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Front Cover:Front Cover - Grandflame Ltd

Front Cover:Front Cover - Grandflame Ltd


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PITCH MANAGEMENT - ADVERTORIALSWEEPFAST LTDSTRENGTHENS SURFACE MAINTENANCE RANGEThese machines are the Hörger KBR,which is a purpose built athleticstrack cleaner that cleans with highpressure water whilst simultaneouslycollecting the dirty waste water, and theHörger SKR for wet cleaning of non-filledartificial turf surfaces.The Hörger KBR has proven verysuccessful on running tracks, particularly atfootball stadiums, as surface waste water iskept to a minimum due to the unique cleaningaction of the KBR. This eliminates any risk ofsurface water run-off or any waste waterreaching the playing surface of the footballpitch. The additional benefit of this process isthat the track surface can dry and be in usemore quickly than conventional cleaningtechniques.Loughborough University’s HeadGroundsman Mark Freeman is impressed withthe Sweepfast range, stating,"For many years there has been very littleThe artificial turf and hard surface maintenance andrestoration specialists, Sweepfast <strong>Ltd</strong>, introduced twonew machines earlier this year to complement theirextensive range of dedicated maintenance equipment.quality machinery on the market formaintenance of artificial surfaces. I haverecently looked at several of Sweepfast'sHörger machines for artificial 3G long pilecarpets, water based surfaces and polymerictracks and been very impressed with both thequality of the build and the quality of thefinished surface. The machine that Sweepfastdemonstrated on our water base surface willmake a huge difference to the control of algae,the major problem with this sort of surface,and surface contaminants and hopefullyextend the life of the carpet. The fact that thevery same machine can change heads forcleaning athletics tracks is an added bonus.Considering that we have only just re-texturedour track, the amount of dirt it lifted from thesurface was eye opening."With the addition of the two new machines,Sweepfast <strong>Ltd</strong> now has a full range ofmachinery specific to the different needs of thesurfaces encountered, from water basedhockey pitches through to third generationrubber crumb pitches.Sweepfast <strong>Ltd</strong> is also offering a costeffective testing service for goal posts onartificial sports surfaces. The new service is aresponse to the effects of unsafe goal posts,which were highlighted in a presentationgiven by Harrod UK’s Les Saunders during aone day conference hosted by McNab Sport inKinross, Scotland.The Sweepfast goal post testing serviceconducts stability and crossbar strength teststhat conform to BS EN 748 and BS 8462, and isaimed at all goal types on artificial surfaceswhere the anchorage of traditional testequipment is not possible due to the damagethey would cause to the playing surface.FSAFor more information about the Sweepfast goalpost testing service, or their other services, contactSweepfast by telephone on 01675 470770, or viae-mail info@sweepfast.com www.sweepfast.comHörger KBR althetics track cleaner.Clean strip after one pass with Hörger KBR at Loughborough university.Hörger KBR at Loughborough university.Hörger SKR at Loughborough university.November/December 2009 | FOOTBALL & SPORTS ARENA | 35

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