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Front Cover:Front Cover - Grandflame Ltd

Front Cover:Front Cover - Grandflame Ltd


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PITCH MANAGEMENTFLEET CONTINUESITS INVESTMENThe further development ofproducts to meet today’s difficultT market conditions, offering thecustomer value for money, excellentcustomer service and the very latest in linemarking technology is the company’sethos.Developments such as Synthetic TurfCoating, Blinder, Permanent Marking Fluidand Reddispray Plus give excellent, affordablesolutions.Synthetic Turf Coating (STC) has provento be a great success, useable on sand filled,sand dressed, rubber crumb and water basedsynthetic surfaces. STC means it is no longernecessary to use a 2 pack paint system every12 months, or aerosols which on average lastonly a few weeks. A maximum of 2 litres ofSTC (costing about £20) is used to mark atennis court. If applied in the rightconditions and through a Kombi orBeamRider, STC will last in excess of 6months. Some customers are claiming inexcess of 12 months.Another advantage of STC is that it mayhelp extend the lifetime of the syntheticsurface if all lines are marked rather than“cut in”. By doing this, there are fewer joinsin the surface therefore reducing the risk ofthe surface shifting. More and moreWith over 50 years at the forefront of line marking machine andpaint manufacturing, Fleet are still developing and investing heavilyto remain the Worlds’ number 1 in their line (excuse the pun!).synthetic surface manufacturers seem keento move away from “cut in” or “glued in”lines. A painted line not only looks morenatural, but allows for a greater flexibility,Rugby School Crest and BeamRider Lines.the playing area can be marked for anysport easily.Blinder is another product that is extremelycost effective. With customers reportingdilutions as high as 20:1 this must be THEmost economical way to overmark.2008 saw the introduction of another paint- Reddispray Plus. Consistent quality andreliability makes this an affordable alternativeto concentrated paints. When applied throughthe Kombi or the BeamRider as little as 4litres per pitch marking is realisticallyachievable.The BeamRider SX was launched in January2007. The BeamRider was another Fleet 1st, theonly laser guided, automated line markingsystem in the World. The CT version wasadded to the BeamRider family in 2008 and2009 sees the RX model capable of marking aperfectly straight line at speeds in excess of 18miles per hour.For 2009 affordable, effortless,environmentally friendly ride on line markingis here! It takes the form of yet anotherinnovation from Fleet (Line Markers) <strong>Ltd</strong>. -the all new e-ROK.The e-ROK is an intermediate ride onmachine and is very well suited to budgets30 | FOOTBALL & SPORTS ARENA | November/December 2009

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