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ABCDCPA AustraliaEconomic Analysis of the Impacts of Using GST to Reform TaxesSeptember 2011between structures and other factors of production as transfer duties increase the relative cost ofcapital. These features make MM900 ideally equipped to model the economic cost of transfer duties.MM900 also includes the impact that transfer duties have on a household’s decision to move. Asdiscussed previously, transfer duties increase the cost of moving, causing households to move lessfrequently than would otherwise be the case. This tends to lower household living standards, as theyare less able to move to respond to changes in their needs.MM900 takes this into account by capturing ‘moving costs’ (inclusive of transfer duty) as part ofinvestment in housing services. The model treats moving as an input into the production of housingservices, and transfer duties are a tax on these moving costs. Hence, transfer duties cause housingservice production to move away from using ‘moving’, and towards using other factors ofproduction, such as construction services (to construct physical dwellings) and land.The lower frequency of moving leads to an inefficient allocation of the housing stock betweendifferent households. For example, it may be preferable for a retired couple to move out of a largehouse, and for a growing family to move in to this same house. However, transfer duties mayprevent this transaction from occurring and the retired couple may remain in the large house and thegrowing family may instead extend their existing dwelling. This situation leads to an inefficientlylarge stock of housing, hence has an associated economic cost. These costs are accounted for in theexcess burden of residential transfer duties estimated by MM900.ResultsThe modelling results indicate that transfer duties in general have a very high excess burden.As discussed above, the economic cost is due to higher costs and lower frequency of propertytransactions. Higher costs of commercial property result in a lower level of activity in the propertymarket, leading to an economic cost.Furthermore, commercial transfer duties imposed on businesses have a very high excess burden,because structures are a smaller proportion of the inputs into the production of goods and services bybusinesses. This means that there are greater opportunities to substitute away from using structuresand towards other inputs, such as labour and other capital. MM900 is able to capture this costbecause of its detailed modelling of the production technologies in each industry, which includes achoice between up to six factors of production.These considerations mean that commercial transfer duties have an estimated AEB of 70 cents perdollar revenue and an MEB of 74 cents per dollar revenue.© 2011 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independentmember firms affiliated with KPMG International, a Swiss cooperative. All rights reserved.The KPMG logo and name are trademarks of KPMG.Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.33

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