Ocean Optics OOIBase32 (from Dr. David Chesney) - of Peter Gottlieb

Ocean Optics OOIBase32 (from Dr. David Chesney) - of Peter Gottlieb

Ocean Optics OOIBase32 (from Dr. David Chesney) - of Peter Gottlieb


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g. g. Scope Modeh. h. Absorbance Modei. i. Transmission Modej. j. Irradiance Modek. k. Configure Spectrum and Viewl. l. Autoscalem. m. Set Scalen. n. Unscaleo. o. Toggle Cursorp. p. Cursor Peak Leftq. q. Cursor Big Leftr. r. Cursor Lefts. s. Cursor Rightt. t. Cursor Big Rightu. u. Configure Cursor2. 2. We will ignore the second row <strong>of</strong> buttons for now.3. 3. Directly above the spectrum display area is a row <strong>of</strong> response boxes. Weare only concerned with the first three for now. From the left:Integ. Time (Integration Time)AverageBoxcar4. 4. With the spectrometer in Scope Mode (blue S showing), adjust theIntegration Time to cause the highest peak in the spectrum to read about3500 counts on the y-axis. See this spectrum.5. 5. Adjust the value in the Average box to change the number <strong>of</strong> discretespectral scans to accumulate before showing a spectrum. Note that thehigher the value, the smoother the resulting spectrum. Also, the longer ittakes to refresh the spectrum. The signal-to-noise ratio <strong>of</strong> the spectrumimproves by the square root <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> spectra averaged. A value <strong>of</strong>32 is a suitable compromise.6. 6. Adjust the value in the Boxcar box. Note that the higher the value, thesmoother the resulting spectrum. However, if the value entered becomes toolarge, a significant loss in spectral resolution results. A value <strong>of</strong> 10-12 isreasonable for UV-Vis spectra.7. 7. Depress the Store Reference button.8. 8. Block the light beam. The spectrum should be just a straight line alongthe bottom <strong>of</strong> the display. Depress the Store Dark button.9. 9. Un-block the light beam. You should have a spectrum similar to whatyou had previously in the display window.

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