Final Program - Omtec

Final Program - Omtec

Final Program - Omtec

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<strong>Final</strong> <strong>Program</strong>Addresses, Educational Sessions/Workshopstechnology adoption in orthopaedics; the nuts and boltsof technology assessment, comparative effectiveness andeconomic analysis; how comparative effectiveness analysesare influencing coverage decisions in the U.S. and abroad; thehealthcare policy landscape in the U.S. and those changes thatare anticipated in the next five years.I will address these specific points:• y How new products were approved and adopted inthe past, and how this process has changed over thepast five years• y Terminology and definitions for technologyassessment and economic analysis• y A worldview of how comparative effectiveness isinfluencing decisionmaking• y Understanding the impact of the health policylandscape in the U.S. on decisions regarding newproducts• y How best to prepare for the coming comparativeeffectiveness studies in orthopaedicsAttendees will receive these tools to put to immediate use:• y How to interpret a technology assessment/comparative effectiveness review• y How to position a product in anticipation of acomparative review• y How to know what outcomes will be important forfuture coverage and reimbursement decisionsBIO: Isabella Sledge, M.D., MPH is Founder and ChiefExecutive Officer of Strata LLC and former Medical Directorat United BioSource Corporation (UBC). Dr. Sledge is a boardcertified internist who has dedicated much of her careerto various evidence-based medical initiatives designed forphysician and patient consumption. Dr. Sledge has publishednumerous systematic reviews, meta-analyses and technologyassessments for pharmaceutical, medical device, non-profitand government clients. She is the senior author of two recentmeta-analyses in atrial fibrillation published in 2009. She haspublished and presented on many evidence-based topics, witha particular emphasis on the application of evidence to thedevelopment of medical devices and emerging technologiesand the translation of outcomes research into healthcare policy.Dr. Sledge is a founder of Strata, a medical informatics companythat offers software solutions to collect, analyze and disseminateevidence about established and emerging technologies. Stratahas over 12 years of experience with patient data registries anddecision support tools. Strata has now launched HealthLink,a web networking portal for patients that both providesevidence-based information and collects health outcome data.Dr. Sledge received her medical degree from University ofMaryland School of Medicine and holds a Masters in PublicHealth degree from the Harvard School of Public Health.Breakfast Keynote: Vested Outsourcing: Five RulesThat Will Transform Your Supplier RelationshipsKate VitasekUniversity of TennesseeThursday, June 178:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.Many outsourcing deals are structured with fundamentalflaws in the business model that prevent transformationalresults through outsourcing. The University of Tennesseehas been researching leading companies that are challengingconventional outsourcing and has identified a next generationapproach in the book, Vested Outsourcing: Five Rules that WillTransform Outsourcing.Kate will share her research and insights, including:• y What Vested Outsourcing is, and why the approachworks• y Ten “perverse incentives” you might have if you areusing conventional outsourcing arrangements• y Five Rules that will transform how you outsourceAttendees will receive these tools to put to immediate use:• y A w eblink to a free eBook to learn more• y A weblink to an “assessment framework” forgauging the health of your outsourcing agreement• y A weblink to download the implementation modeland other tools to implement Vested OutsourcingWorkshop: Vested OutsourcingThursday, June 179:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.The keynote provided a high level overview of VestedOutsourcing and a look at how applying the concepts willtransform outsourcing and your existing supplier relationships.This session will provide an interactive workshop setting todig in and see how the Vested Outsourcing methodology canhelp your company.We will address these specific points:• y What game theory is and how it can be used toimprove how companies approach outsourcing• y A overview of each of the ten ailments ofconventional outsourcing• y An overview of the five steps of implementingVested OutsourcingAttendees will receive these tools to put to immediate use:• y An interactive session to help them better understandgame theory• y An interactive session in which they “grade” theiroutsourcing efforts against the ten ailmentsPage 262010

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