong>Cape</strong><strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> were neck in neck for much of the day, jockeying back andforth in first and second. Hotchkiss was able to creep up and have a solidhold on 3rd place by midday, followed by Point Loma and Severn fallingbehind. With such unpredictable conditions, however, one good or onebad set by any team could really mix up the standings, so teams werefighting hard for their spot until the very end. By the end of the day, thebreeze had swung all the way to the east and had settled in between 6-10knots. The Race Committee remained alert, swinging the course aroundand keeping it as square as possible. They were able to get off three setsin B and two in A for a regatta total of twelve races in each set. Twoprotests were filed, resulting in one DSQ.The range of conditions proved to be a true test for all of the sailors at thechampionship, but ultimately the title of the <strong>2013</strong> ISSA High SchoolDoublehanded National Champions goes to The Antilles School of the USVI,winning by just four points over <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> from Osterville, MA.The Hotchkiss School from Lakeville, CT finished the event in 3rd place.Antilles senior Ian Barrows with crews Agustina Barbuto and Ian Coyledominated A-Division, finishing with just 43 points over the next team with87. Chase Quinn and crews Tatiana Chui and Elizabeth Pemberton from<strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> won B-Division. Congratulations to all of the sailors fora wonderful national championship event!Thanks to all of the volunteers on the water who helped with RaceCommittee, mark set, judging, safety and rotation boats, breakdowns andmedia, and for helping to make the <strong>2013</strong> Mallory Championship such asuccessful event!
4:30 PM 5-12-13 FINAL RESULTS MALLORY CUP (top 5 of 20 finishes)1Antilles School A 2 1 3 1 2 12 1 4 13 1 1 2 43St. Thomas, VI B 3 7 6 4 14 2 13 20 11 3 13 12 1085 13 22 27 43 57 71 95 119 123 137 151 1512<strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> A 12 8 6 9 3 11 6 16 10 7 14 11 113Osterville, MA B 1 1 1 7 4 3 3 5 1 10 1 5 4213 22 29 45 52 66 75 96 107 124 139 155 153Hotchkiss School A 10 DNF 17 20 4 2 20 2 5 13 3 1 118Lakeville, CT B 4 2 3 1 9 7 2 1 14 7 2 2 5414 37 57 78 91 100 122 125 144 164 169 172 1724Point Loma HS A 17 11 5 4 9 7 2 11 12 6 2 13 99San Diego, CA B 7 11 2 9 7 11 4 9 2 8 17 4 9124 46 53 66 82 100 106 126 140 154 173 190 1905Severn School A 4 6 4 6 1 14 5 3 11 14 15 4 87Annapolis, MD B 15 5 12 15 10 10 10 16 8 9 5 6 12119 30 46 67 78 102 117 136 155 178 198 208 208
CURRENT ISSUE ONE“Lorem Ipsum Dolor Set Ahmet InCondinmentum. Nullam Wisi Acru SuscpitConsectetuer viviamus Lorem Ipsum DolorSet Ahmet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Set AhmetIn Wisi Acru Suscpit Consectetuerviviamus.”Director Sarah FachadaBeauty and the Beast Dazzlescostumes and!
Beauty and the Beast behind the scenes by Emma BalkinA show is much more than you, the audience member, will ever see! If you haveever been part of a cast or crew of a show, you likely understand that this year’sproduction of Beauty and The Beast required just as much time and effort fromthe crew members as the actors and actresses. Each costume piece, from a dressdown to the shoes, had to be arranged, planned and altered to fit the needs of theactor or actress in order to make them appear as their character would!For the past three years, ninth grader Natalie Fachada has been in charge of thishuge job. Natalie first did the costumes when she was in seventh grade for Guysand Dolls, and last year for The Wedding Singer. When interviewed, Natalieexplained that it can be very difficult to fit the needs of everyone in the show,especially given budget and time constraints. Natalie was extremely creativewhile designing this year’s costumes, from attaching fake fur to grey sweatshirtsto represent wolves to making a candle hat using poster board, cotton balls, andtissue paper.Did you enjoy the awesome choreography during the show? Not surprisingly,eleventh grade dancer extraordinaire Molly Murphy was in charge ofchoreography this year! At each rehearsal, she led the cast in a physical warm-upwith fun dances to “Ease On Down The Road”, and then proceeded to teach usall the dances and movement for the large group scenes. Art teacher Mrs. Rappdid a wonderful job painting the sets to make the stage feel like a French villageand a castle, as did the various students who assisted her. Jason Fachada,eleventh grade, did the sound and lighting for the entire show, with the help ofteacher Mr. Murphy operating the spotlight. Lighting and sound allow the hardwork of the cast and crew to truly be seen and heard! Senior Ben Taylor, who willbe greatly missed next year, was the student director this year.Having been involved in the musical since he was in sixth grade, he was theperfect person to fill in when Mrs. Fachada or Mrs. Wannie was sick or unable tocome to rehearsal. I had the pleasure of being the stage manager this year, and Igot to know the entire cast and crew. Everyone involved in this years showdeserves to be recognized, as every single person clearly dedicated much of his orher time to making this years production great. It was a wonderful show and Ithink we can all look forward to next years show! Anyone interested in acting innext years show, or, especially, helping behind the scenes, can contact Mrs.Fachada for more information or talk to a previous cast or crew member.
QUEBECTOURCURRENT issue oneAdiamcondimentumPurus, inconsectetuerProin insapien.Fusce urnamagna,neque eget lacus.Maecenasfelis nunc,aliquam ac,consequatvitae, feugiatat, blanditvitae,euismod vel.Sixth Graders’ Annual Trip Was Great Fun!French food,Charles, motor coach idol, the sugar shack, firingmuskets, capture the flag, chicken dances and more!Quebec Log by Zac EzzaouiDay 1On Tuesday everyone got ready for a long bus ride to Quebec.The journey was long but eventually we got there. When we gotthere we met our tour guide and unpacked. Then we took a walkthrough Lower and Upper town. We walked for a little bit beforewe walked to dinner. We went to a restaurant called Cotes leCotes where we had a very good dinner like Beef stew andChicken. After a great meal we headed back to our hotel wherewe had a good night sleep.
QUEBECTOURDay 2Our first full day in Quebec was great! We woke up early and walked tobreakfast at probably one of my favorite places in quebec “Le CochonDingue”. We had a great meal of hot chocolate and Croissants. After that wemet the bus to head to Village Huron. There we got to go into long housesand learn about the native american life and more interesting things.Later we head back to town and Charles our tour guide recommended someplaces where we could get a good lunch. I went to “Casse Crepe Breton”and had delicious crepes. After our break around town was over we met upat the plains of abraham. There we played capture the flag. There was nowinner because the french team tied the british team. Soon after that wewent to meet to historical figures: General Montcalm and General Wolfe.There we learned how to load muskets and fire cannons. We also learnedhow to perform surgery .After a fun day we had to end it with fun dinner. We hopped on the bus anddrove to the sugar shack on the way we had a few rounds of something wecall motor coach idol. At the sugar shack I learned that maple syrup is goodon almost anything just not water. After that we learned some dances andlistened to some cool music. Then we went on a tractor ride and evenlearned a lot about maple products.
JUNE <strong>2013</strong>We met up at the plains of abraham.There we played capture the flag. Therewas no winner because the french teamtied the british team.Day 3Thursday was a incredibly fun day for us. We enjoyed crepes again for breakfast.After that we walked all the way to the ‘Musee la civilization” to check out some cool exhibits. Iliked the video games. Next we went to the best mall ever. It had a amusement park inside ofit which mostly everyone loved. There was an awesome roller coaster which everyone wenton. After a cool experience at the mall we jumped on the bus and headed towardsMontmorency Falls. It was a very wet place but yet is was very fun we walked down the sideof the waterfall and we got very wet. we walked back to our bus wet and soggy. We took aswim at the heated swimming pool when we got back to the hotel. Then we took our time torest before we went out to a very fancy dress dinner. We had a lot of toasts. After that we wentto a theatre to perform cool plays. After a long day we went back to our hotel for a goodsleep.
QUEBECTOURWe jumped on the bus and headed towardsMontmorency Falls. It was a very wet place butyet is was very fun we walked down the side ofthe waterfall and we got very wet. we walkedback to our bus wet and soggy.
JUNE <strong>2013</strong>QUEBECTOURLater we headedback to town andCharles our tourguiderecommendedsome placeswhere we couldget a good lunch.I went to “CasseCrepe Breton”and had deliciouscrepes.After that wemet the bus tohead to VillageHuron. There wegot to go intolong housesand learn aboutthe nativeamerican lifeand moreinterestingthings.
CURRENT issue oneMASS ART BOSTON FIELD TRIP WITH MS.RAPPSchool oftheMuseumofFine ArtsphotosbyTina Wang
FASHION SHOWCURRENT issue onePhotos by Tina WangThe trip to Boston continues with a fashion show at theCastle at Park Plaza in the old armory landmark building.
Ninth Grade Heads East on Fieldtripby Lucy ProtheroOn the morning of Thursday the 23 rd ,the ninth graders, accompanied by Ms.Cetta and Mr. Martin, loaded into abus, excited for our field trip. We weregoing to the <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> Museum ofNatural History, a wonderful facility inBrewster. When we got there, we weregreeted by a very helpful staff, andsoon got to explore the museum.Although not very large, the place wasfilled with collections that sparkedinterest in all of the students. Therewere Native-American pieces, stuffedanimals (especially birds), a faux-sharkwatching tank (along with aninformative movie about the creatures),a beehive, an aquarium, and more. Italso had a wonderful room with largewindows, allowing everyone to look atthe wildlife that passed by. EvenNatalie, the class’ avid birder, snappedphotos of birds she hadn’t yet gottenthis year.taught us lots about the incredibleanimals.Eric BlancoAfter that was over, it was time for, inmy opinion, the best part of the day:the walk. A very kind andknowledgeable volunteer was ourguide for the walk. Before we went out,he told us about the different kinds ofthings, both living and non-living, thatwe would see in the ecosystems. Thewalk led us through the forest, acrossthe marsh, and to the beach.As we walked around the museum, wesaw live animals such as a blue lobster,jellyfish, flounder, sea stars, and more.The happy-looking skate seemed to bethe favorite of my classmates. Whenwe were done exploring, we gatheredto watch a movie about sharks.Everyone seemed to enjoy it, and itEric Blanco
Along the way, our guide would stop us to talk about a certaintype of tree, plant, or animal we had come across. There waseven an osprey nest on the marsh that we observed for awhile.We soon came across an ancient calendar that used stones andshadows to tell the time of year.When we got to the beach, the class broke off into groups, takingpictures and collecting interesting shells and plants. When we allmet up, our guide told us about the items everyone had broughtin. Some of the things found were horseshoe crabs, a moon snailshell, and unidentifiable bones. When we were done with that,we trekked back to the center and then to the bus. All in all, theclass learned a lot about ecosystems and had a great close-tosummerday to spend with each other. Hey, even the impendingthunderstorms held off!Eric Blanco
CURRENT <strong>Issue</strong> oneAxis of Hope Works with 11th GradersStudents Learn Negotiation SkillsWritten in agreed-upon terms by representatives of the groups“We propose making it easier for immigrantsto get working and educational visas.”-excerpt from the summary below by 11thgrade workshop participantsHaving completed a day-long Axis of Hope conflict resolution workshop [divided into threegroups with differing viewpoints] on U.S.-Mexico immigration issues we have reached thefollowing agreements on the issues of citizenship, education, and security.CitizenshipWe propose making it easier for immigrants to get working and educational visas. After they get visas, theymust demonstrate their responsibility in order to acquire potential green cards and citizenship. In needs tobe easier for existing Mexican immigrants to get visas, if they are honest about their situation. If theydecline visas, they will not get social benefits. In addition, a tax cut, or other method of compensation, forthe employers of unskilled immigrants workers will be given.(continued next page)
Axis of Hope Works with 11th GradersStudents Learn Negotiation SkillsWritten in agreed-upon terms by representatives of the groupsEducationNo illegal immigrants should be allowed to attend a public school without visa. They would haveto contribute to public education system through paying taxes, which a working visa would enablethem to do. The amount of tax-payer dollars required to fund the public education of the millionsof illegal immigrants issomething Americantax-payers simplycannot afford. It needsto be more efficient forimmigrants to obtainvisas. To increase theefficiency of the visaapplication process, theimmigrationdepartment should hiremore officers to reducethe waiting time of theapplication process.SecurityAmerica needs totighten up border security. Although the unskilled immigrants’ employers are not fully for tightsecurity, we have agreed to establish a lower minimum wage for immigrants on working visasuntil they become citizens. Agricultural business can still make a profit. Once immigrants earncitizenship, they will be able to earn the regular minimum wage. If this is carried out, theunskilled labor employers will agree to tighten security, along with other groups.Class of 2014
CURRENT ISSUE ONELower SchoolDance Marathonemmagets the marathonorganizedAlexandra Bernardo and Emma Doe run alower school dance marathon to raisemoney for breast cancer research. Theydanced for half an hour, leading the kids insome simple dance moves. In the end, $75was donated to Friends of Dana Farber, acancer institute in Boston. -Alex
INTERNATIONAL GIRLCURRENT issue oneIvy Changplayingtheguzhengat theShelterbenefitconcertThe Speech in China for Shelterfrom the StormBy Ivy Chang ’14I would like to share my experiences in America and my reason of doing Shelter from the Storm.Last year coming back to China, when I got off the bus in Boston Logan Airport, I forgot to take down mybackpack from the carrier, because I had too much stuff. When the United Airline workers asked me for thepassport, I found that I could not take the flight, because my passport, cash, credit cards and laptops were all inthat backpack. After I realized that, the bus totally disappeared. I felt crazy and ran like a crazy woman to try tocatch the bus, wearing my flip-flops. My fear made me feel helpless and hopeless.At that moment, I was caught by a policeman asking why I was running so fast. I explained my predicament
INTERNATIONAL GIRL, CONTINUED...CURRENT issue oneand asked him for help. He soon decided to let me get in the police car and we tried to catch the bus together,but that did not help. Then he drove me back to the terminal and began to contact the bus center. The memory isstill fresh in my mind. He made more than twenty times calls around 5 o’clock in the morning for that backpack.Calling the bus office…nobody answered…calling station office…busy line… Fortunately, they found mybackpack, telling me the driver would send the backpack to me at 7:00, and then the policeman left.When that driver drove an empty car and sent the backpack to me, I thought he would be angry about with me.However, he surprised me with a big hug and a smile and said “good luck”. Although I got my backpack, I missedthe flight. To my astonishment, United Airline managers had already helped me schedule another ticket without anyadditional payment. Originally, my flight was supposed to take 20 hours and fly cross the Pacific Ocean. Because ofthis new ticket, I would arrive four hours early by fighting though the North Pole. All went well. I said “thank you”to all those people whose names I did not even know. “Thank you” to all those who worked hard in helping me, buthere end of their work only becomes the beginning of my story. My mission is not to clearly remember these
INTERNATIONAL GIRL, CONTINUED...CURRENT issue oneSheltercrew andperformerspeople’s name, but to pass on this love. That is the simple reason why I participate the Shelter from theStorm, an organization benefiting veterans at risk, and why I want to share this love story with every one. Justlike my admired person, Confucius, said: “The way of Great Learning lies in letting one’s inborn luminousvirtue shine forth, in renewing the people, and in coming to rest in perfect goodness”.I am modern by birth but traditional by choice. I am a paradox, an enigmatic trope for all things fashionableand conventional. I play Guzheng, a traditional Chinese instrument, originates from my hometown, Xi’an.When I was in China, I just wanted to get the highest certification of Guzheng. Nevertheless, after I went toAmerica, encouraged by Mr.B, the founder of the Shelter from the Storm, I began to perform solo. I did enjoythe performance and made talented friends though Shelter from the Storm.By the time I became a junior, I no longer just wanted to sit on the chair and played difficult melodies thatfew people understand. I felt constrained by this imposing machine and could not escape the eternal cycles of
INTERNATIONAL GIRL, CONTINUED...May 22, <strong>2013</strong>Dancersperform atShelterfrom theStormconcert tobenefit atriskserviceveterans.of practicing and find my own “Guzheng”. Actually, the Shelter from the Storm performers here not onlyplay their instruments in conventional way, they also compose their own melodies, cooperate with otherperformance, even play a couple instruments together. I was enlightened by their ideas. Therefore, I played withthe blindfolded last time, although I made mistakes in a couple of measures. I will combine Chinese traditionaldance, swordsmanship, my own composed melody, three costumes and Guzheng together, using sight, sound andthe other senses to show the prosperous Tang dynasty. After finishing the rehearsal, I recognize that my creativeinclinations do have a niche in mainstream society. Creativity, which I learned in America, is “inventing,experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.”People always use “active”, “calculated” and “persistent” to describe me. That is true, but I see myself morein the word, “uncertain.” Uncertain of how would this China trip happen, I had been planning this trip for 7
INTERNATIONAL GIRL, CONCLUDEDCURRENT issue onearticle writerIvy performson theguzheng atvarious ages.months with Mr. Brown. He and I connected with some schools in China, and tried to find the financial aid fromsome agencies. Problems have a tendency of staying around, changing their shape but retaining their complexity.I heard many disappointing words from my classmates, but I never given up. With uncertainty, Mr. B and I stillkept solving problems. Luckily, some schools and people are interested in our idea, Shelter from the Storm,helping us to make it happen.I did have frustrations, but living up to the expectations that Mr. B and others set for me, I told my self:“Follow your heart; do not give up.” “Uncertain” is a word describing who I am, but not a word being who I am.When I played the Guzheng blindfold, I cannot see any strings. Nevertheless, with this uncertainty, I still followmy heart and persist to play forward, not knowing what lies ahead, but understanding that if I keep playing, it willend on the right note.
shelter fromthe storm <strong>2013</strong>benefit concertcape codcommunitycollege
CURRENT issue oneVISIT FROM INDIATrumanworkson hisissuetwoarticlebylisteningto atapedtalk withourIndianvisitors.
CURRENT ISSUE ONESeventh GradeBird WatchingCompetitionBy Paulina Zuckerman andFiona DohertyEvery year, as the daysgrow warmer and birdscall brightly from thebranches, you can findgroups of seventh graderswandering about campuswith cameras. Upon firstglance, it might make youwonder what they’redoing and they aren’t inclass, but if you only askthe reason becomes clear.In the spring, Mrs. Albisand Mr. Crowell hold anannual bird watchingcompetition with theirstudents. The grade is splitinto two teams, eachincluding one teacher.While they compete aswell, the teachers’ scoresdon’t count. Everyone triesto photograph as manyspecies of birds as possibleand surpass the opposingteam. Pictures of rare orspecial species bring ateam extra points.This year the seventhgraders have been verysuccessful. Mrs. Albis saysthat this has been one ofthe best years that theyh a v e d o n e t h ecompetition, and manystudents have even foundmore species than she andMr. Crowell.Mrs. Albis and Mr.Crowell hold anannual birdw a t c h i n gcompetition withtheir students. Thegrade is split intotwo teams, eachincluding oneteacher. While theycompete as well,the teachers’ scoresAs spring arrives, theseventh graders alsoobserve natural changes ina plot of land. They go outevery week for fifteenminutes and use theirsenses to discern what haschanged.MKAlbis
JUNE <strong>2013</strong>Seventh GradeBird WatchingCompetition,con’t.Miles GoldenbergMany students have evenfound more species thanshe and Mr. Crowell. Asspring arrives, the seventhgraders also observenatural changes in a plotof land. They go out everyweek for fifteen minutesand use their senses todiscern what has changed.When they do so, theopportunity comes to snapsome bird pictures. As aclass, they have taken twofield trips to go birding,one to Provincetown andthe other to MassAudubon, where theywent hiking.We asked Briannah Rice, avery excited Team Crowellmember, what she thoughtof the competition. Shereplied that she was“enjoying it; it’s reallyfun!” She wants to seeboth the greater and lesserblack-backed gulls and acommon sanderling.According to Briannah, atleast 120 species have beenphotographed by thegrade. Mrs. Albis wasright – it’s a new record,and the competition isn’teven over yet! ChristianLimburg, who’s on TeamAlbis, shared herenthusiasm. He addedthat students really lovethe projects. Not only arethey fun, but they helpthem to become moreobservant. Abi Balkin andMichelle Guo say that “itis a great opportunity toopen up to what is aroundus.”Currently, the student whohas photographed themost birds is ZacharyRoman. He’s seen at leastninety three species! Zachsays his favorite bird is themerlin. He is part of TeamCrowell, which is in thelead for now.Mr. Crowell says that “thecompetition will be close.”
Seventh Grade Bird WatchingCompetitionHe added that students really love the projects.Not only are they fun, but they help them tobecome more observant. Abi Balkin and MichelleGuo say that “this is a great opportunity to openup to what is around us.”Miles Goldenberg
Miles Goldenberg
READING THE CLASSIC LORD OF THE FLIESCURRENT issue oneTheholderof theconchshellmayspeak.7th graders bring the island to schoolThe teams discuss rules and protocol.
setting map by Mariah"The candle-buds openedtheir wide whiteflowers....Their scent spilled outinto the air and tookpossession of the island."(Chapter 3)
What would you rename Lord of the Flies ?The Devil Inside YouThe Devil WithinA Time for a LeaderDeath IslandSo Close, Yet so FarThe Beast WithinThe BeastieSwept AwayShattered CivilizationThe Lost CivilizationUncivilized CivilizationStrandedThe Breakdown of SocietyInto DarknessFire IslandUncivilizedDestruction of CivilizationNot Gone YetFear IslandSticks and StonesThe Real WarSavagesThe Order of the ConchRescue
CURRENT ISSUE ONEChris and Tim Keep <strong>Academy</strong> Fields GreenBy Emma BalkinOne of two dedicated groundskeepershere at <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>, Tim Grimm hasbeen studying horticulture and related fieldsfor many years. His journey to working atCCA began when he studied horticulture at<strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> Community College. Later, hestudied in the master gardeners programthat was run through the Town ofBarnstable, which led him to secure a jobas the grounds supervisor at ChathamBars Inn. Over the course of many yearshe gained experience, learning all therewas to know about grounds keeping andgardening.When asked about fieldmaintenance, Tim explained that properfertilization and irrigation practices arekey! For fertilizer, only organic andheavily nitrogen based fertilizers are usedon the CCA grounds. As Tim put it, thefertilizer is essentially, “chicken poop!”CCA has sixteen acres of irrigated turf, allof which needs to be fertilized three tofour times per year. The irrigationsystems are entirely self-controlled,meaning set automatic timers controlthem. Tim explained that although theactual tasks of maintaining the groundsare difficult, the biggest challenge he andhis co-worker face are time constraintsand consistently reaching the highstandards they desire.Chris, left, and TimChris Gonnella has his associates degree inscience in golf course management. He also hasa bachelor’s in business management from theUniversity of Central Florida. He has workedon two major golf course construction projectsand was the golf course superintendent atRedtail in Florida.At <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>, Chris embraces manychallenges involved in mulching, planting andtree work. Maintaining one of the best schoolsoccer fields, Chris is an expert on dethatching,aerating and 3.8 inch screened topsoil.
CURRENT ISSUE ONEMr. Bellamy Talks CreativityHe loves helping studentsBy Claire, Paulina and MorganThe cast of Great Expectations takes a bow with Mr. BellamyWhen asked the question “whatis creativity?” film lover andhistory teacher Rick Bellamysimply responded with how heneeds creativity to survive.Without creativity he said he’ssimply unhappy. With hiseighth grade history class andtwo clubs he manages, he triesto include it (creativity) ineverything he and the kids do.He loves helping his studentsexplore their creative depths.While he watches these weeklyfilms, he not only observes, as theaverage moviegoer does, but heabsorbs many details unperceivedby the normal eye. Finally, heapplies what he learns at themovies to his own work, addinganother level of skill to it.
By composing his own rendition of Great Expectations for drama clubthis year and even writing out full novels and screenplays on his own time,Mr. Bellamy is “creating something out of nothing.” To create things likethese, one must have and use imagination. He said he is inspired by hisstudents a lot and urges themto be as imaginative aspossible. He believeseveryone can be creative, butsaid there are somedifficulties in getting there.“Technology givesopportunities to createalthough sometimes theInternet bombards and makesit hard to be original.” Hesaid.Scenes from Great ExpectationsAlthough some peoplemay have this trouble, Mr.Bellamy most definitely doesnot. For instance, he makesmany documentaries, createsoriginal HokaheyProductions films, edits hismovies, and runs his ownmovie blog filled withinsightful opinions aboutfilm, both old and new.
Now you may be wondering, how does he fuel his creativity for allof these projects? He says his greatest inspiration is simply to “seemovies at least once a week.” While he watches these weekly films,he not only observes, as the average moviegoer does, but he absorbsmany details unperceived by the normal eye. Finally, he applieswhat he learns at the movies to his own work, adding another levelof skill to it.Even speaking in passing with Mr. Bellamy can give you a muchneededdose of creative thinking. What you do with it is up to you.
a sample of senior project reports 6/4/13Elena Chen and Tatiana Chiu<strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> hospital: worked with technicians, lab samples, patients in ER waiting fordoctor, pill expirationsElena: “…interesting because I won’t work in medicine.”T.C.: “…interesting because I am going to be a pharmacist.”Jon Benoit and Cherie LongNew England Society of Abandoned Animals: worked with at-risk animals,developed empathy to share with others.Cherie and Jon: “We gained a lot of insight into the work of NESAA.”
a sample of senior project reports 6/4/13Grace GriecoBird Protection and Management Unit of the <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> National Seashore: workedwith interns to protect piping plovers, took photos for catalog, identified andprotected nest, GPS’d birds.Grace: “Before I didn’t know anything about the birds on <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong>. Now I realizethe importance of protection. I also didn’t realize that crows are among thesmartest of animals.”Tom and Tommy (Tom Neil and Tommy Evanko)UK Soccer Development: learned the transformational value of sport + service tokids through soccer mainly on the beach at Hyannis.Tommy: “We will continue volunteering this summer.”Tom: “It was interesting to watch the younger kids practice the moves of the olderkids and to see the all-stars reaching their potentials.”
a sample of senior project reports 6/4/13Ben Taylor<strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> Conservatory of Music: Worked on a vinyl listeningstation, music library including donated archival documents ofimportant musicians, press catalogue, garden.Ben: “The kid and adult musicians at the conservatory are incrediblypersevering.”
Writing k - 8
GraceIf I had apet snake likeBlake, I would like it to make my bed. I don’t liketo make my bed, because sometimes I put mycovers down. Most of the time I forget to pullthe sheets up.
LITTER !CURRENT issue onearticle byOlivia Doe ’20Anywhere you go on <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> you can find it: litter. Hiking on the <strong>Cape</strong>, you can see that it is easy tofind litter. Littering is stopping plant growth. Pollution is choking the roots, making the plants unable to grow.Animals can be harmed by litter, too. They can get caught in plastic, six-pack rings, plastic bags, fishinglines, and many other kinds of garbage. Birds get stuck and can’t fly away. They get tangled in fishing lines, andget their heads stuck in jars.It may be hard to believe, but people can get hurt by littering. When people are driving, they try to avoidit on the road. This can lead to dangerous accidents. Trash carries loads of diseases as well.When you litter, you are taking money away from people and the community. People are not going towant to live there because the values of their houses are decreasing and the roads are going to look like yourtown doesn’t care.This is a problem that can easily be changed, so why just ignore it? When you can go to your localbeach, park or even when walking on a sidewalk you can help out. Bring a trash bag on your walk, bring gloves.Help clean up <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong>. Let’s influence others who visit here to keep <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> looking beautiful. It’s assimple as that. So, remember - Don’t Ignore It… Stoop Down For It!
The WindThe wind is thething with thestrength that youlack,CURRENT ISSUE ONEPOETRYYou try to walkforward, it pushesyou back.Itbeats uponwindows, slamsevery door,Whooshing andgusting but still itwants more.MaeveLonergan
Life.An openbook, justwaiting there tobe read. To learn veryimportant life lessons, maybeabout love, hate, sorrow, war, cheer,jealousy… Who knows what YOU will findwhen you open that book of LIFE???????
june <strong>2013</strong>DANGER:Rock Salt, the Silent Killer of PetsBy JulietWalking your dog is good, right? By walking your pets or lettingthem free in the winter you may be putting them in danger.Hundreds of animals are getting seriously ill or dying because ofrock salt. When you walk your pets they step in the rock salt and itgets stuck in their paws. When they get into the heated house, theirpaws warm up and the salt begins to melt. Once heated up the saltcan warm to175°F which not only burns their mouth, but their skin,throat and digestive system. When the salt is consumed, it causesdehydration, liver failure, and pancreatitis. The anti-freeze in it canbe deadly if congested. A national survey of more than 500 consumers living in cold weather states showedthat 62% of consumers are not aware that rock salt can harm their pets and 60% use rock salt or salt-basedice melters. One victim, Amanda Walsh, was devastated when her cat, Bubbles, had to be put down due toeating rock salt. Bubble was missing for a week. When they found her she was lying in a garden not able tomove, in deep pain.There is no way we will completely get rid of all rock salt, but we can take little steps, like using petfriendly rock salt, never allowing your dog to drink from a puddle, even if it looks clean, or using a warmwash cloth to wash down your pet’s paws and fur when they come inside.My family and I are huge animal lovers. We have two puppies. One is mine. His name is Isaac andwe are very close. If anything ever happened to him, I would feel completely lost. I am sad for the manywhose pets have died because of rock salt. I would never want Isaac to be in any danger so I feel I shouldtake these little steps toward preventing animal illnesses and deaths. I urge you to do the same!
JUNE <strong>2013</strong>A Happy Dolphin is a Free DolphinBy Emily“Dad, look over there! They’re beautiful!” Iwas boating with my dad in Wellfleet Harborwhen we saw a pod of seven dolphins. It wasthe most amazing thing I have ever seen. Ithought to myself, “Why would anyone everwant to capture these beautiful animals?”Dolphins need to be free. Captivity is wrongfor the dolphins because they get stressed,they need socialization, and they can beabused while in captivity.Dolphins that are captured to do shows getstressed. The dolphins have to swim aroundin circles all day, but in the wild they couldswim 40 miles or more per day. Did youknow that swimming with dolphins hurtsthem? Well, it is true. The dolphins getstressed and can turn on us.If there is more than one dolphin in a largetank, they have a better chance of survivingbecause they are social animals. They travelin large groups of about 12 called pods. Theycommunicate with each other by using clicksand whistles. They take care of each otherwhen they are sick or injured.Dolphin trainers often withhold food so theywill do tricks for their food. When they getfed, they get fed dead fish so they get lessexercise while swimming for them. Theyshould get fed live fish because they feel likethey are in their natural habitat.
A Happy Dolphin is a Free DolphinAfter about seven years in captivity,dolphins can die from capture shock,pneumonia, intestinal disease, ulcers,chlorine poisoning, and other stressrelated illnesses. In the wild, dolphinslive up to 45 years, but in captivity,they are lucky if they live past ten.Dolphins always seem happy, right?They always have a smile on their face.Well, they’re not. Unlike us, dolphinshave no facial muscles so they alwayslook happy. What about the splashing? Isit a way for them to show excitement?No. It’s a way to show their anger andfrustration.
CURRENT ISSUE ONEA Happy Dolphin is a free DolphinSo please protect thesebeautiful, wild animals andremember: A free dolphin is ahappy dolphin.Dolphins are marinemammals closely relatedto whales and porpoises.There are almost fortyspecies of dolphin.eb image questRachel Wrightson
CURRENT ISSUE ONEAdopta PettoSavea LifeSadly four to fivemillion dogs and cats areeuthanized and tenthousand are abandonedeach year in the U.S.Four years ago I adopted mycat Piper from the MSPCA inCenterville. I was reallyexcited. When I got in the roomwith the cats I wanted to adopt“They hadlittlecards oneach cagetalkingabout thecat’spersonalities... “alone. People need tostart adopting animalsfrom shelters. Many people think thatanimals in shelters are there because theydid something“wrong”, were abused, or have badthem all! I kept telling my dad,“I want this one, I want thisone.” There were so many friendly cats.The people there were great in helpingme find a new cat. They had little cardson each cage talking about the cat’sbehavior. The truth is it is never thepersonalities and characteristics. It was aanimals’ fault. Most are there because ofhard choice, but I finally decided. Piperpeoples’ personal playful, loving and lots of fun. I knowAnimal shelters have lots ofI made the right decision in adopting myhappy healthy animals. The prices atpet.shelters are also a lot less expensive forEach year more than half of thethe same, if not better, quality animals.animals in shelters are killed rather thanTwenty five percent of the dogs inadopted. There are six animal shelters onshelters are purebreds. For every animal<strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> ready to assist you in yourbought from a pet store, an animal whochoice. If you are thinking of getting amight have been adopted dies in apet I strongly urge you to considershelter. When you adopt you are savingadopting a rescue animal.two lives; the animal you are adopting
CURRENT ISSUE ONEWhenI go over toone of myfriend’shouses, Ican’t stand itwhen we juststay insideand playvideo games.Sports at Schoolfor Younger KidsBy Jack MuseThere are 76,000,000 kids in the U.S. and 35,000,000 kids in the U.S.who play sports. If you do the math, that’s 41,000,000 kids in the U.S. who don’tplay sports and that’s 41,000,000 too many. There are a lot of schools in the U.S.that don’t offer sports for younger kids and it’s just not fair. I realize that manyparents have jobs where they work late and can’t take their kids to a sportsprogram outside the school campus. Yet, it’s so important that kids socialize witheach other out of class. I happen to go to a school that doesn’t offer sports foryounger kids. P.E. is good but it needs to go to a higher, more sophisticatedlevel. It doesn’t have to be competitive, but I urge my school and other schools tohave a parent or older kid teach a sport at the end of the school day.I am a very athletic person, I play hockey and lacrosse. I want to go pro inhockey and become an NHL player. Hockey has been an inspiration for school,because if I want to be an NHL player, I need good grades. I think that sportshelps kids for that reason. Whenever I go over to one of my friend’s houses, Ican’t stand it when we just stay inside and play video games and watch TV allday and don’t participate in any sports activities. If kids don’t start playing sportsat a young age and just watch TV it becomes a habit.So I encourage you to play a sport. Realize, that if you are not playing asport it’s not too late to start.
LUNCH WITH YANICURRENT issue oneyanishowsme hisstoryA noontime adventure with the first gradeBy Ben AyresI’m heading over to have lunch with my pal Yani Ciampiin the first grade room. I do get a little lost on the wayover but I find the room. The place is empty. It’s just Iand the chairs, the chairs and I, and the various displaysand bins that make increasing sense the more I look. Ihear voices in the hallway, outside voices coming in. I stickmy head out the door and sure enough here comes thegang, in from recess, heading for lunch.
A pack of girls dance by. The sun is still in their faces.One has a birthday hat on and she’s adjusting it. Nextit’s the boys, braking. Yani’s among them, expecting me.“Buon Giorno, Yani!” I greet my friend. “Hi, Ben,” Yanismiles.He shows me around the room, especially the writingarea where he keeps his writing book. There are lots ofthings to do in the writing area, especially if youinvestigate the writing bins.We eat lunch at Yani’s group table. I take out mycontainer with last night’s chicken and asparagus.For a second, Yani just sits there without anything. ThenMs. Gillian appears. And the girl with the birthday hatwho is now adjusting her glasses and hugging a largeplastic container of cupcakes. She is not letting thosecupcakes out because Ms. Gillian is here with a stack ofbig, flat boxes. Mmmm. The smell of warm, cheesycardboard.
Everyone is happy because the birthday party isalso a pizza party and besides the cupcakes lookvery good through the walls of the plasticcontainer. I’m excited even though my chickenand asparagus taste groovy enough. Now, licketysplit,everyone has his or her slice. The room getsquiet. Pizza’s pretty quiet. Some kids haveanother slice. Some start asking me questions. Yes,I do like first graders. Yes, I do like cupcakes bestof all. Yes, I have a dog. He looks like a bear,though. Now the cupcakes come out. The frostingfinds its way around.
LUNCH WITH YANICURRENT issue oneMalesuada quis, egestas quis, wisi.Donec ac sapien. Ut orci. Duisultricies, metus a feugiat porttitor,dolor mauris convallis est, quismattis lacus ligula eu augue. Sedfacilisis. Morbi lorem mi, tristiquevitae, sodales eget, hendrerit sed,erat lorem ipsum dolor.Vestibulum eget purus vitaeeros ornare adipiscing. Vivamusnec quam. Integer vestibulummalesuada libero. Sed vehiculafermentum leo. In condimentum.Nullam wisi arcu, suscipitconsectetuer. Vestibulumimperdiet nonummy sem.Vivamus sit amet erat nec turpistempus consequat. Praesentmalesuada. Donec vitae dolor.Donec at lacus ac mi vehiculabibendum. Donec feugiat temporlibero. Nam uut, massa.Maecenas vitae ante et lacusaliquam hendrerit.Curabitur nunc eros, euismodin, convallis at, vehicula sedconsectetuer posuere, eros maurisdignissim diam, pretium sed pedesuscipit. Fusce urna magna,loremneque eget lacus.Adiam condimentum purus,in Proin in sapien.Fusce urna magna,nequeeget lacus. Maecenas felis nunc,aliquam ac, consequat vitae,feugiat at, blandit vitae, euismodvel, nunc. Aenean ut erat ut nibhcommodo suscipit. Fusce urnamagna,neque eget lacus.Maecenas metus non quam.Cras erat. Aliquam pede.vulputate eu, estmorbi tristiquesenectus et netus et male. Aliquampede. Proin neque est, sagittis at,semper vitae, tincidunt quisMalesuada quis, egestas quis, wisi.Donec ac sapien. Ut orci. Duisultricies, metus a feugiat porttitor,dolor mauris convallis est, quismattis lacus ligula eu augue. Sedfacilisis. Morbi lorem mi, tristiquevitae, sodales eget, hendrerit sed,erat. Vestibulum.Nam uut, massa. Fusce urnamagna,neque eget lacus.Maecenas vitae ante et lacusaliquam hendrerit.
current issue oneHANDS ONDRUMMERKIDSAdiam condimentumPurus, in consectetuerProin in sapien. Fusceurna magna,nequeeget lacus. Maecenasfelis nunc, aliquam ac,consequat vitae,feugiat at, blanditvitae, euismod vel.
May 22, <strong>2013</strong>HANDS ON
PROCESSLEARNINGjune <strong>2013</strong>5th gradewritingworkshop;JasonlightingBeauty andthe Beast;Yanidrawing hisracoon
Writing 9-12
CURRENT ISSUE ONEWhy would you come to <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>?By Josh GorinWhy would anyone want to apply toCCA? Why go to CCA instead of apublic education? CCA offers a newexperience towards people of alltypes. If you are athletic there aremany types of sports offered to allages. If anyone is interested in music,there is a great music departmentthat accommodates all skill levels.Are you an artist? There are manytypes of art classes you can take.Your classes will be small and peoplewill really get to know you. If youneed help from any teacher, they arethere to help at a moments notice.At <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>everyone is thought ofas responsible peopleand are given a lot offreedom. CCA is a smallschool that is a fit foreveryone of all ages, andinterests.People at CCA are welcoming. Thegrades really feel like one big happyfamily. When I first came to CCA Ihad been to public school all my life.I had classes with over threehundred people! But when I arrived,people immediately wanted to knowwho I was and where I had camefrom.In CCA, everyone is thought of asresponsible people and are given alot of freedom. CCA is a small schoolthat is a fit for everyone of all ages,and interests.JOSH GORIN
C R E A T I V EWRITING CLASSSTORYBy Lizzie Worrilow 13In the small town of Osterville, which isfull of life in the summertime butcompletely sleepy during the winters,there stands a prestigious independentday school called <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>.<strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> is on a large, neatlykept parcel of land, which makes peoplewonder if there is an alarm that goes offwhenever a dandelion arises on one ofthe three soccer fields. There are threehundred-and-fiftystudents fromkindergarten through grade twelve thatdevelop the best of the bestrelationships with their teachers. Thehallways are all the same, with tiledfloors and walls that are as white asmost of the student body’s skin tone.On the outside, there are cementsidewalks connecting the grey-shingledbuildings. It is an ideal school, a placewithout hate, and where the students’smiles are wide from the moment theyenter CCA, to the time they hold theirdiploma.Being the nerd I am, there was noquestion that I would return to <strong>Cape</strong><strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> that Friday evening toget my AP Statistics book. I barely hadan A- in the class, and if I didn’t grabmy book for the weekend, I would bedoomed. I was planning on submittingall of my Ivy League applications in twoweeks, and, with grades closing in one,I knew one more test could make orbreak me.“Mom!” I called, as I was aboutto leave the front door. “I’m going out!I’ll be back soon.”Excitement flashed over mymother’s face, with hopes that herdaughter would be going to a socialevent. “Where to?” she asked,responding with an excited grin acrossher face.“School,” I replied, as I caught animmediate drop in her smile throughour front French window.
As I arrived to school, I noticed that thesenior parking lot was full of cars, whichwas weird for this Friday evening inJanuary at eight o’clock. As I steppedout of my white GMC, I felt a chill downmy spine, and it was from somethingdifferent than the twenty-two degreeweather. Ignoring it, I rushed intosenior corner, but couldn’t believe myeyes when I saw the commons lit up likea disco ball and tall figures gathered insmall groups. I grabbed my AP statisticsbook from my top-shelf white cubbyand peeked over the corner into thenow-sparkling Davis Commons.I did a double-take at what I saw.The entire faculty of CCA was in thecommons enjoying themselves andhaving a party? This could not be real.I pinched myself, thinking that Iwas dreaming; this was so bizarre. Butinstead of being woken up from adream, I was startled as two peoplerushed by me. With a brush of wind onmy face, I turned and hid behind thewhite cubbies. From the corner of myeye I noticed that our college counselors,Mrs. Bellamy and Mr. Brown, hadwalked right by me into the library.They settled into their seats alongsideour headmaster, Mr. Petru, and UpperSchool head, Ms. Cetta. Without beingnoticed, I crawled over the tiled floorinto the carpeted library and hid behindMr. Ayres’s desk. To my surprise, hehad every single version of Hamlet andAlice in Wonderland under his desk.I immediately put away mysurprise as Mr. Brown, oddly in a suitinstead of his normal comfortablesweater said, “Well folks, I’m really nottoo confident in the Class of <strong>2013</strong>. Theydon’t seem to be excited about colleges,and I don’t think their grades are up topar to get in anywhere.”Mrs. Bellamy agreed. “Theyhaven’t been trying hard at all. Even thetop of the class hasn’t been getting goodenough grades. An A- in AP Statistics isthe grade the smartest student at the topof the class is getting; it’s ridiculous.”
I couldn’t believe my ears. Didn’t theyknow we all were trying hard? Theteachers had been so difficult on usrecently! My entire grade and I hadbeen applying to colleges on top of thenumerous assignments and tests theyhad been giving us.Ms. Cetta spoke up. “Mr. Petru,what should we do about this?”“I think we should e-mail all ofthe colleges the students have appliedto, and suggest they don’t accept them.Another year at CCA would do all ofthem good,” He responded.Hearing that, I wanted to screamat them, and tell them that I had beenworking hard since middle school to geta physically impossible 4.50 GPA. Icouldn’t let my anger get to me, though,because I was, in fact, hiding, and soonenough I heard librarian Mr. Ayres andformer English teacher, Mary Page, whoI couldn’t believe was back, coming intothe library, too. Avoiding them, I slidout of Mr. Ayres’s side window, but lefta crack open just to hear what they weresaying.them. They couldn’t learn anythingfrom that!”“And all of the ILT pamphlets wemade, especially on Montana 1948,” Mr.Ayres replied. “Useless!”I was once again shocked,remembering these tedious freshmanyear assignments, and was about toleave, when I realized I had droppedmy AP Statistics book in senior corner. Ineeded to go back in to get it. As I camearound the corner from the librarywindow to the front entrance of CCA, Iwas held back in the freezing air, ashistory teachers Mr. Lewison and Mr.Andrews walked outside.“It’s true, it’s true,” Mary Pagesaid. “The only reason I had them eraselinking verbs was to merely torture
“The French Revolution?” Mr. Lewisonsaid, with a grin across his face and aKlean Kanteen in hand. “What kind ofidiots do those kids think we are?There was never such an event! It’shilarious teaching them historicalevents that never even happened! Ifthey only knew that you and I hadwritten all of the primary documentsthey’ve been reading.”“I must admit, it is hilariouswatching my Contemporary <strong>Issue</strong>sclass debate over events and issues thataren’t even real,” Mr. Andrews said.“Everything that we’ve been tellingthem is a lie!”“We are truly pure geniuses.What time is it?” Mr. Lewison the helpful teachers? The ones youcould confide in about anything? Notonly was I worried about myself, beingseen as not doing my best in my topposition of our grade, but what aboutall of the others? This was unfair!! I opened the front door andfound the commons entirely empty.Balloons were on the floor and silentlymoved with the wind from the opendoor. I knew what I had to do. I wouldgo to this presentation in the ScienceLecture Hall and stop this madnessonce and for all. I walked across thecommons with big strides, planningwhat I would say and how I would act.My AP Statistics book remained on thefloor in senior corner.“It’s almost eight-thirty,” Mr.Andrews replied. “We’d better be goingto the Science Lecture Hall for thepresentation being made about the classof <strong>2013</strong>.”And with that, they left. Icouldn’t believe everything that I washearing. This couldn’t be true! Thiswas some sort of monstrous alter-ego of<strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>. What happened
As I tiptoed down the stairs of thescience center, I heard many voices, andall were familiar.“I think Art should be mandatoryfor their class,” the AP Statistics andEconomics teacher, Mrs. Agostinelli,said, “Maybe it will give them peace ofmind.”“I think AP Economics should bemandatory for them,” the art teacher,Mrs. Tanzer, replied. “That way, they’llbe too preoccupied with studying sothey won’t have time to lounge aroundsenior corner.”I was so confused. Sure, our classhad our differences, but at the end of theday I thought we all got along fine andwere an intelligent group of students.There were no major rivalries, and weseemed to be nice to one another and ourteachers.A very familiar voice, which I wasused to hearing every day, spoke in aloud, angry voice. “CAN EVERYONEFILE IN NOW?!” the woman screamed.I couldn’t believe who I had just heard.Mrs. Jones?! The most soft-spoken, kindSpanish teacher was now talking like avicious army commander! What was<strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> coming to?All of the teachers had settleddown in the swiveling chairs when Ipeeked around the corner. Historyteacher, and People to People leader, Mr.Larry Brown was at the front of thelecture hall with Mr. Petru and Ms. Cetta,and almost caught eyes with me before Islid around the corner again. After Mr.Larry Brown sacrificed his well-knownrubber chicken, Ms. Cetta began to clearher voice.“With little discussion, we have come toa conclusion for this year’s seniors,” shesaid.Mr. Petru continued, “It is clearthat this group of students has not beenworking hard.” A lot of the teachersagreed, with “Yeah” as a commonresponse. “A lot of them have applied orare applying to prestigious schoolsalready, and we just don’t think they areready to go off to college. We are goingto contact the colleges and require thisentire senior class to stay back and repeattheir senior year.”
A lot of teachers seemed to approve,when I heard another familiar voicespeak up. “What about the top of theclass?” Mrs. Johnson asked. I alwaysknew she had my back. “They haveworked so hard since middle schoolhere at CCA. They all have applied toIvy Leagues.”Mrs. Agostinelli responded,“The top girl has an A- in Statistics.Without a solid A, she will not succeedin pre-med like she’s planning to.”“That doesn’t even make sense,”Mrs. Johnson said.“It makes perfect sense,” Ms.Cetta said. “Class of <strong>2013</strong> will bestaying back this year. We will breakthe news to them on Monday.”Just then, I couldn’t stop myselffrom jumping into the Science Lecturehall and screaming, “BUT THAT’SNOT FAIR!”Every single faculty memberturned their head around and stared atme. I stood there frozen with nothingto say while they all looked at meangrily, except for Mrs. Johnson, whohad a big smile across her face.“Get her,” Mr. Larry Brown saidcalmly, and at the same time, foreignlanguage teacher Mr. Murphy yelled,“Holen Sie sich ihr!” in German.I panicked. Thirty-three teachers werecharging after me, with the athleticteachers: Mr. Crowell, Mr. Kenney, Mr.Lewison, and Ms. Santos leading thegroup. I should have worn betterrunning shoes. But how would I haveknown this was going to happen?! Ihad nowhere to go. I raced up thescience center stairs two floors and outthe door connecting to the mainbuilding. I took a quick left and thethree leaders kept running into themain building, confused. I ran downthe outside stairs beside the pendulumand found Mrs. Wiley, Mr. Sears, Mrs.Vogt and the rest of the mathdepartment at the bottom. Mrs. Vogtscreamed, “Okie dokie smokies!” asthey saw me, and I screamed and rantowards the Upper School gym. Iraced up the stairs to the right of theentrance. I heard footsteps racing upthe stairs after me as I ran to thehallway above the gym. I took thethird right into Mr. Bellamy’s room,shut the door behind me, and locked it.
I barely had time to breathe as I ran tolock the doors to the connecting rooms.Attempting to sit down on the floor, Itried to catch my breath. I againcouldn’t believe this was happening.“Hi.” A voice spoke softly, and Iawkwardly jumped.At the other end of the room, aboy in my grade was sitting on the flooras well. This particular boy was the oneI had practically been in love with sinceI had arrived at CCA years ago.asked.“What are you doing here?” he“Trying to hide from these insaneteachers!” I screamed. “What happenedto the CCA that we’re used to? Theyhave planned to keep all of us back thisyear!”Suddenly, we heard a knockon the window. I jumped again not-sogracefullybut then realized that it wasMrs. Johnson who was knocking. Theboy and I went over to the window, andafter looking back and forth three orfour times, we broke it open with one ofMr. Bellamy’s props from drama. Mrs.Johnson was alone.! “This way,” she said, as wecautiously climbed through the brokenwindow. Just as we did, Mr. Bellamy’sdoor opened and Mr. Silva, Mr. Kelly,and the rest of the science departmentcame in with beakers and test tubes inhand.“They’re out there!” Mr. Kellyscreamed, and they went chargingtowards the window.“You heard that, too? I was insenior corner picking up my APStatistics book for Monday’s test, whenI overheard them. They chased me inhere,” he replied, holding up his APStats book.“I can’t believe this; my future is goingto be ruined. I’ve worked on gettinginto Dartmouth for years.”
Without looking back again, the threeof us went running towards the LowerSchool playground as fast as we could.It was especially difficult to breathe inthis cold weather. The temperaturehad dropped since the last time I hadbeen outside: about 10 minutes prioron the stairs next to the Science Centeron Monday. I turned towards the mainbuilding and ran even faster.“Where do you think you’regoing?!” the boy screamed at me.I didn’t answer because I wasrunning as fast as I possibly couldtowards the front door. Out of breath, Iopened the door and nearly slippedinto senior corner. My book wasn’t inmy cubby. I panicked and then heardEnglish teacher Mr. Martin screaming,“There she is!” and footstepsprogressively getting closer. I noticedmy AP Statistics book on the groundand tried to escape out the front door.Not only was Mr. Martin there, butMrs. Ciampi, Mrs. Oliver, Mrs. Albis,and Mrs. Packard were blocking theother opening to the cubbies, exactlywhere I had begun my journey to thelibrary.Pendulum.Past the lower schoolclassrooms, past the greenhouse, andpast the playground we ran. We werealmost at the senior parking lot when Iremembered. I had an AP Statistics test“Where are you going to gonow?” the four women saidsimultaneously, in an oddly creepytone. This was strange, as I had alwaysthought of them as pleasant.I felt the same chill that I had feltas I had stepped out of my GMCearlier.. but wait, no, it was actually adraft. The window was open!
Breaking a sweat but without furtherhesitation, I jumped out of the windowfrom senior corner and darted towardsmy car. The same boy from Mr.Bellamy’s classroom had waited for me.His car was parked next to mine.“Are you all right?” he asked,and then suddenly kissed me. “We’d,uh, better get out of here.”“Yeah, um, see you, then.” I wasdelusional for a short second but thenrealized there was a mob of angryteachers running into the parking lot.Buckling my seatbelt, I whippedout of the parking lot just as theteachers were approaching my car. Theboy was right behind me and followedme out of the winding driveway of<strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>.My eyes shot open, and Iglanced over at my alarm clock. It wasseven o’clock; I was going to be late! Ijumped out of bed and threw myselftogether. I had fallen asleep doinghomework! Quickly, I grabbed mybelongings and put them into mybackpack. The last item I picked upwas my AP Economics book.I didn’t know what I would sayto the teachers today at school. I didn’tknow how they would break the newsto us. Stay back another year? It brokemy heart even to think that.As I arrived to school, I noticedthat the senior parking lot was full,since I was running late. As I steppedout of my white GMC, I felt a chilldown my spine, and it was fromsomething different than the twentytwodegree weather. It was the fact thatthe teachers would break the news tous today. I rushed into senior corner,grabbed my belongings for the firstthree classes of the day, and wentstraight towards Mrs. Johnson’s roomfor advisor meetings. She would knowhow to fix this situation.“Lizzie,” she said, “I’m so proudof you! Congratulations on getting intoyour first college choice!”
My face turned white. Just then, a familiar male face, my best friendwho I had always secretly loved and who I thought had been sittingacross from me in Mr. Bellamy’s room, walked in. Maybe he wouldremember, and I wouldn’t actually be crazy.Instead of asking me about what had happened last Fridaynight, he asked, “Are you ready for this AP Econ test, Lizzie?” butthen hesitated. “Or maybe not… you don’t look so good.”“I’m ready,” I replied and shook the situation off as we walkedto Mrs. Agostinelli’s classroom down the hallway, where we wouldsoon find out over the intercom that Mr. Bellamy’s window was beingrepaired.Writer LIZZIEwithSAGEbackstage atSHELTER <strong>2013</strong>
Recording #1The Transcription of Videos Made by Dante FieldsBy NedHello, whoever is watching this. I am Dante Fields. If you have miraculously found this I ameither dead or I am alive… somewhere. I will be telling you the story of how I arrived on this island andwhat has happened so far. The first thing I will tell you about is why I even arrived on this island.When I heard the news, I was overjoyed. After seven years away from Italy, I would finally beable to visit Rome again. I would be able to see all my old friends that I had tried to stay in touch with.Though I do like Pennsylvania, Rome is way better. In Rome you can walk almost anywhere you wantto go. There are tons of plazas around the city, that you can shop and eat near. Here you have to driveeverywhere and the food is way worse than it is in Rome.I was born in Rome, where I lived with my older brother, mom, and dad. My mom was fromItaly and my dad was from Pennsylvania. When I was born my brother, Matteo, would have been twoyears old. When I reached about the age of nine, my dad wanted to move to America. Although both mybrother and I promptly disagreed, my mother eventually consented and we moved to America. Duringour first year in America, my sister, Nicia, or Niccy as she likes to be called, was born.The news was that my mom and dad had decided that during the summer we would be visitingRome again. We would see family, Mateo and I would catch up with friends, and Nicia would finally beable to see Rome.Recording #2It was going to be a long flight. As I walked down the boarding ramp, I checked my ticket. I wasgoing to be sitting in seat 32f, a window seat. I would be sitting next to my brother and my mom; my
The Transcription of Videos Made by Dante Fieldsdad and sister would sit in the middle row. For some reason, my parents had chosenAmerican Airlines for us to fly with. I have no idea why they would choose them. As wewere taking off, the pilot notified us of a coming storm. I brushed it off, looking through ourwindow as the plane started its ascent into the sky.Nearly half way through our flight, the storm the pilot notified us about struck. Thewindows were pelted with rain, streaking across the windows like slash marks. As this washappening I was trying to fall asleep to the rhythmic kicking of my seat from the peoplebehind me and the constant pouring of the rain. As I was closing my eyes, I heard the crashesof thunder around the plane. Suddenly, I heard a crash and saw a blinding flash of light eventhrough my closed eyes. I bolted awake, sitting fully upright and looked out the window.Through the darkness of the night I saw flames burning the wing. The fire was reflectedagainst the obsidian water below. As I was watching the flames, chaos ensued on the peoplein the plane. Attendants ran about, trying to maintain what order was left in the plane. Overscreeching, the pilot tried to instruct people about what they should do, but not many werelistening.You may be asking yourself what became of me in this mess. Well, I did not succumbto the chaos of the plane. I was totally calm during the whole mess. You see, I was knockedout by the people behind me. The lady had flipped out and had kicked my seat so hard that itknocked my head against the seat in front of me. From the moments in-between beingunconscious and what I have been told happened, I will retell you the events of the rest ofthe flight.
The Transcription of Videos Made by Dante FieldsRecording #3From what I have been told, I was lucky that I was knocked out. My brother told me that after Iblacked out, my mother started to fight with the lady behind us. Eventually, my mom slapped the lady.My mom would never do that, never. I can’t imagine how terrified she must have been at the time tohave done that. The engines on the right wing, the side closest to me, had exploded, leaving behindfloating pieces of metal in the ocean. A piece of shrapnel had nearly broken through the hull of theplane and the plane was covered in oil. Supposedly the plane had started to spin counterclockwiseuncontrollably. The missing wing had messed with the plane’s flight, making it fly downwards into theflaming waters. We had crashed into the water near an island, which was lucky, kind of. Whatever, I’mhere now. Now you’ve almost caught up to me. Welcome to the Island of Fools.Recording #4I hate this fly infested island. Sure, I’m happy I’m alive but why did we have to land here, hereof all places. I guess I better tell you about the island. I’ve only been around half the island so far. Ithink I’ve been here about three months; I think I lost track a while ago. I think this video camera saysthe date when you upload it to a computer. Wow, I got off track. I have explored the west side of theisland and I’m pretty sure there are no people inhabiting this island. The west side of the island isshaped like a pear with a bite mark cove at the bottom. Near the top and bottom of the island there aremarble cliffs overlooking the ocean, but in between these two places there are very pale beaches.Covering most of the island there is a forest, which gets thicker the farther into the forest you go. Fromevery point on the island there is ocean as far as the eye can see. Now you may say, “hey that doesn’t
The Transcription of Videos Made by Dante FieldsRecording #5Sorry I got a little angry last time. I guess I should try and continue the story from where I leftoff. All my family survived the crash, including me. They all would bring me to the island. Later thatday, I would awake. I was laying on one of the plane’s blankets on the beach. In front of me, my familyhad tried to build a fire, to the best of their ability. We weren’t the most “let’s go camping!” type ofpeople. On the sand across from me, there was my brother. My mother and dad weren’t far away but Ididn’t know where they were. I still don’t know where my sister was that day. I think it was about midmorningslash early afternoon, the sun was nearly half way up the sky. As I was sitting up, my brothersaid, “Hey Dante you ok?” I said I was good if you didn’t consider not being in Italy and being on theisland. He responded “Hey at least you’re alive” and “I’m sure we’ll be rescued”. Mateo is nice to haveon the island; he is usually always optimistic and a little serious. He keeps me sane on this island. Hemakes me feel like we might actually make it off this island. Sometimes, I am worried about himthough. What if he’s only being like that to keep up our spirits and he’s actually just keeping it all in forour sakes. He can be like that sometimes and it never ends well. A crunching of bushes drew myattention away from my brother and towards my mom and dad. My mom, Oriana, is very close to me.Our relationship is way better than the relationship between my father and me. My mom that day lookedreally anxious, worrying about how all of were going to get off this island. It was weird that day. Iremember thinking that it looked like she had more grey hairs than before the flight. That kind of scaredme a little. My dad, Paul… wow it’s weird calling my parents by their first names. Well anyway, helooked less worried and as confident as ever. Sometimes he has to be “large and in charge” and oh myGod, is it annoying when he is. As you might tell, my opinion of him is not so … how should I saythis… nice, as some of my opinions of my other family members. As they sit down, Nicia skips along
The Transcription of Videos Made by Dante Fieldstowards us. I guess she was blocking out the situation we were in; I don’t know it might just be her. Niciais that pesky sister who annoys you but in the end you both really care about each other. Since she wasborn in America, a while after us, I’m not as close to her as to Matteo. She also has the attitude of anAmerican to her. Now I know that sounds weird but it’s kind of true. People in America and people inItaly or Europe have a different feeling or attitude to them. I don’t know how to explain it. Anotherfamily issue is that our family has some language issues. That sounds weird... whatever, you’llunderstand. You see my mother, brother, and I talk between ourselves in Italian. So my conversation withMateo was in Italian not in English. I just suspect you’ll speak English, hopefully. Well anyway, if any ofus talk to our dad or sister we talk in English. Though my dad and sister do speak almost fluent Italian,they prefer to speak English. So our relationships are sometimes strained that way too. I think that’senough for one recording. Hopefully I have enough batteries to keep this going for a while.Recording # 6Well, I think I should speed this up a little – we are still not at the present so far and we arealready 5 videos in. So, hmm, where was I? Since I woke up here, about 4 weeks ago, nothing terriblybad has happened. There have been no jaguars, no cannibals, no other humans, and sadly no salvation.Having to survive on this island is kind of okay. It definitely keeps you occupied and there are lots ofthings to do. You think we might have thought about shelter during the time that passed. Of course, no,we didn’t until a night later when it started to storm, and of course, we needed shelter. Trying to findshelter with my family is interesting. My dad and Mateo would not stop arguing about which direction togo, neither one wanting to go the other’s way. My mother and sister wouldn’t help and I’m stuck therethinking “just find us some damn shelter!” Eventually, we arrived on the north side of the island and
The Transcription of Videos Made by Dante Fieldsfound a cave on the cliff side. Luckily there was no bear in the cave, especially since no one seemsto care about common sense in my family. Let’s s---------------------------Rest of RecodingLost-------------------------------------Recording #7Darn did I seriously get water on this thing? Wow, that’s not good. Well anyways, we havefinally caught up to the present. I think from now on I’ll do a video once a week. This video may bea little short but, I don’t know, nothing spectacular happened.Recording #8I celebrated my birthday this week. I turned 17. Wow, if I was in the US, I would finallyhave gotten my own car. Ugghhhh, of course I had to be stranded here. It was funny – you know inthe Harry Potter movie, how on Harry Potter’s birthday he draws in the sand a birthday cake? Well, Igot that for a cake. Too bad Hagrid can’t save me here. That’s kind of sad isn’t it? I wonder whatmy family in Italy thinks about us not showing up and not calling. Wait, maybe they called ourhome, and realizing we aren’t in Italy or in the U.S. notified someone, and they might realize ourplane crashed! Oh my God, please tell me we might actually get off this island. I’m tired of havingto sleep in a cave and having to hunt and gather for food. Sure the island is nice, but I do misssociety, however weird it is.Recording #9A storm just hit the island. I can’t find the others. We all thought it was just a little bit of rainand it would clear up soon. We were wrong. Where are they? Ohh “merda”, the fire! Agh. Why did
this have to happen to me? Where’s the other wood? Ughh, this is impossible. I can’t make a firewith wet wood. Where are they? Seriously they are starting to worry me. They better get back soon.The Transcriptionof VideosMade byDante Fields
THE VIEW FROM... THE AFTERNOONBy Paulina ZuckermanWith a brisk pace, and a grumbling tummy, I set off toward the nearby cafe.The buttery aroma that stuck in the cold air caressed my brachycephalicsnout, luring me closer. A petite chav, with a voice no lower than the wheelsqueaks of an old Beatles era Jaguar, dropped the hammy and cheesesandwich he had just bought and was ‘bout to take a bite of.“Mum! Mum!,” he shrieked. “I’ve dropped me sandwich!”With all my inner compassion, I did him a favour and saved his mum a tenstep trip. My mouth decided to think for itself as it cleared the area ‘roundhis feet, taking that dirty sandwich. It was no hassle. Afterall, “One ladstrash is another pug’s treasure.”In five trots worth, I reached my final destination of the day.As of the moment I sat down, a young bloke burst, dangerously helmetless,off the main street. He skidded onto a Brighton beach boardwalk. Thisparticular boardwalk was held in occupancy by me. Though my focus wascentred on my acquired prize, I could not help but watch him from the cornerof my eye.According to some, I hold a whacking body... which, fortunately for them, Itake as a compliment.The tires of his bicycle must’ve slipped on the sandy planks for he tumbleddownwards with the efficiency of a mouse driving a car.Now lying partially on the walk but mostly on my baby’s bum soft fur, hesnapped his eyes up towards mine. I glanced him. The odd curiosity omittingfrom his brown-eyes stare contradicted his smile. His taut short torso and
THE VIEW FROM... THE AFTERNOONpokey thighs on my back was quite uncomfortable, so, I wiggled myself outfrom underneath him. Upon doing so, a quid slipped out of his pocket. Iattempted to show no interest. Dignity led me to choose the path of stridingaway, all the while, kicking sand from my paws like the proud circus horses inthe annual Sheffield parades.I forgot everything that had just happened as my concentration was switchedtoward one thing- the sandwich. The absence of the scent forced me to recallmoments ago when it became squashed under the clumsy twat.In turning back to try and re-find it, I found myself staring at the wee quidwhich I discovered had writing on it:‘MAXWELL RIGBYGREEN DAVIES SCHOOLFIFTH YEARSHEFFIELD ENGLAND’I thoroughly examined this note but could not quite decipher what “GREENDAVIES SCHOOL” meant. I felt a presence behind me but obviously couldn’tturn soon enough.As air quickly replaced the rough wooden boardwalk under my paws, myoverweight stomach sagged upon a gentle pair of hands showing me how to fly.I had no idea where we were going but I hoped it was warm.THE VIEW FROM...... THE SUN’S FIREI’d imagine people are staring at me right now. A fall off the bicycle ought toarouse at least a bit of commotion among them.Shutting my eyes and attempting to hold completely still, I hoped perhaps they
THE VIEW FROM... THE AFTERNOONTHE VIEW FROM...... THE SUN’S FIREI’d imagine people are staring at me right now. A fall off the bicycle ought toarouse at least a bit of commotion among them.Shutting my eyes and attempting to hold completely still, I hoped perhaps theywould think I was dead and would walk away. Or maybe that I was taking aquick nap and the entire scene of me falling was on purpose.The daft cabbage of a pug I landed accidentally on, shoved me off of itself, andwaddled into the distance. Though, it had an unpleasant personality, at least itsaved me from a dire fall.I flipped onto my side and stood up quickly, brushing sand and other sedimentsoff of my old duffle coat which covered a white collared shirt and tie I worebeneath. If fact, my working class hero of a mum bought the coat... probablyfrom a cave man, right before the dinosaurs went extinct. She is married to myPup, who couldn’t remember the last time he wasn’t depressed (even if hetried).The obese pug came waddling back over and just stared at the ground. I thoughtthat I should take it and use it for my own purposes, seeing that it had no realhome.Reaching down, I picked up my quid with my name on it, as well as the pug,and decided to carry on.I got back unto the main street, placing the pug into the bicycle’s basket. Werode in silence to the beach. Time could have stopped, seeing as to how fast wemade it down there. The sunset was just about to put on it’s play. I could tellthat today’s parky weather nipped the pug harshly, since it was shivering. Itook it out of the basket and sat down next to a collection of sea grasses,shoving the pug into the toasty space between my coat’s flap and my hip.
THE VIEW FROM... THE AFTERNOONMy interest in animals soars beyond what the knackered professors at school havegot to teach me. I’ve always enjoy helping animals and aspire to be the next JamesHerriot. Most likely, though, I willn’t ever hear my name, Maxwell Rigby, and hisname, James Herriot, in the same sentence. We’ve not enough in common and haveonly an ickle chance considering who birthed me. My parents want me to go intohominid medicine but and forbade me from ever having encounters with animalsthat were over five minutes. Me Mum is the pressuring one but me Pup just goeswith whatever she says. This pug could help me out dearly in learning more aboutanatomy and other bodily structures. If I were to perform a successful vivisectionon it....I watched as the colours in the pug’s eyes changed from a light pink to a deepscarlet. Reflections on the seawater projected the fading fire our way, casting a pinkhue on myself as well. The pug sighed and scruffed itself deeper into the folds ofmy coat, reversing with the role of the sun, who was also trying to hide away. Asit’s sun-faced eyes drooped, a feeling of childish innocence omitted out andenveloped me. The sky’s nomad quickly made it’s getaway.Fading from radiance into slow coldness, we knew the sunset was over. Nighttimeblue had joined our moment and now, kindly, has asked us to leave. I scooped thepug up again and placed him back into the bicycle’s basket.THE VIEW FROM..... THE EVENINGMaxwell, overcome with a certain calmness, rode the long and winding pathhomeward. His dark brown hair, which was just short of a mop-top, bounced alongwith the bumps in the street. His concentration couldn’t have been less off focus.His mind was stuck in another land.Finally, he reached a conclusion. You can always tell when he does so. Things suchas rubbing his eyes or even faintly smirking hint away his emotions.All traces of interest in performing a vivisection were to be called off. Maxwell’s
THE VIEW FROM... THE AFTERNOONdeep love for animals only showed true as he realised that the pug’s life is notsomething to be messed with.Live and let live.The street he traveled on abruptly ended and a tiny red house came into view.Maxwell jumped off the bicycle and took the pug into his arms.Reaching his doorstep, he decided the Pug and him were like twins. Always wantingsomething but never being able to get it. Even if his parents had a fit, he resolved tokeep the pug.THE VIEW FROM….. THE PUGI don’t know where we’re going…. but it’s probably ace! I’ve been fancying Mr.Rigby more than I thought I would’ve. He’s my mate now. Even without more noshto fill my stomach, we’ll have a crackin’ time!!--Woof.
Dragons in the SchoolyardBy FionaAliceJada Brice? Yeah, I remember her. We went to elementary schooltogether, and I met her in first grade. It was an interesting year, but notbecause of what we learned or any field trips we took. We were all stillfinding our way among the quaint little world of Meadowsage School, andnone more so than she. She sat in the chair one seat across and one seat infront of me. Jada was always one of the first to raise her hand and offer ananswer, even if it was just as farfetched as the rest of ours. When I tried to talkto her, though, she seemed to be bent on stretching the limits of the one wordanswer as far as they could go. She was a nice girl, but as she mainlydisregarded the rest of us, I gave up trying to befriend her. It was my firstyear, and there were others who were more willing to welcome me. Iremember because that was the year I tried to hang out with Rhea Kauroway.As I said, it was an interesting year.SeamusRiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing. The school bell sounded with a trill, announcing theend of the day and hauling us all up from the depths of geometry class, wherewe’d been drowning in x’s and y’s for exactly forty-nine minutes and fiftytwoseconds. Filled with the sweet, fleeting sensation that I could return tothose last sun-drenched days of summer (at least until tomorrow), I hurriedout of the classroom, stuffed my books haphazardly into my backpack, andjogged blissfully out to the sidewalk. Squinting my eyes as I turned thecorner, I approached the little elementary school playground where I spent sixyears of my life. It always smelled of woodchips, I remember, and I scannedthe modest crowd about the familiar, aged swing set with hopeful eyes. She
Dragons in the Schoolyardought to have been out there by now; the younger kids’ school got out at aboutthe same time as mine and while I’d been stuck in stuffy classrooms for the pastweek, today was her first day. Sure enough, there she was – my sister, walkingalong the edge of the sandbox and placing one foot gently in front of the otherlike a tightrope walker. Alone, yet again.Somehow I knew this would happen.I walked up beside her. “Hi, Jada.”“Hi,” she replied, bright green eyes not even bothering to meet me.“How was your first day of first grade? What did you do?”She stopped for a moment, tangled auburn curls bouncing a little as shealmost slipped off the wooden beam. “Well, I met a purple dragon named Otis, Igave part of my sandwich to the cubby fairies, and I went to a tea party withCharlotte the spider,” she summarized, lips puckering slightly and dimplesspreading across her cheeks before she added, “and I learned that you shouldnever eat soggy waffles.”I smiled. “Did you make any new friends today?”My sister tucked a strand of hair behind her ear (a habit, I’d noticed) andwobbled her way forward again. “No. Why, was I supposed to?”“Jada, you’re six years old. Don’t you want to make any friends atschool?”“Why?” she asked quizzically. “I just sort of ignore all of them, and theydon’t mind me. Anyways, I’d rather play with Kelly and Owen. Can we go homenow?”As she led me along sidewalk, a few kids I knew from school walked upto us. “Hey,” one said.
Dragons in the Schoolyard“Who are you?” Jada prompted immediately.“Sarah,” the girl smiled good-naturedly. “We’re in your brother’s class.”“Oh.” My sister considered this for a moment. “Well, you seem niceenough,” She eyed a couple of shallow pranksters who were less affable andgrumbled, so muffled (I hope) only I could hear, “most of you, at least…”Skipping out in front of us, she launched into a whimsical tale about heradventures with Charlotte and the dragon. Apparently they had had a disputeover cubbyholes.“Your sister is so cute,” my friend whispered to me.I laughed. “I just wish she’d talk like this with the other kids.”Saying goodbye, Jada and I turned down another street, but a few housesdown she stopped. “Let’s visit Kelly!” She spun towards her best friend’s lawnas she blithely hummed some Disney tune and twirled her friendship braceletaround a tiny wrist. I can still remember the day we shyly approached thathouse, just one or two years earlier. Even though Kelly had just moved in,something clicked and she and my sister became inseparable. The same thinghappened soon afterwards, with Owen, the little boy a few doors down whowent to school with Kelly. That was about it – my sister’s two closest but onlyfriends.“Kelly’s not home from school yet. Neither is Owen. They get out, like, fifteenminutes later than you do, remember?”“Then let’s wait.”“Come on, Jada. Mom’s going to be wondering where we are. You canask later.”All three feet, two and a half inches of her stiffened crossly as shewhined, “Oh, poo you…”I sighed, taking her hand and leading my sulky sister a couple housesdown. “Jada, we don’t use language like that.”
Dragons in the Schoolyard“Uh, huh,” she gazed off absentmindedly as she returned to skippingyouthfully along the path, soft, freckle-shocked face looking past the rowsof green grass patched with pockets of dandelions and scraggly trees. Iwondered bittersweetly as she delved back into the tiny, fanciful world ofher vast and boundless imagination. Sometimes I wished I could see whatshe saw, that I could know what she thought. Others I could only sigh andhope that, someday, she just might want to show someone.RheaIt all started on that second day of school, I think. Maybe before.But that’s when I decided.The first day, I didn’t interact with her much at all, except forwhen I first came in to the classroom. We had these little squarecubbyholes, see, arranged along a shelf near the door. Whoever designedthe room must’ve had poor planning skills, because they created a spacehidden from the rest of the room. I’d been assigned a bottom cubby again,and as I whined to the others, “I aaalways get a bottom cubby!” (in myjust over one year of schooling). Thinking I was too cool to use it, I peeredenviously at the upper shelves, even though I was a little on the short side.A boy walked in, a guy named Simon who was definitely not the brightestkid. He started pushing his things into a cube-like space above mine.“Simon,” I stopped him, “they labeled the cubbies wrong. Yours is downthere; that’s mine.” It was all the persuasion he needed, and soon I foundmyself smugly hefting my butterfly-print backpack on my tip-toes.
Dragons in the SchoolyardWhen I turned to walk back into the main part of the classroom, she waswatching me. It was a little creepy, and she looked like she’d seen it all.But I had to retain my cool-kid composure. “What’re you looking at?” Isneered, pushing past her without a second glance.The next day, Jada marched right up to me as soon as she came in.Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he started spewing out words inan irritated rant she almost seemed to have rehearsed. “That was wrong,you know. With the cubbies. It wasn’t yours and you knew it. You shouldgive it back. It wasn’t fair.”“What?”“You stole Simon’s cubby.”I laughed. “No I didn’t. He gave it to me. And besides, what areyou gonna do about it?”Her reply was soft, more like a suggestion. “Give it back. Just tellhim and give it back.”Of course I just laughed at that. Brushing her off again, it was thenthat I decided. She was more interesting than the rest. Distant butobservant and smart. A peculiar enigma. And she would fight back. I don’treally know what I was doing back then. To me, thinking things like, Oh,hey, there’s that kid who never bothers me…I’ll go steal his cubby, or, Ihardly talk to that girl, and I don’t know what her problem is, but let’s gomess with her, was perfectly logical. So I really didn’t see that I causingany harm. At any rate, Jada Brice was off the radar, so forgettable thatsurely no one would remember in the end.
Dragons in the SchoolyardSimonJada who? Am I supposed to know who that is?AliceRhea had always been the top dog in our unremarkable class. Ican’t remember if we ever really liked her or if we simply followedblindly. It was probably the latter. She was confident, assertive, and loud,and we were six.So during those first few days and weeks of school, she seemed tome the one I should try to be friends with. At first I would tag alongbehind her cautiously, watching her constant squabbles and stifling gigglesafter particularly nasty remarks. Soon she noticed me and accepted meinto her odd little posse full of girls who thought they were extraordinarilycool. I never quite understood it but I kept that fact to myself. At lunch andrecess we ran about, laughing and joking, watching Rhea terrorize quietkids who just wanted to be left alone, and occasionally joining in the fun.In class we were respectful and eager to participate, but as soon as Rheastarted whining in obnoxious outbursts suddenly we all despised theschool and everything in it. Our fifteen minutes of homework each nightwas a popular topic for abuse. At naptime we were the monsters in thecloset, the ones who stole the others’ cushions when the teacher wasn’tlooking. Then Rhea discovered Jada.Thus began the feud that would define the rest of first grade year.A typical day went something like this:
Dragons in the SchoolyardOne. I arrive at school; Jada is already there. We say hello, talk aboutneighbors’ puppies or rainbows seen that morning or whatever else crosses oureasily distracted minds. All is well; te sun is shining. We could be friends, at thispoint.Two. Rhea storms in. She shoves her bag into the stolen cubbyhaughtily. All eyes are on her, the supreme queen of grade one. So what does shedecide to do next? Stalk Jada into a corner, of course. The go back and forth.Someone has been accused of spilling orange juice and pretzels on the other. Wehaven’t even had a snack yet. (Except Simon, who is inconspicuously crunchingon some pretzel sticks by the door.) Teacher calls us… they storm off.Three. It’s class time. Jada asks why we use the name Social Studies,and “what does that even mean, anyway?” Rhea asks, “Who cares?”Four. We break for lunch. Rhea and the gang dart out to theplayground early, apparently since they’re too cool for “healthy nutrition.” Ifollow. I always follow. We play on the jungle gym until the other kids join us.Jada’s eyes follow me following the pack of girls following little Maria, aKindergartener who is determined to teach herself to swing on the swing set.Rhea circles like a lithe panther, ever taunting, and the girl’s eyes begin to tear.Jada jumps in and Rhea pounces, satisfied with the chance at some juicier prey.They brawl it out in the usual way - barely restraining tiny clenched fists withvenomous words – as I gently slide over and help little Maria, who is finally leftin their wake. I’ve learned it works best this way.Five. Class again. The two bitter adversaries are paired up to readtogether. I guess they never did find out what happened to the hungry, hungry,caterpillar.
Dragons in the SchoolyardSix. The day is over, and Jada scampers outside again before anyonecan catch her. Rhea boasts that she’s won, and by the time she decides she’shungry for more, the brother has come to walk Jada home. Just like an oldperson to stop us, as usual. Seamus is fifteen and from the big kid school.In later years we’ll mutter about the age difference, but for now we don’tcare because he may as well be twenty five and there’s no telling what bigkids will do sometimes. So we leave, slightly disappointed, and come backto school sleepy the next morning.Which brings us back to step one.SeamusHave you ever wondered if there are alternate universes out there?Or planets with life going on about them totally separate from ours? I knowit sounds stupid, but that’s what it felt like sometimes. It was like I crossedbetween two little worlds every day, and though much of what went on inboth was none of my business, I couldn’t stay out of either one.First there was the world of my school, my friends, my life. Therewas nothing new there, really. Except, well… Hillary and Jess weren’tspeaking to each other, Jake had decided to forgo any homeworkassignments, Anna and Richie had been “talking” alone for a suspiciouslylong time, and the general consensus was that Gerry probably wasn’tleaving class to simply use the bathroom. Also, Kerry felt the need toinform me that over half of her “most favorite TV stars of, like – OMG –ever?!” were involved in questionabe activities or a scandal of some kind.(“Can you believe it?” Yes, yes I can.)I didn’t care about any of that. Sure, some of it was interesting andmade for decent gossip, but I wasn’t the type to leak rumors and I didn’tneed to know. I didn’t need to know all the reasons for why I should pickwhoever’s side in an argument, who was up whose dress last night, or that
Dragons in the Schoolyardit’s illegal to have an ice cream cone in your back pocket and feedalcohol to a moose. (We had odd conversations.) So life continued asusual, and my class continued to be their… “normal” selves.Then I’d leave, stop by Jada’s school, and pick her up. Now I wasin an entirely different world. If I didn’t say much, she’d completelyignore me. If I asked about her day, she’d embark on storytellingadventures that for the most part made no sense. They usually involvedthat purple dragon. Twice she told me that he liked butterfly print bags, asif that was significant.Even if I had friends over, the two realms of my adolescentexistence refused to mix. Like oil and water, they would remain separateas Jada retreated to another room or asked if she could go to Kelly orOwen’s house. They were still the only ones she ever spent time withoutside of school, and it worried me. Every morning she’d wake up, eatbreakfast (she liked Frosted Flakes), and get ready for school, and everymorning I’d turn and watch her go as I walked past, emerging back intomy own life, where I told myself I belonged.It’s strange how we remember the little things. Like how Iremember that it was snowing on that day, the first snow of the year. Itwas late, I think, well into December, and usually we’d had at least one ortwo showers before then.I was in a pleasant mood as I watched my footsteps press a pathinto the frosty carpet as I hummed some Beatles tune absentmindedly.Out came Jada, storming her way out through the softly swirling snow.Her face was bright tomato red from cold and rage. Looking down, I’mnot sure what I noticed exactly, a scrape or mark of some kind, maybe,but I asked what happened in concern.
Dragons in the SchoolyardHer response was a jumble of unintelligible spitfire rambling. I struggledto make any sense out of it but barely caught a word. After she finallycalmed down and we were nearing home, I heard Jada mutter, “I wish Iknew what that dragon wanted from me!”Only then did I notice the pattern. “Who is the dragon, Jada?” Theone she’d been complaining about all along.She stopped in her tracks. A smile crept timidly across her rosylips. “So you have been listening to me.”I waited for her to continue, but she never answered my question.She’s probably forgotten the answer by now, and even if I rememberedevery detail of that afternoon, I still wouldn’t know today. All I got was:“She pushed me. She pushed me into the snow and I fell.”No one ever gives me straight answers.RheaIt could have been days later, or the next week, or the veryfollowing morning. It was like any other day, as far as I know. It was soaverage yet full of surprises and spectacular but wicked and… I’m sorry,I don’t do fancy descriptions. Save that for some other kid.Pretty much, we were bickering on the playground again, Jada andI, and nothing seemed different until suddenly a voice came out of nowhere and shrieked, “Oh, will you two just SHUT UP?!” Everyone’schatting was smothered by silence because we all still believed thatphrase was a swear.
Dragons in the SchoolyardI looked around, shocked and bewildered that someone had dared tointerrupt us. No one could figure out who the voice had come from untilseconds later when it exploded again. And it came out of Alice.“What is your problem?” she screamed at me. Passive Alice, whofollowed me around the schoolyard. “You meanie…All you do is makefun of people and push them around! And you,” she sneered at Jada, “youjust sit there and watch until it’s your turn or you can swoop in and savethe day. Why so selfish?” I couldn’t believe it - all this from Alice, whotaught kids to swing while we plowed our way from argument toargument. She shoved Jada in the chest, causing her to stumble backwardin a similar haze as mine. “I wanted to be your friend, you know, but allyou want is to fight! Ughhh! You’re all so stuuuupid!” As she moved inagain, it looked like Alice was going to slap her.Somehow, in the midst of all this chaos, I managed to find myvoice. Somehow, I think I was the one who surprised us most. “Alice,” Isaid, and she whirled towards me. “Alice, don’t be mad at Jada. It’s nother fault; it’s mine.” I sighed. Jada’s piercing eyes grew evermoreconfused. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone after you. I shouldn’t havegone after anyone. Can we… still be friends?”Alice looked dumbfounded but was smiling, so I took that as a yes.Jada watched me with a conflicted look part perplexity, partrealization, and part denial (but mostly perplexity). Ooh, I thoughtawkwardly, that’s gonna be a no, but instead she smiled a little, too, andsaid yes.
Dragons in the SchoolyardJadaYes, first grade was an interesting year for all of us. Personally, Iwent from being perfectly happy in my own world to utterly frustrated tonot sure at all. Still, “all’s well that ends well” – right? – and I was betteroff in the end.The next day as I went to put away my backpack, I noticed Rheatucking hers into a bottom cubby. “Why are you using that one?” I asked.“Isn’t yours up there?”“That’s Simon’s.” she replied tactfully. “I gave it back.”Gradually, I got to know the other kids in my class. Alice wasforgiving and curious and we became close friends pretty quickly. Rhea,on the other hand, was a little rough-edged, but she was surprisingly niceif you gave her a chance. It was much easier after that day on theplayground, because she really tried to be more compassionate. I thinkAlice all taught us a thing or two, even if she didn’t mean to.So first grade came and went like all the other years. I introducedmy new friends to my old ones, who had barely heard about thembeforehand. Kelly and Alice hit it off right away and the three of usremain really close to this day. Strangely enough, Owen, who wasgenerally a “girls have cooties (except you and Kelly, of course)!” kind ofguy, immediately decided that Rhea was “hot stuff” and has upheld thatidea for the past nine years, although thankfully he’s quieter about it now.I never thought I’d let any of this happen, or that any good couldcome out of it. It’s strange… Friendships come in unexpected ways. Iguess that’s just life.
CURRENT JUNE <strong>2013</strong>SonnetsCreative Writing classWe grew up six years apartI the youngest of us twoWith you as my sister was a greatway to startWhenever I was down and blueYou would spend your day playingwith meMostly what I wanted to doWith you around happy was all Icould beWhen you grew older things werenewIt was harder to relate at that ageWhen you were sixteen and I was tenThen you grew out of that stageAnd I grew in, but then I left it andnow closer we’ve beenYou are now a great mother and anexcellent wifeMy darling sister, have a good life.-Claire McGurkI heard this love story is not yet completeThree years have passed and who are younowThe waiting is turning into torture and yetsweetBut I manage to survive without yousomehowIf there is still a road laying aheadWould you seize the chance with no regret?If I remember every word you’ve saidShall the promise be kept and kiss undersunset?And yet every love story comes to an endWhat is the distance between your heartand mine?The destiny is set and I should not pretendThere is no need to fool around my mindI shall not be your lover but your friendThus I can be with you till the end.-Elena Chen
SonnetsCreative Writing classCURRENT issue oneThe burned men sat ingravesTheir voices heard nomoreNo song could be savedNot after the long warTheir faces long goneawayGone beyond? recognitionNo flute would they playBones and ambitionYet Light creeps in tombThey have not given inThey, reborn from thewombReconcile their sinOn the perfect moonThey will find their tunePaul PresbryThe white snow fluttersthrough the airWaiting for that thud from theground belowMost of the flakes fear theymight tearHowever, they still align onthe ground with a certain flowThe new blanket of white,spread across the earthThe trees even begin to befrostedIt was like the sky gave birthLike the clouds themselveswere exhaustedT h e w i n d b l e w f r o m a l ldirectionsForcing the snow to land hardafter being thrown aroundThrough all this mayhem, theres e e m e d t o s t i l l b e aconnectionLike the snow already knewwhere it was boundAfter the storm has endedIt made for a sight that wasin fact very splendid-Robbie Wetzel
CURRENT issue oneSonnetsCreative Writing classStorm Sonnet, 2/7/<strong>2013</strong>, Mary BellamyThe bread and milk are flying off the shelvesA run on candy, mac and cheese, and beerThe Stop and Shop is open late till twelveIt’s gonna be a wicked storm, we hearElectric crews will be prepared for snowWe’d better not lose power or the heatA thousand airport flights will never goAmounts may reach a foot or maybe feetI think we should attend the play tonightNo basketball with Sacred Heart on tapNo practice test for juniors if I’m rightThe news shows blizzard warnings on the mapThe answer to the question we all posed?The head of school just said our school is closed.
CreativeWriting classHAIKUSand billows aroundDusty in the windy plainShips lost on the sea-Cam WhiteRain patters the doorStrangers seeking some shelterBegging to get in.-Claire McGurkSand billows aroundDusty in the windy plainShips lost on the sea-Cam WhiteRain patters the doorStrangers seeking some shelterBegging to get inGoing to collegeAs high tide returns to the shoreAnd leaves yet againThis pink petal rainFall with tenderness and scentIts death its beauty-Elena Chen
Creative Writing classHAIKUThis pink petal rainFall with tenderness and scentIts death its beauty-Elena ChenGod punished the worldFire fell all over the skyBurned clouds to the ashesOcean kisses his coastClouds sit together closelyLighthouse waits her shipSunlight lights the smokeBass still hanged on my shoulderIt is happy life-Seven LiuThe ocean so largeWind breezing, the ocean calmEndless horizonsWaves crash on the shoreSeagulls pecking at red crabsWaves wash the remainsThose loving blue eyesHer features beyond normalShe is beautiful-Jonah Morris
Creative Writing classHAIKURunning Through Black NightFalling into Deep AbyssQuickly, Now I wakeShining Bright and LoudBeauty and SimplicityHead Hurts, Need AdvilHeat, Fire, Ash Spouts RageLike a Flowing River, CalmVolcano Explodes-Raheel Chaudhry and Tom NeilIn dead of winterAll quiet cold and doubtfulThe sun comes, no change-Robbie Wetzel
Creative Writing classUbi Sunt poemsThese are examples of “ubi sunt” poetry,which was often written by the Anglo-Saxons, and which is a lament forsomething lost. It often uses the phrases“Alas,” “where is/where are…?” or “Whowill…?”Where has my childhood gone?How did it pass so quickly?For that stage of life is gone.Will I ever be as close to my brother as Ionce was?Will I ever see him?For he now lives in Virginia.How did time pass so quickly?Now it’s my turn to help my nephew enjoyhis childhood.-Claire McGurkWhere now is the innocence ofchildhood?Lost in a moment of twisting steel andcrunching plastic.Alas, the world is no longer the safeplace it once was.Where have the safe car rides gone?They disappeared in that same second.Alas the world is now one of boobytraps.One wrong step leads to pain andsuffering.Who will have those feelings still?Where is the one who used to kiss youwith tenderness?Where is the one who used to hug youwith firmness?Alas, nothing is left to trace theexistence of the past loveIf you are the only thing you have inthis worldHow could you claim to lose somethingthat never belonged to you?-Cam White
Creative Writing classUbi Sunt poemsWhere is the one who went through the darkness with you?Where is the one who used to be with you at all times?Alas, you are here alone as always as foreverBut you shall feel no more loneliness or sorrowFor your pain is no longer your painAnd your happiness is not only your happiness.-Elena Chen-Elena Chen
Where did my laundry go?It used to be folded and put away.Where is my lunch?It hasn’t been packed.Where are my shoes?I swear I put themhereyesterday.Where is my jersey?I asked my parents to wash it for me.If you want things done, do them yourself.Growing up is part of life.-Nick Foreman
Creative Writing classUbi Sunt poemsWhere had she gone?She tried to escape, like Eurydice before herAlas, the gaze of death turned towards herHe caught her in his sightShe was embraced by deathShe was his prisonerLost forever to the light of lifeWhere had she gone?Where was she now?Alas, in the bowels of hell she residedHow was he to save her?Death barred the door, guarded by Hell’s GuardiansBut it was no match for himHe would face death, head on, as he had for all hislifeHe would embrace death,He would conquer hellHe would save her!And so he marched.-Raheel Chaudhry
Creative Writing classUbi Sunt poemsWhere did those days go?Those warm summer days on the watertogetherJust you, me and the rocking of the waves.Where did those early morning breakfastsgo?Alas not a person moves in the house before 9amWho will take your place? Some one onceaskedNo oneWhere did those golf matches go?Who will ever teach me half what you have?I know you have the answers, so I am here,waiting to receive themI miss you Grampy, forever, and always.-Robbie Wetzel
Creative Writing classUbi Sunt poemsWhere have the birds gone?In the age of my childhood, theirbrilliant feathers filled the skiesAlas, clouds of soot and sandstreak unbotheredWhere have the whales gone?In the age of my childhood, theirbrilliant tails filled the oceansAlas, waves of black and bonesfoam unbotheredWhere have the people gone?In the age of my childhood, theirbrilliant lights filled the earthAlas, shadows of hate and holestick unbothered.-Zach ParrellaWhere is the meaning in life, asgood people die every day?Where are the good people, asthe bad ones get moreattention?Where are the bad ones, as thepolice are always looking forthem?Where are the police, as myfriend Joe gets shot in themiddle of NYC?Where is my friend Joe, as theafter life might keep himhostage?Where is the after life, if youdon’t believe in God?Where is God, when my friendJoe needed it?It is true. Only the good dieyoung. R.I.P. Joe-Zack Heussler
Creative Writing classUbi Sunt poemsWhere now the time of our summer?Where are the wreathes made by willow branchesThat we cut in Mr. Wu’s backyard.Where are the tuck nets and bucketsThe appalling evils that the fish afraid every times we went to the river.Where are sun hats and cagesWhich are the splendid jails for the insect singers.Where are the running, laughing, cursing, sitting in a bench and eating ice creams?Where are the sweats we left on the basketball court?Alas, the annual ring of the willow is clear and distinct.Alas, the buckets are filled by dust instead of fish.Don’t know when the tuck nets had a hole.Alas, the crickets are singing a missing song alone.Alas, the bench is corroded into an art workAlas, the basket ball is not a sphere anymore.It is not warm anymore while the wind blows on my face.Summer time has gone.Who shall I meet and play with after I come back home?-Seven Liu
Creative Writing classWe spent some time on Anglo-Saxon poetry, as it is one of my favorite styles.In addition to the “ubi sunt” theme, old English poetry also often usedalliteration and metaphorical devices called “kennings” for familiar objects.-Mrs. BellamyMy motored chariot skimmed me over Neptune’s domain,Surfing surely over his smooth swells.I now sit with my snagging stick in hand,Waiting patiently for one of his winged beastsTo take a bite of my offering.The gull’s field has no sign of billowy beings;Just the great spotlight in the sky.The white watchers circle,Hoping to peruse the leftovers of my poor prey.Aha! A tug!One from the depths decided to dabble.A furious fighter, this one is.He tugs the tow-rope tautSnapping and splashing, loud and leaping.However he is no matchFor the stores of my strengthHe is pulled from his home,The immense aquamarine aquarium,Into my strong visegrips.A sparkle of admirationLights the windows to my soul.I release him back,I could not bear to rob the reaching depthsOf such a remarkable creature.-Cam White
CURRENT ISSUE ONESTUDENTCINEMAO.T.I.S.Au n i q u emonster movieb y J a s o nFachada andAlex Monto(drama club)Clicking on the hyperlinkstakes you to the Vimeo videowebsite. Please note that youwill need to make somemovies smaller for betterresolution.<strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>STUDENTMADEALICECome have tea and cakes withthe characters in Alice in Wonderlandin this delightfully wackyvideo made by tenth grade Englishclass. (CURRENT videocollection)
STUDENTCINEMAThe Making of the 39 Clues 39clues2.dv from CURRENTVIDEOS on Vimeo.Click the extensive linkto the left to view...The Making of the 39CLUES !Recommended: WatchTHE MAKING OFfirst to appreciateJordan’s and Alex’sefforts!The 39 Clues Gustafson & Alex Monto, who both have a futureinterest in film, through <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>'s CommunityService Organization have taught the second grade aboutfilm making basics. The overall goal, over the course ofthe program, was to create a small film based off a book.The grade chose the book The 39 Clues and the studentsacted and filmed in the short film. The end result was thebeginning to a series in which the students wish tocontinue. Alex and Jordan helped the students learn how todirect and use a camera as well as act. The end result is thehopeful beginning to a future in film for the students.
Cap Contest!Winning caption gets a <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Cod</strong><strong>Academy</strong> cap !Submit your captions with the picturenumbers to Truman Rountree ’16.#1#2#2#4#3
Caption Contest!Winning caption gets a <strong>Cape</strong><strong>Cod</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> baseball cap !Submit your captions with thepicture numbers to TrumanRountree.#5#6Spongebob by Carter Pembertonand Patrick Star by Ruby Kau
CURRENT issue one <strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>Ruby Kau