FAULHABER Motion Control Systems LM-Motors ... - MicroMo

FAULHABER Motion Control Systems LM-Motors ... - MicroMo

FAULHABER Motion Control Systems LM-Motors ... - MicroMo


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3 CANopen protocol description3.6 NMT (network management)The possible values for the Command Specifier CS are listed in the following table:State transition Command Specifier CS Explanation(1) – The initialisation status is reached autonomously on switching on.(2) – Following initialisation the pre-operational status is reached automatically,at the same time the boot-up message is sent.(3), (6) CS = 0x01 (1d) Start_Remote_Node. Starts the device and releases the transmission ofPDOs.(4), (7) CS = 0x80 (128d) Enter_Pre-Operational. Stops the PDO transmission, SDO continues tobe active.(5), (8) CS = 0x02 (2d) Stop_Remote_Node. Device changes to error state, SDO and PDO areswitched off.(9), (10), (11) CS = 0x81 (129d) Reset_Node. Performs a reset. All objects are reset to power-on defaults.(12), (13), (14) CS = 0x82 (130d) Reset_Communication. Resets the communication functions.Boot-Up message:Following the initialisation phase, the <strong>FAULHABER</strong> <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Control</strong>ler sends the Boot-Up Message,a CAN message with one data byte (Byte0 = 0x00) on the identifier of the node guarding message(0x700 + Node ID):j11 bit identifier 1 bytes user data0x700 (1792d) + Node ID 0x00The boot-up message signals the end of the initialisation phase of a newly activated module, whichcan then be configured or started.Node guarding / life guarding:The node guarding object can be used to query the momentary state of the device. To do this, bysetting a remote frame, the master sends a request (request message frame) on the guarding identifierof the node to be monitored. This then replies with the guarding message, which contains thecurrent status of the node and a toggle bit.The following diagram describes the node guarding protocol:NMT MasterNode/Life GuardingCOB-ID = 1792 + Node-IDRemote transmit requestNMT Slavet: Toggle bit. Initially 0, changes its value ineach guarding message frame.NodeLifeTimeNodeGuardTimerequestconfirmrequestconfirm0 17tCOB-ID = 1792 + Node-IDRemote transmit request0 17t6…0s6…0sindicationresponseindicationresponses: Status:s = 0x04 (4d): Stoppeds = 0x05 (5d): Operationals = 0x7F (127d): Pre-operationalNode Guarding Event*Life Guarding Event*indicationindication*if guarding errorIf a node life time > 0 is set (objects 0x100C and 0x100D), a life-guarding-error is set, if no more nodeguarding queries of the master arrive within the given life time (life-guarding).The response to a life-guarding-error can be set via the error mask of the <strong>FAULHABER</strong> error register(object 0x2321). By default the emergency telegram 0x8130 is sent.26

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